Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grilled Ahi Tuna with Lemon Lime Pineapple Salsa

Finding beautiful pieces of fresh tuna at the market is all the inspiration I need to figure out what I'm making for dinner. My husband Scott grilled the tuna while I made the pineapple salsa. After a day of golf in Maui this was a simple, healthy and tasty meal to make together in our home away from home!

I cut up a pineapple, used half for the salsa and saved the other half for breakfast, yummy, all ready have another meal planned.

I used cilantro, lemon grass, lime juice, jalapeno pepper, scallions, ginger and garlic in my salsa. The pronounced flavors of the lemon grass and lime juice complement the pineapple while the other ingredients add some nice heat and spice to the grilled tuna.

Can you find the hidden pineapple?

Ingredients and Directions

Find yourself a couple of beautiful pieces of ahi tuna, fire up the grill, brush on a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Grill for a few minutes on each side depending on how rare you like your tuna. I like it rare!

Make the salsa while you're heating up the grill

1 pineapple, cut in small cubes, half for salsa and half for breakfast
1/2 lime, juiced
1-2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon minced lemongrass
1 tablespoon minced scallions
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1 minced garlic
1/2 jalapeno minced
sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Place all the ingredients in a medium size bowl, mix together and serve on the grilled tuna.

Makes enough salsa for 4 servings


  1. This salsa looks wonderful! I am actually thinking of serving it with some grilled shrimp, because I have shrimp at home that I should use up. I love your photos!!

  2. What a fresh and delightful salsa! I'm planning on grilling out this weekend, and I can't wait to give this a try. Thank you for sharing, as always your pictures are beautiful!

  3. OH what a lovely recipe! feels so much like Hawaii! fresh, citrussy, light! my kind of dish!

  4. great salsa, pinaplle with cilantro how interesting, both great flavors


  5. Patty, your salsa looks and sounds delicious. I love your blog and will be back often. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Great Presentation of a perfectly prepared dish!!
    when you get a chance please stop by my blog, I have some awards I would like to pass along to you....

  7. Pineapple salsa....that's delicious. Loved the "find the pineapple" Picture. Lovely garden. :-D

  8. Thank you for your sweet words on my blog...you are such a thoughtful and beautiful individual. I wanted you to know that this salsa was amazing! Perfect with grilled fish. Thank you again for sharing. I look forward to your next recipe.

  9. That salsa looks wonderful! It must be delicious with that tuna.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments :)

  10. Hey Patty, this sounds delicious. You know, tuna is my favorite fish probably. Well, next to sword fish and salmon. I always make it with savory items, but I like the idea of the pineapple. ooh, and I have chilis that are starting to swell up and turn red here in the subtropical hollow, so I bet I could do this with a serious kick!
