Friday, January 6, 2012

My Top 10 Favorite Links for French Fridays with Dorie in 2011

The beginning of January is a time for reflection on what we've accomplished in the past year as well as a time  to be inspired as we look forward to the new year.  In that spirit and just for fun I'm sharing my favorites from French Fridays with Dorie beginning with the very first recipe I made back in March from Around My French Table, #1 Cheese and Chive Bread,  One of my resolutions from last year was to join an online cooking group and become a regular participant.  I chose to become a Dorista primarily because of my love of French cooking and the opportunity to cook/bake from Around My French Table with a group of like minded individuals.  We have been asked not to share the recipes on our blogs but many of these recipes are available from various sources, most often from Dorie Greenspan, the author of Around My French Table on her blog or elsewhere.  I do highly recommend picking up a copy of the book so you can have easy access to all the recipes and beautiful photos.  Please follow this link to French Fridays with Dorie to check out the delicious weekly offerings from the rest of the group, affectionately known as 'Doristas', a name that I believe was coined by our very own member poet, Trevor at

What I didn't realize at the time I started cooking with the group was that I was going to make wonderful connections with other French food loving people from all over the country and world!  I would like to invite the group to my home for a cup of tea and a plate of  my #2 favorite Salted Butter Break-Ups.  I bake a lot of cookies and these are favorites because of 3 main things, #1 You get to use sel gris, french sea salt, in a cookie dough containing a small brick of unsalted butter(yum!), #2 You get to pound the dough with your rolling pin, some days that can feel pretty good and #3 Accuracy doesn't count, you can break up these cookies with reckless abandon.

Number #3, I'm starting to feel like David Letterman, is Chocolate Eclairs with Thick Ganache, one of the top ten signs your waistband is getting tight!

I can't forget about the recipe for #4  Bistrot Paul Bert Pepper Steak which  includes flaming Cognac in the sauce!  I did save a few calories by serving my steak with oven roasted wedges of potatoes, lightly coated with olive oil, of course.

I made #5 Tourteau de Chevre several times last year and was asked to share the recipe-seeing it again inspires me to make another one.

#6 Spinach, Potato and Bacon Quiche makes a satisfying offering to your guests as a starter, as well as a main dish for a lunch or brunch.  How can you miss with such a versatile dish in your repertoire and that is why it earned a highly coveted space on my FFWD top 10!!

Arriving at #7 we have Melon Berry Soup with Triple Ginger Cookies which I enjoyed and enjoyed!

I put my own twist on #8 Corn Soup with Tomato and Sugar Snap Pea Salad by adding a crunchy salad as a topping on the corn soup.  I can't wait until next Summer when fresh corn is available to make this again.

I guess it was just a few weeks ago that I was baking Christmas Cookies- feels like last year.  One of my favorite new cookie recipes this year was...#9 Speculoos with Nutella Sandwich Cookies, the dough baked up like a charm and made my house smell like Christmas.

 And last but not least... #10 Bubble-Top Brioches and A Weekend In Paris.  What can I say about a weekend in Paris, it went by in a flash and the memories are like a delicious dream.  Dorie's recipe for bubble top brioches also worked like a dream and I  made these rolls several times around the holidays.

Bonne Année!  Happy New Year!  I hope you enjoyed my Top 10.


  1. Happy New Year, Patty! What a brilliant idea to do a Top 10 FFWD recipes, and I must say, everything you've done and featured here looks so professionally done and is a HUGE compliment to Dorie and her cookbook, AMFT! Your bubble-top brioches look absolutely perfect on top, I almost shed tears when I saw them :).

  2. Beautiful roundup, Patty. Everything looks book perfect, for sure!

  3. Dorie's cookbook arrived in the mail yesterday!! My husband started making a list of recipes to try, and I was to do the same today. Now you come up with list beautiful list and the photos are outstanding. Can't wait to start. Susan

  4. Your photos look stunning and thank you for taking me down memory lane! It's so easy to forget all the amazing meals we have made.

  5. What fun, we had some great recipes last year! The eclairs are still on my to do list, I'm saving them for a rainy weekend when we don't have anything else going on.

  6. What a delectable roundup! I love that pepper steak the most! Hearty and delicious.

  7. Your photos are all so gorgeous! I'd like to eat a feast of all those items right now.

  8. Todos muy hermosos me quedo con todas éstas bellezas y grandes recetas exquisitas,abrazos y abrazos hugs,hugs.

  9. This round-up is stunning! Actually, I have to be honest -- I want to try everything, lol. The salted butter break-ups are really calling to me though, so maybe I'll start with them. I'm bookmarking this post!

  10. Such an amazing roundup of your 10 Dorie favorites, Patty! I remember the cheese and chive bread, Lora made it as well. It was gone in one sitting, at the dinner table. We all loved it!

    I am now, going to go through the French Fridays book my daughter has, and bookmarking some of these delicious recipes (except for the sweets) which I cannot have on my WW diet!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Patty, I enjoyed drooling over your top 10 and your brioches look fantastic...can see the bubble top risen so prominent and standing so elegantly. Well done !

  12. It looks go great Patty. As do all your pictures with the recipes. Didn't make them all, because I joined later, but after seen this, I want to make them all at another time.

  13. Patty, I think you have done the cookbook great justice. All your dishes look wonderful. What a delicious top 10 and you made me smile with your David Letterman comment! :)

    Happy New Year to you--hope to see you soon!

  14. Patty, Love your look back at 2011...all of your dishes look wonderfully delicious! Gorgeous bubble topped brioches!! You just reminded me of the salted butter break-ups. One of my favorites too! Must bake them soon! Happy Friday!!

  15. Lovely, Patty! What a great review of the year. You made a couple of things I missed out on. I love your Brioche! My dough is in the fridge, so I can't wait to bake them!

    Hey, the "Tuesdays with Dorie" group is moving on to "Baking with Julia" and they're starting in February:

    Are you thinking of joining?

  16. Hi Susn, I've been wanting to join a baking group and this sounds like a good one! How about you? I'm going to leave a comment on your blog to make sure you get this one!

  17. Great roundup! A few of my favorites made the list!

  18. Everything looks so good, Patty! I like your French around the table section too. I'm not a big fan of French cuisine but your posts motivate me to cook/bake better somehow (i dont know why!). Thanks for great work from 2011 and I look forward to your 2012!

  19. What a fab recipe round up, and your brioche rolls look so elegant. Happy new Dorie year!

  20. Thanks for doing this! It reminds me of some of my own favorites and is a gentle nudge to try some that I've missed.

  21. the photos alone belong in the hall of framed all time greatest top 10... always a visual treat and good read with outstanding recipes, you are one great find and I am so glad you came into my life... Best wishes for a wonderful 2012

  22. I have to agree with your top ten!

  23. Didn't you find it hard to pick just ten? That was a fun trip down memory lane. Some of your favorites are the same as mine, and you reminded me of a few that I'd forgotten about, but will now revisit.

  24. What a great recap, Patty! I still had to go revisit your wonderful post about the brioche rolls and France.

  25. Fabulous idea, Patty! I'd forgotten about so many of these excellent recipes! Have a wonderful weekend~

    PS...your brioche were PERFECT!

  26. Okay, I just got home and haven't had dinner yet...I just want to devour everything on this post! Your brioche rose so nice and high - gorgeous. I am so glad that you decided to join us at French Fridays with Dorie, Patty. It has been great getting to know you through your blog.

  27. Oh my goodness... those chocolate eclairs with the chocolate ganache look heavenly. Not to mention everything else! The brioche looks to die for as well.

  28. Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! It's so exciting for me to see your round-up and even more exciting to know that you've enjoyed making the recipes. What a lovely way to start the new year! I hope it will be a joyous -- and delicious -- new year for you and your family.

  29. All those pictures are amazing. I think one of my New Year's resolutions needs to be to pay more attention to the pictures. I know the food is more important, but it's hard to convey the awesomeness of certain things if the pictures don't look good! Great job!!

  30. This is amazing! My mouth is watering remembering these recipes, and I love all of your descriptions. And of course, your photos are fabulous!!!

    I totally agree, this has been a wonderful adventure!!!

  31. i love all those pictures. they are simply awesome!

  32. They all look amazing! I just got Dorie's baking book and love that. I need to get Around My French Table!

  33. Yay, Patty! I think Kathy & Elaine are going to join Tuesdays with Dorie, too.

  34. What a delicious, round-up! I made Dories Cheddar and Chive bread last year too - it was delicious!

  35. What a great idea! Everything looks amazing. You made me want to try all of the recipes :-)

  36. They are all so wonderful, and the photos are amazing!
    Happy New Year Patty!

  37. Congratulations, Patty! How thrilling for you!

  38. What a mouth-watering post! I loved that cheese and chives bread too. And I'm tempted by both the quiche and the brioche.

  39. Congrats on a wonderful recap of French Fridays! It certainly kept you busy in 2011. Those butter break up cookies are a MUST make soon cookie for me. Glad to call you my friend and I look forward to seeing you in 2012 and following your cooking adventures. Happy New Year!!

  40. Happy New Year Patty!
    What a wonderful and delicious round-up! Everything looks amazing. I think my waistband is getting tight just by looking at those chocolate eclairs. mmm

  41. Pounding dough and some reckless abandon sounds pretty darn fun to me ;o) very favourite from you during your 'Dorista' adventure...are the stunning looking chocolate eclairs and brioches.

    Keep up the great work mon amie!

    Ciao for now,

  42. Patty, you've got me just about drooling over all these yummy recipes - I would have a hard time picking a favorite, for sure!

  43. What a round-up and fabulous photos to start the year. Cheers to many more delicious adventures this year!

  44. I'm not sure I should read your posts when I skipped lunch - I'm now ravenously hungry and it's too early for dinner! Lovely posts and recap of FFWD!

  45. I feel ashamed at how lax I have been about FFWD this year when I look over this list!! Everything here looks gorgeous - so glad you joined, even if I am MIA half the time, lol. xoxo
