Friday, January 13, 2012

M. Jacques' Armagnac Chicken for French Fridays with Dorie

Considering what a gorgeous day we had today, in the high 60s, it sure feels cold tonight.  The next chance of rain we have is for the middle of next week, this warm dry unseasonable weather is weird but we could have solid rain next month so you just never know, best to enjoy this weather while we have it.  Cold nights are perfect for comfort food especially French inspired comfort food like this Armagnac chicken recipe from Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan.  This chicken dish is a simple one pot recipe complete with vegetables and a sauce.  Once you've placed all the ingredients in a heavy pot and placed it in a hot oven the whole thing cooks itself leaving you free to relax, read, take a walk or work on your to-do lists for the new year.  Now that's my kind of low key chicken recipe for a cold Winter's night.  I doubled up on the carrots and added garlic to the dish but other than those small changes I followed the recipe as written.  I give it high marks in the everyday easy delicious French chicken recipe category and will be making it again soon.  Please check out the other contributors to French Fridays with Dorie, an online cooking group working their way through the recipes in Around My French Table.
 What piece of the chicken is your favorite?  Can you guess which one is mine?  The potatoes, carrots and sauce was pretty good too.  Next week's recipe is for a French cake, Quatre-Quarts and I'm looking forward to dressing it up berries and whipped cream, so much for my new year's resolution.  I know- I'll use fresh berries and low fat yogurt to dress it up, see it's not that hard to be good.


  1. Lovely chicken (and that flatware is adorable). I like leg & thigh meat as well - it just seems to have more flavor.
    We had snow yesterday, it's supposed to rain & snow today and then sub-zero over the weekend. 60 sounds great right now. (Although, I can't complain - our winter has been unusually warm up until this point).

  2. As the official taste tester for Chef Patty I will attest that this meal ranks at the top of the many outstanding comfort foods we have shared. The chicken was tender and melted in your mouth with the complement of the delicious carrots and potatoes. Who has it better than me?

  3. Although I always prefer a crispy skin I must admit that your photos make this dish look incredibly appealing, much more so than when I read the recipe. Maybe I will make this after all!!

  4. My husband normally goes for the thighs, but he declared the drumsticks the most delicious and wants me to make this again with only drumsticks. I had some breast and thigh and I also liked it most with the dark meat, although the breast was pretty darn tasty. Beautiful shots, Patty, and I like your polka dot silverware.

  5. Patty, Your photos are beautiful! The white plate certainly makes the dinner stand out! Everything looks so delicious!! Happy Friday!!

  6. Patty...your chicken looks delicious and lovely browned ! Nice shots of the dish :) I added prunes to the dish and it was one superdelicous flavor combined with the brandy. Lovely dish !

  7. Gorgeous, Patty! We loved this one, too - it would be great ot make for company because you can have everything cleaned up and just pull this lovely dish out of the oven. Voila!

  8. I'm with you on the favorite part of the chicken. Very nice post...seeing your photos makes me want to do this one again so that I can be quicker at getting the piece of chicken I like best.

  9. I love the thigh and leg. What a great idea to add a little garlic to this recipe. I'll put that on a post-it note next to the recipe.

  10. Love that you added garlic! We may have to throw in a bulb ourselves next time.

  11. I had to look at the recipe twice to make sure it didn't have garlic in it. I decided to try it without for the first time, and it was fine. But it might be even finer with it.

  12. Beautiful plate of food, Patty!

  13. Your photo is beautiful! I never even thought about adding garlic, but I'm going to try it next time. This one is definitely a keeper!

  14. Beautiful photos! I want to lick the computer screen. I'll refrain. We loved this one, too! It's so easy, but it feels like a treat.

  15. Your photos always make me smile and feel like I am part of the meal. I made a note to add more carrots next time - needed a few more. I agree this was the best lazy meal I've made - easier than take out or ordering delivery! Hope you are enjoying your warm weather - look forward to your post next week on the cake!

  16. That is certainly a beautiful presentation with the wine glass and bottle.
    So inviting. Your chicken looks so nice and moist and that is what I
    loved about the dish. Great job.

  17. Looks like a fabulous dinner, Patty! I'm feeling a bit like I've traveled to France! Beautiful photos!

  18. Oooooh, a woman after my own heart with that glass of wine. Love it! I agree, this wins on the effort vs taste factor - roasts are great for that.

  19. OMG is it Friday already. I'm telling you I just can't get my act together to join in on the recipes. Last week I said I needed to look what was on the agenda for the month and then got side tracked - the story of my life.

    Well this looks delicious, something my husband would definitely love.

    I'll check it out in her book. Thanks Patty!

  20. Normally I like dark meat because it is juicier, but with this chicken the white meat was equally wonderful. Yours looks delicious.

  21. Dark meat rules! I miss seeing your beautiful photos of our FFwD dishes. So glad we both cooked the dishes this week!

  22. I'm a dark meat girl, thighs over drumsticks. I agree this was low-key to pull together. I read a book while it roasted. I like your addition of garlic. Peeled or unpeeled? And the handles on your flatware is adorable.

  23. Fantastic pictures! What lens and lighting did you use? We loved this chicken!

  24. The chicken looks really tender and juicy. I love those roasted vegetables too.

  25. Your chicken and vegetables look so delicious! Love the idea of adding some garlic. For some crazy reason, I usually end up following the recipe, and then see what everyone else has done and have dish-envy! (oh, and I'm with you - dark meat every time!)

  26. I will have to bookmark this recipe in my copy of her book. It looks so tasty and I always like a meal that cooks itself in the oven. The leg is also my favorite. I only eat dark meat.
    I like how you elevated the plate in your pictures to get a good shot including the glass and the wine bottle. I will make note of it for my pictures.
    Wishing you a great weekend.

  27. So yummy!!! Gorgeous photos, time, I'll give mine some extra broiler time :)

  28. You really nailed it with those photos - I want to dig in even without the crispy skin ! I was laughing because this recipe made me realize how "low brow" I am - loving cheap non organic chickens that are all crispy on the outside :) Now that I know what to expect I may revisit this with Costco organic birds, knowing that it was a truly moist end result. Great job !

  29. Your chicken looks succulent and delicious...beautiful pics!

  30. One pot meals are the best, especially in the colder months. This chicken dish looks fantastic Patty! I do not eat meat so do not have a favorite, but my kids are breast meat guys :)

  31. This looks like my kind of meal, simple and delicious. I'll eat any part of the chicken, but I like the potatoes and vegetables just as much!

  32. Your dish turned out lovely! Great photos!

  33. As you see from my posts, lately its been chciken and I am alos like you when it comes to my favorite pieces. This is sheer comfort.

  34. love your photos and completely jealous of your weather! :)

  35. We've been having warm weather here...I guess I need to readjust are realize that winter in Austin will always be mild! This looks just delicious, my sweet friend. I want to make this for dinner!

  36. I've finally gotten 'round to posting about this dish this week. I've made it a few times and it's now a favourite. Your photos are beautiful - they make me want to have it all over again.

    My favourite part of the chicken is the breast, but I also enjoy the thigh. I leave the leg for my partner - it's his favourite.
