Monday, July 12, 2010

Plum and Nectarine Crisp

I did a little foraging on the golf course this weekend and brought home a golf bag pocket full of plums! Even though my husband Scott was a little annoyed by me stripping plums off a plum tree right next to the second tee box on Sunday afternoon instead of focusing on my drive, I posted my all time lowest golf score so that was pretty cool!

I am a big fan of Katty's Kitchen where I have recently been reading recipes for the most incredible summer fruit desserts including a blueberry almond cake that really caught my attention as well as one with cherries and the list goes on, better to just check it out for yourself! I found this recipe for Nanny's Summer Fruit Crisp and right away I noticed a few things about her recipe that I liked, for one browning the oats in butter for the crisp topping, yummy, what a great idea! I'm not usually a big lover of crisp topping with oatmeal because I find it heavy, too chewy and distracting from the rest of the fruit crisp. This recipe calls for instant oats which are lighter in texture and blend in perfectly with the rest of the topping ingredients. The only thing I added or changed about the recipe was the addition of a handful of toasted chopped walnuts because I was afraid that I might not have enough crisp topping for all my individual dishes, oh no! not that!!

I also added some ripe nectarines from the fruit bowl on my counter, for a little variety and of course for the beautiful color. The amount of sugar called for in the recipe for the fruit mixture was perfect for me because my plums were a bit tart but you can play with the amount of sugar if you think it should be less.

The crisp topping as I mentioned before is rich and delicious with the oatmeal sauteed in the butter, the toasted walnuts and the cinnamon. I used a little baking spray in the dishes before I filled them with fruit and topping for an easier clean up, same reason I use parchment paper in case they bubble over the sides.

Look, just enough space on top of the crisp for a scoop of vanilla ice cream, right after I reheat them before serving for dessert!

Just a quick picture of oregano blossoms and nasturtium flowers before I give you this wonderful recipe, thanks for inspiring me with your food blog Hope!

Nanny's Fruit Crisp
Adapted from the recipe files of Eva Maturo & Hope Simmons

For the Fruit

4 cups fruit: plums and nectarines
4 teaspoons cornstarch
1 cup sugar

Spray or butter the dishes, 8-10 small individual dishes, or one 8 inch square pan. In a large bowl combine the fruit with the sugar and cornstarch, stir to mix together and coat the fruit. Divide up the fruit between the small dishes or place in one larger pan, set aside.

For the Crisp Topping

1 stick butter, melted in a large saute pan
1 cup quick oats
2/3 cup sugar
6 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup toasted chopped walnuts, optional

Preheat the oven to 400°F

Spray or butter the dishes, 8-10 small individual dishes, or one 8 inch square pan. Add the quick oats to the melted butter, cook and stir for at least 3 minutes to get the oats lightly browned. In a medium bowl mix together the sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt and the oat mixture. Spread the crisp topping over the fruit. Bake for 400°F for 30 minutes or until the fruit is bubbling and the topping is light brown. Top with ice cream or enjoy it just the way it is.


  1. My mouth is watering for that crisp! I just love that type of dessert:)

  2. Patty, this looks so good! Your top picture made me smile because it something I would do. :-)

  3. This looks so good...and love the floral arrangement:)

  4. Oh this looks so good! That's something I would do... pick fruit on the golf course. LOL. :) My husband would likely be annoyed but help me fill his bag too, just so we could move on and focus on golf. Congrats on your lowest score! :)

  5. shame on you....for scoring so low (that's probably why he was annoyed)... teehee - I love a good crisp as long the crisp is just that, sounds like the fruit is perfect too

  6. How lucky for you to have gulf courses producing entertainment and food all in one hole LOL.

    My Hubby gets embaressed when I haggle at a yard sale...I don't think he'd forgive me for having done what you so amusingly did Patty!!!

    I really enjoy fruit desserts too...especially when they aren't too complicated and have a little crunch to them too.

    Thanks for sharing and flavourful wishes,

  7. Mmm, this looks good, can I have one?

  8. Aww, Patty! I LOVE IT! Nanny would be so proud! And your golf bag photo is hysterical. Let's hear it for foraging! WOOHOO! It had better go without saying I'm a big fan of Patty's Food, too!

  9. I can just smell the plums baking!

  10. LOL I'd be tempted to pick plums anywhere if I saw a tree full of them. The only reason I don't do it is because I'm only 5'2! Looks great, Patty!

  11. That dessert looks DIVINE! I have not been on the course for several years - miss it! How did you shoot?

  12. My husband would have been upset with me picking plums on the golf course too :) I bet yours was happy when you had this to show for it though! Looks great!

  13. I love are so cute to pick plums off of the golf course (this is exactly what I would have done!). The colors alone of the fruit are stunning, and I love the topping you sprinkled on top. Yum!

  14. Thats great, golfing with plums :-) you made me smile there, great photo shoot.

    Love the crumble, I make them so often now in summer.

  15. This looks fabulous! Love the photos! And it also sounds delicious!

  16. Just made a quick plum crisp today, and it was fabulous. The tarty flavor of the fruit is great in a crisp. Great recipe.

  17. Wow!! I havent played golf for ages...I guess I will have to start from scratch....
    Great dessert for the summer...I love it!

  18. Like the addition of toasted walnuts and browning the oats for more texture. Lovely dessert...really like the crisp topping. Looking forward to trying it.

  19. Beautiful fruit crisp. Great choice to garnish with some edible flowers. Bravo.

  20. Haha Patty! first i was like why your golf bag was full with plums instead of golf balls?! now i understand :) I would do the same!

    It looks wonderful and with a crisp on my favorite part!

  21. Now I have a conundrum! I bought nectarines and plums today for two separate dishes but this looks SO good. What to do, what to do!

  22. This crisp looks so good. Love the colors too!

  23. I do that kind of thing all the time--there's a peach tree around the corner that doesn't seem to belong to anyone--I'm constantly keeping tabs on it!

    What a perfect mid-summer treat!

  24. What a scrumptious combination! I bet this was delicious.

  25. Hi Patty
    hey those were plums for the taking!! the combination of plums and nectarines are wonderful, and that topping looks perfect! wow, I certainly wish I could sample your wonderful crisp!

  26. Ooh we just got some plums at costco the other day! This would be so good to make. :)

  27. Hey Patty, my Cauldron Boy gets so irritated at how I forage when we walk around our neighborhood. He thinks the cops are going to arrest me for taking some lychee nuts or something (smile).
    This crisp looks perfect. I do like oatmeal crisp. so I can only imagine how good this is!
    p.s. I like your new pic with you in the distance on the mountain-cute!

  28. Hmm lovely dessert with those beautiful seasonal fruits! I love crisps better than crumbles because they tend to be lighter. Simply beautiful!

  29. This is so tempting!! great for the summer days!

  30. This looks wonderful. Forgive, my late response but I thought I had already posted a comment. Your crisps are perfect at this time of year. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  31. Lovely and crispy recipe. Would make it for sure.

  32. Patty I would have done the same thing, in fact I would have completely lost interest in the game :) Nectarines are my husbands favorite fruit, I will surprise him with this treat. Thanks to you & Kathy.

  33. oh my gosh. that looks AMAZING!!!

  34. What a great idea to use instant oats! Thanks for that tip.

  35. How funny - fruit picking at a golf course. Who would have thought? A what a perfect use for all your booty!

  36. I love your courage ofr foraging on the gold course. Excellent.

  37. Awwwwww, that looks so pretty and yummy.

  38. Picking plums off a tree mid golf game is totally something I would do! ha And this looks delicious. the little nectarines at the grocery store keep staring at and this just might be the recipe for them..

  39. Lovely dessert, looks great and must be delicious.
