Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Roasted Kohlrabi and Eggs with Mustard and Honey

I'm feeling guilty, do you think my Google blog senses that I'm in the process of moving to a new site? I don't know, you know he/she has been a good friend when I needed a shoulder to cry on. But, my new site makes me feel all serious like a grown up which is a good thing because that inspires me to want to do better. I don't know how much longer I'll be posting my blog here??? I kind of got used to the white walls of this space but it's okay to make a commitment and move on to something with more personality. It's just hard to make a change even if it's for something better and now I'm feeling all sentimental about this little white box like it's the end of the world but I know it's not! So, today I'm going to post a killer veggie dish and go out in style, but I'll probably be back because I have a lot of work to do before I can officially move on.
My husband, Scott, knowing how much I love vegetables, came home last night bearing gifts. Kohlrabi, beets, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, what a nice guy! The following morning after I checked my emails, like any self respecting food blogger I googled kohlrabi in search of information and recipes. I did find several intriguing recipes including one by Jeremy Fox of Ubuntu fame. One reason that I liked his recipe was that it called for roasting eggs. I've never roasted eggs in the oven, true confession, and I wanted to see how they came out. He describes roasted eggs as freckled with brown syrupy spots. This is most definitely a slow food movement kind of recipe

as the eggs are roasted in a 250° oven for 2 hours along with the kohlrabi and then we get serious and turn the oven up to 375° and continue roasting for an additional hour. Wow, good day to catch up on stuff around the house! A little info on the kohlrabi, it is also called a German turnip and is said to grow almost anywhere, I guess that means it grows like a weed. It is the same species as a wild cabbage and it comes from the same family as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens and brussels sprouts. In 'How to Cook Everything Vegetarian', Mark Bittman writes that even though kohlrabi is in the cabbage family it should be treated like a turnip. It should be peeled before it's roasted unless you manage to get your hands on some baby kohlrabi then peeling is optional. I read that the taste and texture are like a broccoli stem, but milder and sweeter. I thought my kohlrabi tasted like brussels sprouts. It can also be eaten raw and is commonly eaten in Kashmir where they will eat it for lunch or dinner 3 to 4 times a week. I don't want to seem ungrateful but I only received 3 kohlrabi bulbs, not even enough for a lunch in Kashmir. Another ingredient in this recipe that caught my eye is the fresh sorrel, a perennial herb that is used a lot in soup and sauces but can also be added to salads. I don't usually grow sorrel but this year I put in a few plants. I was planning on making pesto but I'm happy to use it in this recipe and I probably will have enough to still make the pesto.

Ingredients and Directions

4 eggs
1/4 cup olive oil
8 small kohlrabi bulbs
2 teaspoons yellow mustard seeds
2 fresh bay leaves
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
4 teaspoons honey
1 tablespoon stone-ground mustard
Sea salt
1/2 cup chopped fresh sorrel, plus a few small leaves for garnish
2 tablespoons honey

Preheat the oven to 250°F

Put the unpeeled eggs in a bowl of hot water. Pour 1/4 cup of olive oil in an 8x8 pan, add the kohlrabi, turn to coat and cover with aluminum foil.

Remove the eggs from the water and set directly on the oven rack, I was afraid to do this so I used a sheet pan. Put the pan with the kohlrabi on another rack and roast for 2 hours. Eggs will be brown with dark brown freckles. Remove the eggs, crack and peel under cold running water and hold in a bowl of cold water. Turn the kohlrabi and re-cover, increase the oven temp to 375° and continue roasting until soft when pierced by a knife. Remove foil and roast until kohlrabi is browned.

In a small saucepan, heat the mustard seeds over medium heat until they start to pop, 2-3 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of water, bay leaves, vinegar and honey. Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer until mustard seeds are tender, 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat and whisk in mustard.

Peel and chop the eggs, mix with the sorrel in a medium size bowl.

While the kohlrabi bulbs are still warm, cut in wedges.

Spoon the sorrel-egg mixture on a large platter. Arrange the kohlrabi on top and drizzle with the warm honey mustard sauce. Add a few sorrel leaves to the platter.

Serves 4


  1. Those eggs are cute!
    What's the new site? :) Pls keep me updated

  2. You must let me know as soon as you decide to switch! I don't want to lose you :) Your pictures are great today. I love the simplicity of those brown eggs.

  3. Hey Patty, this does look killer! I love Kohlrabi. I'll look for it here, but my choices are so limited.
    By the way, thanks for checking out my post over at Lazaro's place. I appreciate that...

  4. I've never had kohlrabi before. This dish looks and sounds fantastic.

  5. very interesting concept - never roasted eggs in the oven either

  6. I buy kohlrabi at the farmer's market every summer. It's just about that time! Looks great!

  7. I have never cooked nor tasted kohlrabi (I don't think, unless I have under a different name!) and found this post very interesting and with a great recipe to boot!

  8. This sounds so interesting and so good!!! I need to plant some sorrel asap!

  9. oh I LOVE kohlrabi. What an interesting dish to try out with them!

  10. Hi Patty, Love your recipes, I'm a follower now :) Thanks for following mine!

  11. In order for me not to grab a bag of chips...Kohlrabi is my go to vegetable to nibble on while getting ready to prepare my meal. I discovered this gem a few years back while shopping at an ethnic store. I peel it...slice it and put it in a glass container ready for my next sticky finger moment ;o) I've always eaten it never quite made it to the oven! I describe the raw taste as halfway between a radish and a potato. Is that strange?
    About the roasted eggs...I'll certainly have to try it...never knew about it...great info!
    This is my first time visiting you...and I have an inkling it won't be my last. Enjoyed your post very much ;o) was great of you to have paid me a small visit too! Thank you.
    Flavourful wishes, Claudia

  12. Wonderful dish and post. Best of luck with your move. Happy Blogging!

    I will be following you.


  13. Oh You got me intrigued here with the kohlrabi, I never cooked them, but will do now. I love this dish! I know how it feels to move to a new blog, you get nostalgic for a few days, then you move one :o) - Good luck!
