Tuesday, September 27, 2011

End Of Summer Roasted Tomatillo Salsa Verde with Grilled Skirt Steak

My end of Summer veggie garden round up includes using up all the baby tomatillos left on the vine, similar to using up the hard green tomatoes that are left on tomato plants at the end of their season.  Only instead of making fried green tomatoes I made roasted tomatillo salsa verde for the grilled skirt steak we enjoyed for dinner one night last week.  In California we can buy tomatillos in the grocery store year round but growing your own is very rewarding as one plant can produce close to a hundred tomatillos.  We didn't have a very warm Summer this year so I had dozens of baby tomatillos left on my plant but this recipe could be made with bigger tomatillos just cut the amount called for in half.  This is not a very scientific recipe as you can tell.  I put almost all the ingredients for this salsa on a sheet pan and run it under the broiler until everything is browned.  Then I take the entire pan and dump it in the blender.  I like mine blended smooth but you can leave it more on the chunky side if you prefer. This salsa is good over steak, chicken, fish or served with tortilla chips before dinner.

Ingredients and Directions for Roasted Tomatillo Salsa Verde
Makes 3 cups

4 Dozen small tomatillos(2&1/2 pounds) remove the paper skin covering
1/2 White onion, chopped in large pieces, optional- because I forgot to put in(whoops!)
1 Jalapeno pepper, cut in half
2 Garlic cloves
1/4 Cup fresh Mexican lime juice
1/4 Cup Mexican oregano
Sea salt to taste

Preheat the oven broiler.  Place the tomatillos, onions(if used), jalapeno and garlic on a baking sheet.  Run the tomatillo mixture under the broiler until everything is nicely browned, you may have to move the pan around or give everything a few good stirs so it browns evenly.  Dump the entire pan in a blender, add the lime juice, sea salt and oregano.  If you like save a sprig of oregano to decorate the top of the bowl of tomatillo sauce.

For the Skirt Steak
serves 4 people

4 Lbs skirt steak
1 Closely guarded secret marinade like mine which includes Thai fish sauce, Tamari sauce, ground ginger, ground mustard, Penzeys BBQ 3000 or something similar and a few hours in the fridge.

My husband is the grill master and he says cook skirt steak on a high heat and flip it regularly. Personally I like it pink in the middle!  He brings it in the kitchen where it rests for 5 minutes and then we usually slice it to serve.  Honestly I leave the outside cooking to him and he always does a great job.  I usually serve steak with a small salad and in this case with the freshly made tomatillo sauce, yum!


  1. That looks like a perfect (end of) summer meal! I haven't tried growing tomatoes myself, yet, but have had the benefit of my mother's tomato-growing skills. Maybe I'll plant some tomatillos next year - I love salsa verde.

  2. I love tomatillos--sorry I missed dinner! ;) That's a beautiful ladle, too.

  3. What a beautiful meal! I don't think I realized that you live in CA! We have had a very cool summer & everything is off a bit. I have watermelons and eggplant that have just taken off after being in the garden all summer.

    I've never tried growing Tomatillos, but I think I will next year - what a great idea!

  4. Patty, your dinners always make me so jealous! Your salsa sounds lovely, especially over a nicely grilled skirt steak. I like my steak pink in the middle as well. Great teamwork with your husband on this one. Thanks for the tip on grilling the skirt steak. I'll relay that to my hubby and cross my fingers that mine turns out as nicely as yours ;). Hope you're having a great week!

  5. Patty, I had to pick my jaw off the keyboard when I first saw your post, because this was exactly what we ate for dinner on Sunday night. I love tomatillo salsa and it went perfectly with our steak. But I must ask - did you grow that gorgeous head of garlic too? I love the color!

  6. The tomatillo salsa looks droolwrothy! Love love the 2nd click...

  7. I could go for another cookout before the weather completely turns. I love tomatillos, I've never grown my own. I agree the weather mess up a lot of the plants. I'm up for lunch, let me know your schedule. We are on conference schedule all week, then school is out for two weeks. Yeah for me.

  8. I was all excited about this post as I adore tomatillo salsa verdes and guacamoles and would love it over a skirt steak but grr... a secret? C'mon! I won't tell anyone! I'm intrigued by your ingredient list! BTW, I so consistently enjoy your photos. Would you teach me how you do that?

  9. I love your salsa and hopefully the stores will still have some tomatillos left so I can make this to go with my steak fajitas.

  10. Simple recipes as well as inspiring photos...especially the one with the garlic...will be attractive any time. Roasting vegetables is done in my kitchen all the time...always special in flavour. I never did try to roast the green tomato variety...hmmm new thinking...thanks Patty ;o)

    Don't feel too bad about your meagre crop...my MIL was so disappointed in her tomatoes this year...really not bountiful.

    Have a wonderful day Patty ;)

    Ciao for now,

  11. I have never eaten a tomatillo. Your dish makes me want to try them. What a fabulous looking dinner! This year my garden did not do so well...for the last month we have had so much rain..my raspberries are rotting on the bushes! Here's to next year!

  12. This looks so good! This is one of our favorite meals. As much tomatillos we eat I need to start growing them. What a perfect end of summer meal.

  13. I've got a colander full of tomatillos in my sink that I just brought in--think it's the last round. :)

  14. Oh Patty, what a great meal...I love meat and paired with this salsa is just to die for.
    Hope you are having a fantastic week :-)

  15. I had to google what a tomatillo was ... yet again another experience to widen my vocabulary and palate! Do you have gooseberrys as well? I think this is related to the gooseberry. Either way this looks delicious, very fresh and tasty!

  16. Patty-I don't care what people say ( I try not to eat too much red meat)...but I cannot resist an amazing skirt steak that is also my son's favorite which he makes at least once a week on the grill.
    I love the tomatillo salsa verde recipe, which is a lot more milder than the ground up jalapeno I have on hand, in olive oil.
    Gorgeous photos, and love...love, the roasted tomatillos, for the salsa verde!

  17. Well, you know this kind of dish goes directly to my heart!! My husband was also the grill master, back home in Argentina..Oh, how do I miss that!

  18. I fell in love with this exquisite reecta, looks beautiful and inviting, keep your blog is beautiful, big hugs.

  19. Now I want a tomatillo plant! They're tough to find here, but they do show up sometimes. I'll keep my eyes open so I can try this!

  20. What a beautiful dish - and doubly satisfying because you grew the tomatilloes.

  21. I love skirt steak and this salsa sounds incredible on everything! Lucky you that you grow tomatillos.

  22. OK. I take it back. You're not only baking anything appetizing but also cooking anything appetizing! I only got to eat 3 of my home-grown tomatoes and the rest is still hanging there. Dang. I like your secret marinade especially when you have fish sauce in it :D

  23. Great end of the summer post and this is my kind of recipe! We've never grown tomatillos and I don't know what I'd do with that many of them - holiday gifts of salsa verde perhaps ;) Looks terrific, Patty!

  24. this looks delicious and I don't even eat meat! My family would love this. Tomatillos sauces are a favorite and work well on fish too.

  25. Gorgeous dish! My guys would love steak prepared this way and the salsa looks fantastic :)
