Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sweet Cherry Almond Muffins

I made these sweet cherry muffins last weekend with the first really good looking cherries I've seen at the market, in fact when I walked in the market these cherries looked so good they became the focus of all my attention! I wanted to eat them plain right out of the bag because they looked so sweet but I also wanted to bake something with them so I decided to pick up some almonds and make sweet cherry almond muffins. I actually have a cherry tree in my backyard but the truth is that I've never in the past maybe 10 years ever eaten a cherry from that tree. The first year we planted it we had 2 cherries and I said to my husband, great one for you and one for me. But that was not to be because a little bird swooped down and ate both our cherries! In subsequent years we've had more cherries but along with the cherries came even more birds and they like to eat the cherries way before they ripen. It's an amazing thing to watch those birds when they strip the cherries from the tree sort of like what happens to some hapless guy who gets thrown to the piranha fish in a James Bond movie. Anyway, I guess I should try throwing a net over the tree, like right now would be a great time to do that when the cherries are small and green before the birds start showing any interest in them. But that would involve setting up a ladder and probably making a few moves that might cause me bodily harm. So, the birds get the cherries from my tree for free and I buy mine at the market.

The classic flavor marriage of cherries and almonds is certainly present in these muffins. I like this recipe because it's simple to make first thing in the morning for a weekend breakfast. After all this is the season to enjoy cherries and baking them into muffins is one way to save them from the birds!

Ingredients and directions for sweet cherry almond muffins

2 cups sweet cherries, pitted and chopped
1 cup slivered almonds
1 stick unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Sugar to sprinkle on top

Preheat the oven to375°F

In a standing mixer cream together the butter and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time.
Whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt in a medium size bowl. Add the dry ingredients alternately with the milk to the butter/sugar mixture. Stir in the almond extract. Gently stir in the almonds, reserving about 1/4 cup to sprinkle on the top of muffins, and the chopped cherries. Use a small ice cream scoop to put the batter in the muffin cups.

Makes 12 regular size muffins.


  1. Patty,
    These look beautiful! I made a similar recipe a few months ago, and we couldn't stop eating them! Thank you so much for mentioning me on my blog. It made my day. You are a blessing in my day!

  2. Oh I know the problem with cherries and birds. My parents have a big cherry tree, but the birds eat them before anyone else, so I haven't been able to eat any cherries from that tree. Your muffins do look wonderful, it's a great way to use extra cherries, and I'm sure the addition of almond makes a big difference!

  3. Can't wait for cherries to be back in season in the summer here in Sydney. They look lovely and a great tea time treat idea when there are guests over. Thanks for sharing! Nirvana

  4. what are the chances you will bring one those with you tomorrow??

  5. Mmmmmmmmm. Cherry pickin' starts this weekend at my favorite local orchard. There's nothing like picking, then baking!!! Your recipe is officially on my short-term radar. And how nice of you to grow cherries just for your birds. HA HA!

  6. I can't wait for my wheelbarrel of cherries to roll in just so that I can try all these amazing recipes that I've been envying in the last 2 weeks.
    These adorable and surely tasty muffins will get baked very soon ;O)
    At my old place...cherry trees were only there for teasing beauty!
    Flavourful wishes,

  7. Great recipe. Am currently stuffing as many cherries into my mouth as I can before I head back to our non-cherry-season hemisphere!

    Damn birds, they are just too cheeky.

  8. Hey Patty, pretty photos! I love the idea of cherries and almonds. Funny b/c the first time I ever had something that was flavored with almond, I thought it was cherry flavored. Everyone kept telling me the flavor was 'almond'. I like the idea of the two together!

  9. Those photos are beautiful, and cherry with almond sounds like such a good combination. I love sweets made with cherries, though they seem less common than other fruit breads.

  10. wow those muffins look incredible!

  11. They are so adorable Patty! This is good because cherries are in season and at least I know what to do with them now

  12. The photos look gorgeous! They look clear and saturated when zoomed in. Thanks for sharing.

  13. This recipe marries two of my favourite things, cherries and almonds. I think these are a great idea, I'll be giving them a try as soon as cherries are in season here!

  14. Thank you all very much for your comments!

  15. Wow, these look good! I'd like a couple of your well as the BOWL of cherries!

  16. cherries and almond great combo, I love muffins are your are stunning


  17. This babies looks so pretty, loved the almond on top. Beautiful pictures too.
