Sunday, May 16, 2010

Green Bean, Basil and Radish Salad

Why has everything gone wacko? Who knows? All I know is that after a couple of weeks of vacation followed by a baking spree that left the people around me rolling their eyes in disbelief and a weekend of wedding festivities topped off by eating a piece of red velvet wedding cake, I had a hankering for my old friends, healthy vegetables. I was so into my piece of wedding cake and I kept looking at my husband's slice, then I started eying a tray of wedding cake slices on plates that was left on a table next to me and I seriously started thinking, how tacky is that to nab another slice of wedding cake, I mean how often do you even see red velvet cake and it was so good! Plus I did dance quite a bit and must have burned a few calories, yeah right. Anyway, I was left with that sensation of desire for more red velvet cake that I usually satisfy by making the darn thing and eating it! Only this time I'm really feeling the effects of all my indulgences in my enlarging waistline which I couldn't believe the skirt I just bought 6 weeks ago was tight, yuck! So, it's back to my good buddies in the vegetable section of my local market. I'm really lucky that I love vegetables because many people don't like them, my friend Margaret who was told by her doctor to eat more veggies is struggling to eat salads. I don't have that problem, I just really have a sweet tooth, as we say. I come from a long line of Danish butter loving people, that I really identify with, and for the next while I need to break with that tradition and try not to put sour cream on my beets and things like that. The other thing that's gone wacko is I can't get my camera to focus, go figure so I used my husband's camera and I can't get that to focus either, must be a problem that's going around! So, I'm posting this recipe with the most focused photo of the bunch, I will persevere and get to the bottom of this focus problem, I think it's called get new glasses!

I'm going to try a few new recipes from 'The Herbal Kitchen' by Jerry Traunfeld, this is one of my favorite cookbooks that is of the healthier variety in my collection. I'm starting with this salad recipe and I'm sure they will get progressively less healthy as I go along.

Ingredients and Directions

6 servings, I ate almost the whole thing myself, do you think there's a problem?

1/4 cup finely chopped shallots
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
1 pound fresh green beans
1 bunch radishes, cut into wedges, about 2 cups
1/2 cup coarsely chopped basil
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/2 cup thin shavings Parmigiano-Reggiano

Stir the shallots and vinegar together in a large mixing bowl and let them sit for awhile to mellow the flavor of the shallots.

Boil the beans in a large pot of salted water until crisp tender, about 2-3 minutes, depending on the size of the beans. Drain the beans and plunge in a bowl of ice water, drain again and dry off.

Add the beans to the shallots and toss in the radishes, basil, olive oil, salt and pepper. Put on a platter and top with the shaved cheese.

Think red radishes and not red cake! Just be sure to use tender green beans and you will be happy with this combination of colorful vegetables. You can also try different herbs in place of the basil, like tarragon or dill. Goat cheese might be a nice switch from the Parmesan.


  1. That is indeed a great salad, fresh and healthy, perfect for the hot summer days...I have never tasted velvet cake, I guess it's red...

  2. Patty I so understand you, it's really hard to resist those special occasion splurge. But luckily there is a lot of yummy salads to compensate. And your salad (focus or not) Looks very delicious and healthier.

  3. hey, thanks for the visit - glad you did or I would have missed this wonderful salad, I think I am gonna snag it, it sounds just great....

  4. I do look forward to checking up on your blog a few times a week to see what tasty treat you've concocted next, but I knew it was only a matter of time before the greens made a come back. If only I was there to help you eat all the cookies and cake! And I wouldn't worry about the waistline, I could fit you in my pocket!

  5. I need to start making more salads...and less cakes! This looks so fresh and healthy. I love using fresh herbs, and I can only imagine how great the basil and beans must taste. Thank you for sharing!

  6. It's ok that you ate almost the whole thing, it's veggies!

  7. haha it's okay to ate almost the whole thing. Next time, share it with me :D

    and..who could resist a red velvet cake!? It's okay to spoil yourself once in a while right?

  8. Thanks for the comments, today I am making something healthy, thanks to inspiration from Roxan's last post, only I'm using up all the sweet potaotes on my counter instead of the chicken. My problem is I can't resist anything sweet!

  9. Hey Patty, I could make Margaret a salad with which she would be happy. Not to toot my own witchy horn (smile), but my organic salads rock! Even vegetable haters ask for seconds. And I know plenty of veg haters.
    This looks wonderful too. I have both organic radishes and green beans, hmm? What to do...
    Oh, and have you tried vegan baking? It's not as weird or scary as many think, and it cuts out a lot of the saturated fat and cholesterol from treats...?

  10. Thanks Stella, I have tried Vegan baking, a little bit, this is an area I would like to explore, I'll be checking out your recipes for vegan treats and I'll share your link with my friend Margaret!
