Friday, July 15, 2011

Melon Berry Soup with Triple Ginger Cookies for French Fridays with Dorie

 Melon Berry Soup with Triple Ginger Cookies

Good morning French Friday!  I missed you last week but am happy to be back and in better form than last week.  Dorie's cold melon soup could not have come  at a better time for me as I have been recuperating from a major dental surgery which required eating only foods that are nourishing with little chewing.
I actually made a double batch of soup just for myself and gave away all the triple ginger cookies, sigh.
I made a dessert soup which is a Scandinavian tradition that is served both warm and cold.  I found an inspirational recipe in my copy of Wonderful, Wonderful Danish Cooking for cold cherry soup that calls for a pint of sherry wine to be added just before serving.  Now that is my kind of soup!  Dorie's melon berry soup also calls for adding a sweet dessert style wine- just a spoonful to each bowl of soup before serving, a tad more conservative but I'm sure good all the same.  This week, because of my surgery, wine tastes horrible to me but this melon berry soup tasted spicy and refreshing, next time I will add a splash of sweet wine to mine before enjoying.  As those of you know who have been following our group of devoted Doristas know it has been requested that we don't share Dorie's exact recipe from her collection in her award winning cookbook, Around My French Table.  
I will share a few notes on making this homemade fruit soup.  Always start with a ripe cantaloupe and even then you may want to add a sprinkle or two of sugar to sweeten up your fruit broth, depending on your sweet tooth.  I doubled the recipe and am planning on eating the entire amount myself, have to have something to look forward to... but I think it would make 6-8 small servings.  I used one ripe cantaloupe, juice from a lime, a pinch of sea salt and a few teaspoons of grated fresh ginger placed in the blender to create the fruit soup.  I used a second cantaloupe for my melon balls which were chilled and placed in a small bowl before pouring in the chilled pureed fruit mixture.  I used a sliced strawberry and a sprig of mint to decorate my fruit soup but I think raspberries or blueberries would work equally well and look lovely with the cantaloupe broth.  Please check out the other contributors to French Fridays with Dorie here.  I am going to share the recipe for the Triple Ginger Cookies because they are a ginger lover's delight and go great with the melon berry soup.

 Triple Ginger Cookies

Ingredients and Directions for Triple Ginger Cookies
from The Fearless Baker by Emily Luchetti
makes about 48 cookies

1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger from a 2" piece of peeled fresh ginger
14 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1&1/4 cups granulated sugar
1 large egg
1/4 cup mild flavor molasses
2&1/4 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup finely chopped candied ginger
4 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Preheat the oven to 350F and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or silpats.
In a medium bowl whisk together the flour, ginger, baking soda and salt.  Stir in the candied ginger and set aside.
In a stand mixer beat the butter and sugar on medium speed until creamy, scrape the bowl down and beat in the egg.  Beat in the molasses and grated fresh ginger.  Add the flour mixture and mix until everything is combined, being careful not too over mix the dough.
Place a rounded tablespoon of cookie dough, spaced a few inches apart on the cookie sheets.  I used a mini ice cream scoop, it makes the job go much quicker.  They do spread so make sure you leave some room between the dough balls on the cookie sheets.  You may want to rotate the cookie sheets half way through the baking to make the cookies bake evenly.  
Bake for about 14 minutes until browned.  Wait until they cool for a few minutes on the cookie sheets and then transfer to a wire rack to continue cooling.


  1. Patty - Happy Friday!! I absolutely LOVE ginger cookies and a triple ginger, now that is a great cookie. This looks so refreshing and perfect for summer. Have a great weekend!!

  2. Your ginger cookies look like the perfect pairing for this soup!

  3. Patty, this is beautiful! I am taking a break from cleaning my yard in the sun, and this soup looks triple refreshing to me right now. And I love ginger cookies, so these would definitely be the perfect cookie to go with it.

  4. Such pretty pictures!
    Hope you are feeling better.

  5. Patty - Ouch, dental surgery does not sound pleasant ;-( Hope you're feeling better! Beautiful post and photos. The Cherry Soup and the Ginger Cookies are going on my short list.

  6. Wow, Patty - I hope you're feeling better! This soup is beautiful, but I don't care for cantaloupe, so I skipped this week. I've received so many nice comments on your chocolate raspberry tartlets! I'm also looking into an on-line photography class - your photos are always great! Feel better!

  7. I enjoyed this soup too. Yours looks beautiful, and those cookies look like the perfect accompaniment (too bad you couldn't eat them).

  8. I love your photos - especially the one of the cookies tower. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  9. Well Patty this looks so lovely I'm not sure I should have turned my nose up at it. Not really my cup of tea so I made ice cream in stead. Very pretty pictures as usual!

  10. Your photos are inspiring. I can't wait to try the cookies.

  11. Hope you are feeling better and will soon be able to enjoy eating
    again. Hubby and I were not fond of the melon-berry soup but I like
    the sounds of that cherry soup laced with sherry. What's not to like.
    Tricia had a very busy week so I did the honors of making the recipe
    for our blog, Your pictures look so inviting and those cookies look

  12. Patty, Hope you're felling better! Your soup sounds like a great choice for your recuperation! Lovely presentation! Feel better and have a nice week-end!

  13. I hear those dental stories regularly as Son-In-Law #1 is a dentist...and no matter what they are always horrible! Hope you are doing OK. Your photos are beautiful and your cookies make my mouth water...thanks for the inspiration...I'll be baking later tonight!

  14. What great timing of the recipe and your surgery. I feel you, when I had my wisdom teeth removed last year I had to go on a similar diet. I survived on applesauce and babaganoush for two days. Your soup looks perfect and oh so pretty. I actually liked the savory flavor from the salt/ginger. It was unexpected, and I love it when French Fridays surprise me like that. Feel better soon!

  15. Hi Patty-so glad to see you back with Dorie's project, and what a lovely light summer soup. If can reach through the screen and grab the pretty bowl of this yummy soup, I would grab it for myself. The fresh strawberry and the perfect mint leaves make it look even more divine.
    As for the ginger cookies, oh, love, the recipe and the perfect cookies.

    I hope you are feeling much better. Dental surgery is no fun, and quite expensive.
    Take care...have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Your soup looks great but I love your triple ginger cookies!

  17. Triple Ginger! So pretty and so is your soup. I wish you a speedy recovery, Patty. Take care of yourself and have a lovely weekend.

  18. I hope you recuperate quickly! At least you have some beautiful cool soup to eat. :) I have a perfectly ripe Ambrosia melon that I need to cut very soon. And cherries- wonder how that would be? Couldn't be bad, I'm sure! :)

  19. Your soup looks great, Patty, but I'm even more in love with your ginger cookies! Your last shot of them is lovely. I'll have to try them, soon.

    I hope you recover quickly and can soon enjoy some cookies yourself.

  20. Sorry about the surgery...I know it must hurt...but if you wanted to get rid of those cookies, all you had to do was send them my way. I must say that the soup looks really refreshing especially after the weather we have been having in New York. Get better soon!

  21. Cold soup sounds perfect for post-dental surgery! My husband also had dental surgery last week and I made him a batch of vichyssoise. Your soup looks gorgeous. I'm loving everyone's variety of serving glasses! And those cookies are right up my alley. I hope to try them myself soon. Love the pile of cookies tied up with raffia. You have a such a great design eye. Have a great weekend!

  22. Oh dear Lord, DENTAL SURGERY?~ I DO hope you are feeling better, Patty dear! The melon soup with the ginger cookie pairing sounds absolutely perfect! And of course, the photos and plating (that plate is gorgeous!) are superb, you have a wonderful eye. Thanks for posting the triple ginger cookies, La Diva LOVES ginger! Feel better, mama! xo

  23. Cold soups are perfect after a dental surgery. Your cookies looks fabulous and I love ginger in anything. Yum!

  24. What a wonderful summer starter. It has wonderful color and the flavor must be magnificent. I hope you have a great day. You did a fabulous job with the challenge. Blessings...Mary

  25. Glad you've recovered from dental surgery! Thanks for the cookie recipe. I'm ginger obsessed! It was great to read your post as you're one of the few who loved this recipe.

  26. Ouch! Dental surgery is never fun, but glad to have you on the mend and back to French Friday's with this beautiful and refreshing cantaloupe and berry soup. Hope wine starts tasting good soon :)

  27. I hope you're well on your way to a full recovery, Patty...ouch! Your photos are always top I must repeat myself again...lovely photos of your dishes. I'm a huge fan of ginger cookies...and I've made a similar cookie before. I'm going to have to put this on my baking list for the fall..yum!

  28. Hi Patty,
    Hope you have a relaxing weekend. This soup does sound good. I must say my favorite thing is that adorable plate. I really want some cookies now, 10's not too late to throw a batch in the oven. I hope you are not in too much pain. Hope you get well soon.

  29. The soup looks terrific, but it's the cookies that really draw me in! Those look amazing.

  30. Delicious fruity soup, but those cookies have stole the show ;-))

  31. I hope you are recuperating nicely from the dental surgery. The soup looks so refreshing and pretty. As do the ginger cookies. I love the photo of the stacked cookies, actually all of the are great :)

  32. Oh, you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon. Well at least it's a good time of year to only eat soup! Honestly though as beautiful as your photo is I think I like the sound of that cherry soup ... please make that next!

  33. The soup looks really good. The cookies are looking heavenly! Following you now...

  34. I love the thought of pairing ginger with something as light and refreshing as this melon soup. Thank you for sharing another beautiful recipe. I hope you had a lovely weekend, and I hope you have an even lovelier week. Many blessings and much love...

  35. Oh Patty, YUM. Those ginger cookies look unreal. Gotta try!

  36. What a beautiful treat this is! In the sweltering heat of summer, this berry soup looks like the perfect thing to cool off with...and I love the sound of those cookies too!

  37. Hi patty,

    Hope you are recovering well from your dental surgery, my dear. Smart decision to double up this recipe and make an extra batch all together at once. I love the colour and presentation in this soup. Oooh, the touch with the sweet dessert wine was the perfect finishing touch to this soup. This looks and sounds refreshing. The Ginger cookies look yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Take good care of yourself!
