Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thick Scottish Strawberry Shortbread

I knew that David, our golf trip leader and I were kindred spirits when he purchased a box of strawberry shortbread to share with the group on our bus in Scotland.  We went on a Haversham & Baker golfing expedition to Scotland earlier this month.  We had a wonderful trip, enjoyed our group and played a few famous golf courses in Scotland, including the Old Course St. Andrews.  Thinking about the Thick Scottish Strawberry Shortbread that I was going to make when I returned to my kitchen at home kept me going while playing golf in the most freezing weather that I've ever encountered on a golf course.  Of course being from California I don't normally play golf when it rains or in cold weather.  I'm sharing a few snapshots from our trip that may give you a feeling of how cold it was in Scotland.  Because of the freezing cold weather I didn't take as many pictures as I usually do on a trip and it was particularly difficult to take photos on the golf course, even with the small digital camera that we use.  When it's that cold, the gloves just don't want to come off!  I found the dried strawberries at and love the bright red color which I know is not natural but it sure is pretty in my shortbread.

Ingredients and Directions for Thick Scottish Strawberry Shortbread
Adapted from fine

Preheat the oven to 300F

Prepare an 8x8" brownie pan by spraying with baking spray and lining with heavy aluminum foil with the edges extending over the sides of the pan.

1 &1/2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup super fine sugar
2 sticks (8oz) unsalted butter, softened and cut into small pieces
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2/3 cup finely chopped dried strawberries

In the bowl of a standing mixer stir together the flour, cornstarch and salt.  Add the sugar and mix on low speed until blended.  Add the butter and mix on medium for 2 minutes until a soft dough begins to form.
Add the vanilla and strawberries, mix on low speed to incorporate.  Remove the dough from the mixer and press into the prepared pan.

Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until the shortbread is light golden colored.  Cool in the pan before removing the shortbread from the pan using the aluminum foil.  Cut into 16 squares and serve.

Snap Shots from Scotland


  1. Brrr...that does look cold. But I'd gladly brave a few goosebumps to be right there! Love those strawberries in the shortbread. :)

  2. OOh!! Yes it does look chilly, but I'm loving your travel pics!! I've never been to Scotland, but as I have Scottish blood running through my veins it's high on my list.
    Strawberry Shortbread?? I don't even know how to respond to that!! I've really, really been working at trimming my overwhelming level of carbs, but if this was in front of me I'd devour the entire plate!

  3. Shortbread is one of my favorites - these are such pretty bars, and I love your towel too!

  4. I love having a glimpse at people's travel photos! Thanks for sharing yours! I haven't been to Scotland, but guess what? I'm a big shortbread fan!!! Yours look divine, being that I like strawberries, too!

  5. I don't know what to say except I love this idea. Strawberries on shortbread sounds so good. I will have to try this one. Thank you for sharing your photos in Scotland. Love them!

  6. St. Andrews, huh? There is someone in my house who would swoon over that opportunity :-)
    Lovely shortbread - natural color or not, those dried strawberries are very vibrant and add a lovely touch.

  7. o man...these shortbread bars look terrific with dried strawberries.

  8. Thanks for the introduction to dried strawberries--and what is not to love about shortbread! Always fun to go on vacation with you, Patty. :) Nice picture postcards, too!

  9. Patty - what a world class golf experience. Love that you are all bundled up for the chilly weather. You are so making me miss my trip to Ireland - love the castles and seeing green everywhere. These shortbread are right up my alley. Pinning now!!!

  10. Well I adore Scotland and your photos remind me why. This shortbread bar is a fitting tribute. I think I will have to make this next week to take to work. Seems like the perfect morning meeting offering for my staff.

  11. I make a Scottish short bread recipe that was given to me by a friend from Scotland…I always thought it the best until now!!! Your shortbread looks the strawberries!
    Patty, Your trip photos are so lovely!!

  12. This looks like such a lovely shortbread, Patty! There's nothing better to inspire you sometimes than stepping away from the computer and seeing some new scenery! Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  13. Love the pictures of your trip, looks like lots of fun! This shortbread sounds perfect, love strawberries!

  14. What a wonderful trip, Patty! My husband graduated from high school in Aberdeen and he loved living in Scotland. I haven't been there with him yet, but am looking forward to it one day! I love your photos.

    Now, on to this shortbread - I am really going to have to try this! It looks delicious!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. First your strawberry shortbread look fantastic, great recipe! And I can see how call you were..i would just stay indoors and watch them play golf with hot cup of tea:))
    Thank you for sharing part of your wonderful trip!

  16. You were a good sport...I don't like being cold either and would have looked for a lodge with a big fire!!! I do love Scotland...and it looks like you had great fun despite the chilly weather. Your shortbread looks fabulous...what gorgeous dried berries!

  17. Looks like you had a wonderful triip Patty...your shortbread looks wonderful!
    I have some dried strawberries in my pantry...I will give these a whirl!
    Thanks for sharing your pics!

  18. Your chilly photos remind me of our first trip to Scotland years ago at the end of spring, beginning of summer. We were so cold, we ended up having the heat on in the hotel room most of our stay and we returned home with Scottish jackets.

    Anyhow, I have some dried strawberries as well at home, have been playing with them before I left on a peanut butter strawberry bread. Have to do some more adjustments to it, but before I do that, i could use some of your shortbread bars!

  19. I'm really enjoying your Scottish posts. The photos are more than beautiful and so are your foods. I just tried dried strawberries to make a beautifully colored frosting...turned them to powder in my food processor. I like your idea in this post...your shortbread looks almost as delightful as your trip.

  20. Gorgeous shortbread and photos of your trip! I've never seen dried strawberries before! Brilliant idea.

  21. Again, love these photos! And these bars really look wonderful! I have never seen dried strawberries, but since I am allergic I could not use them anyway :) But I suspect that another berry would work :)

  22. This shortbread is beautiful! I saw the photo on Pinterest and just had to come and check out the recipe! The only shortbreads I know of are the shortbread cookies, this looks almost like a cake :-). I definitely have to try!

    I spent some time now looking around your site, and I am very impressed - you have so many great recipes! I have to come back. I am very glad I found you. You have a new fan :-).

    So I would like to invite you to share this post (and other posts :-) ) on a new photo based recipe sharing site that launched only last week. The idea is simple: all recipe photographs are published within minutes of submission. And, of course, the images link back to the author's site.

    It's called RecipeNewZ (with Z) -

    I hope you get a chance to visit and to share some of your delicious posts with our viewers. It would be a pleasure to have you on board :-)

  23. Brrrr! You're a trooper, Patty. My big purchase while I was there was a very warm lambswool sweater by a Scottish designer! Looks like a hot cup of tea and a few of these beautiful cookies would have helped - probably something stronger was in order though ;)

  24. Wow, Patty, I thought this was fudge at first but then when I read it was shortbread I was hooked! I'm crazy about shortbread but never even heard of strawberry shortbread - sounds amazing! Love your photos too - they do make me shiver a bit just looking at how warmly you're wrapped up!

  25. Sorry for commenting back so late, Patty...I had such a weird end of the week this week, and have neglected to comment to quite a few bloggers!

    Love your amazing shortbread bars, with the strawberries, so perfect with a nice cup of tea!
    Your photos from Scotland are gorgeous, you and your hubby are such a cute couple, you guys look so happy...I mean truly content!
    Thanks for sharing, you're such a dear friend!

  26. Wow, it really was cold! I've never been to Scotland but I've experienced the same in Ireland. I don't blame you for not taking as many pictures!

    I am in love with any sweet treat that has strawberry in it these days. I think your version would beat any traditional shortbread version.

  27. I'm always shortbread fun than regular cookies. I love the texture and taste of butter. I bet strawberry shortbread is much better than simple ones. It looks cold in Scotland but looks like you had so much fun. My dad is crazy about golf - he'll be envious about your trip!

  28. Those shortbread strawberry tops certainly makes that place amazing. Totally craving for it now.

  29. Wow, look how lofty and thick these bars are! I could use one now, with a strong cup of tea :)

  30. Your shortbread looks terrific. And I took my husband's photo on the same bridge at St. Andrew's! Golfing there was a thrill of a lifetime for him and it sure it was for you, too - despite the weather!

  31. Patty, I was so tired when I stopped by last night, so I just left a comment on your tartlets, but I knew I wanted to come again and check out this beautiful shortbread. What a great find with the dried strawberries. The photos from your trip are beautiful and the one of that tree is striking, but I love the photos of you and your husband. Despite the weather, or maybe even because of the weather, it must have been such a memorable trip!
