Friday, September 2, 2011

Corn Soup with Tomato and Sugar Snap Pea Salad for French Fridays

Could there ever be too much ripe sweet corn?  Sometimes at the end of Summer if feels that way when the corn is piled high in the market or overflowing in a large bin at a farm stand.  There are a lot of things out there to make with fresh corn but one of my favorites is a pureed corn soup garnished with a tomato salad. Snip a few herbs from the garden to season your soup and gather up the last few stragglers from your tomato plants to add to the salad.  Sugar snap peas add some crunch and along with jalapeno peppers, cherry tomatoes, raw corn kernels, minced scallions and fresh herbs your simple fresh corn soup becomes quite a satisfying meal all by itself.  This week's choice for French Fridays with Dorie suits me just fine but I did make quite a few changes to the recipe.  The biggest one was no milk in the soup, I'm not a lover of milk so I used chicken stock.  I also left out the celery due to non-celery eating members of my family.  The fresh salad served as a garnish on top of the soup is a perfect place to get creative and would be fun to switch up next time.  I put my soup through the blender but didn't strain it as I like the texture of the corn but for a fancy dinner party a silkier texture would be lovely especially served in little cups.  I hope everybody has a relaxing weekend filled with family, friends and happy cooking.

Please check out the other links to corn soup from the online cooking group, French Fridays with Dorie here and consider participating as we cook our way through Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan.  I also submitted my adaption of Dorie's recipe to Honest Cooking, an online cooking magazine that features recipes and stories about honest food from all over the globe.


  1. Patty...your corn soup makes me drool. This is so vegetarian ...with pea snap and tomato added to it..YUMMY !

  2. I was thinking next time I would try the stock as well, I thought it would add a nice hit of flavour!
    Your photos are so pretty and the garnish looks great!

  3. Your corn soup looks and sounds simply divine. Nothing better than a seasonal soup. The addition of tomatoes and peppers is brillant. I hope you have a great long weekend ahead. :)

  4. I thought this soup would be make a wonderful first course and I love your idea of serving it in little cups. Perfect!
    The "salad" on top of your soup looks beautiful.

  5. How pretty! Great use of the garden "stragglers"

  6. Your soup looks so thick and lovely!

  7. Your soup looks SO much thicker than mine. Just looking at it, I know I like yours better. :-)

  8. What a perfect pairing, your tomato salad looks very tasty and I bet it goes great with this soup!

  9. Hi, Patty - this looks great! I'm a little behind for a good reason - I got an offer on my house & have had meetings with my realtor.

    Anyway, I've tagged you for "My Seven Links", a food blogger game that's going around. It's a bit time-consuming, but I hope you'll play along. Scroll to the bottom of my post to see how:

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Beautifully styled soup as your garnishing, Patty~

  11. As I've said before, offer me any meatless dish and I'm all over it. Offer me Patty's meatless dishes and I'll lick the bowl or plate clean. Your corn soup looks beautifully presented. Great idea to add the salad as a garnish, Patty. We all know how hard it is to make pureed soups stand out, but I think you've come up with the perfect lovely idea. This looks wonderful. I'd definitely go for seconds and maybe thirds. Have a locally weekend, my dear!

  12. Thanks everybody for all the lovely comments, I wish we could all get together for a Dorie potluck- just think how good the company and food would be!

  13. Patty, This soup looks gorgeous! Love the way you garnished it. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

  14. now I know I would love your end of summer salad, but I would fight anyone over the last bowl of this corn soup, and almost hold you to keeping in the celery, but then I love the mellow flavor a little bit adds....this is a good way to use summer's end corn, the time when it starts to turn starchy and perfect for pans and pots...
    good gaming too, appreciate the button add, why that scored points and go hogs!!! (now that just don't sound right)

  15. Those tomatoes are making me drool. What a great addition.

  16. I just love the colorful salad you used to garnish the soup. I'm glad to know this works with chicken stock instead of milk. I'm not a big milk fan either, and it was very unusual that I had some in the house for this soup. Have a great weekend.

  17. Patty - you should get an award for best "garnish." Brilliant idea.

  18. Patty-Your corn soup is so inviting and yummy! Love the colorful garnishes you added. The presentation is elegant, yet casual!

    I have a couple awards for you to claim. Pick both or one if you like and pass it on!
    Congratulations...well deserved!

  19. Your garnish salad looks so pretty and it does make it a meal, Patty. This was such a nice change for us as we have been eating cooked and grilled corn for the last couple of months. I love it on the cob, but this was so tasty I also liked how the soup had little chunks of everything even after being blended.

  20. Very nice salad garnish and I love the no milk idea...a much lighter soup. I added chicken stock instead of water but to leave out the milk and just go with the stock is a really great idea. Next time.

  21. Patty, what a beautiful soup! I can't believe there's no milk in here, it just looks so creamy. The idea of serving this soup in little cups is brilliant too, I love it!

  22. Ohmygoodness, it's 5:45 a.m. and this post is making me SO HUNGRY! I love the tomato salad atop the soup idea. Mmmmmm! Where DID the summer go, anyway? I blinked and missed it. ;) Happy, happy weekend, Patty!

  23. The corn soup makes me DROOL. So creamy and comforting.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Hi Patty, As I read your words about how you liked corn soup my mouth began watering. I love your photos and that you left it chunky. Chunky soups are the way I like to go.

    Thank you for leaving sweets words of condolences. Hope you have a beautiful weekend.

  25. The salad on top looks so pretty and fresh. In my head I tried to make the soup as close to the corn chowders I like within Dorie's' recipe, but a version with vegetable or chicken stock would be fantastic. Keep enjoying the long weekend!

  26. I still haven't check out her book (too. many. cookbooks!) but I will. Corn soups is delicious and I love your accoutrements. Nice.

  27. Delicious corn soup, I like the salad garnish, very pretty!

  28. This corn soup looks gorgeous. I'd love to try it!

  29. What a lovely soup Patty and I love the way you garnished it...just gorgeous!
    Hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day :)

  30. Your corn soup and the salad is the perfect finishing touch. I like it.

  31. After having brought home three bags of fresh corn...I still have not managed to store some for the winter could I...too busy enjoying the goodies on the cob.
    The soup looks and sounds very enjoyable. I could only wonder if almond milk would be a reasonable substitute for cow's milk? The chicken stock sounds very tasty too ;o)

    Thanks for sharing your experience Patty.

    Flavourful wishes,

  32. Your version turned out beautifully. I especially love how the garnish looks. I saw your comment above about wishing for a Dorista picnic - that would be a great time!

  33. What a presentation Patty. Delicioso!
