Friday, February 4, 2011

Banana Walnut Spelt Muffins

Spelt, an ancient grain that is a relative of the AP flour that we all have in our kitchens, has finally made an appearance in one of my baked goods.  So, welcome spelt with your nutty flavor and many nutrients to my baking ingredient list. Spelt flour can be substituted for whole wheat flour and is a great choice for quick breads or muffins.  I don't know why it took me so long to make a break from my whole wheat flour dependency but better late than never. The muffins baked nicely and turned a pretty golden color.  They look healthy, have a lighter texture than regular whole wheat  and have a nice banana- walnut flavor.

I've got a reason to bake today, not that I needed one.  The grandchildren are spending the weekend with us and I'm laying in some goodies for their visit.  My daughter, Katie has named her older sister Jen's children 'the littles' and it seems to have stuck. So 'the littles' are spending this weekend with us.  Noah is 5, JD is 3 and Gracie will be 1 in a few weeks.  This is the photo I sent at the holidays. I love that red leopard trimmed coat and wish I could find one in my size!

Baking for grandchildren is the best.

Ingredients and Directions for Banana Walnut Spelt Muffins
 makes 12 regular size muffins

1 & 1/2 cups spelt flour
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 & 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup walnut oil
1 large egg
3 medium large ripe bananas, mashed
3 tablespoons buttermilk

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees
Grease a 12 cup standard muffin pan
In a medium size bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, chopped walnuts, baking soda and salt.

In a large bowl, whisk together the egg, oil, mashed bananas and buttermilk until blended.  Add the dry ingredients and beat until evenly combined.

Spoon the batter into the muffin cups, until just below the top of cup.
Bake until golden and springy to the touch, about 20-25 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and cool for a few minutes before removing from the pan.


  1. certainly have your work cut out for you. It's probably a good thing you baked something nutritionally yummy just before they joined you.

    Spelt flour is wonderful...and at least now you know that you could adventure more towards so many other flours. I've been doing the same, but with Gluten-free flours...and my tummy is very grateful for my efforts ;0)

    Have yourself a great time with those precious 'littles'...too adorable!!!

    Ciao for now and have a great weekend,

  2. These banana walnut spelt muffins look lovely, like something I'd pay good money for at a bakery. I've never used spelt in my baking before. Then again, I don't bake much, but I am learning and all for "my littles" ;-).

    Your grandchildren are so precious! I've never seen 3 children sit so nicely for a picture like that before. I have to take about 20 pics of my kids before I can get one good one. Haha. Love that your daughter named them "the littles", such a cute name to go with their adorable faces. Have a lovely weekend with your precious grandchildren, Patty!

  3. Your blog looks so good Mom!! Delicious muffins for the three little muffins! Thanks for the mention, I love my littles and I am so jealous you get a whole weekend with them. Have a great time and enjoy those tasty muffins!

  4. I do need a reason to bake and if I had three cuties like you have that would certainly be the best reason in the world! And the next time I bake I'm definitely using spelt flour - I've been wanting to try some different flours, too. Have a fun weekend with your "littles"!

  5. What sweet reasons to bake! Those muffins look like a wonderful treat for the "littles." I wish my little grandson were here to bake for!

  6. What a healthy and lovely idea to bake with spelt flour. Its time to visit my grocer for this wonder grain powder.

  7. Your grandkids are adorable! So sweet of you to cook for them, they will totally look back at these fond memories when they are older :)
    These muffins are great. I'm just a little behind you - still relying on whole wheat flour. I'd like to branch out though, and have heard really good things about spelt flour.

  8. Oh my goodness are those grandchildren of yours gorgeous! I never baked with spelt. Now I have a recipe to try it with. Wonderful muffins:)

  9. The muffins with spelt flour sound excellent, very nutritious for sure! Your grandkids are so cute!

  10. your grandchildren are so precious. no wonder you're in a baking mood then they visit.
    the muffins sound so good. thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderful Sunday

  11. You used my favourtie spelt flour in the baking! Banana, walnut, and spelt...I just love the combination of flavours in those muffins.

  12. I agree with Roxan - your grandkids are adorable! They look so happy in the picture.

    I've seen spelt flour but didn't know how to use it. If it appears in your kitchen, I would see more recipes of it! They muffins look delicious! The profile picture of it makes me drool and in fact it motivates me to get in the kitchen!

  13. What a healthy and flavorful way to enjoy muffins. No doubt that your "littles" will enjoy them as much as you do- awesome.

    Have a great weekend.

  14. Your grandchildren are beautiful. They remind me of my sweet niece and nephews. I imagine they LOVE visiting grandma and eating all of these sweet treats! As much baking as I do, I've yet to experiment with spelt flour. This needs to change! Your muffins look so moist and flavorful. Thank you for sharing, my blogging friend! I'm sending you wishes for a happy and delicious week!

  15. Your grand children are adorable and you sound like a dotting grandma! Definitely a good reason to bake if ever one was needed :)

    These muffins look homey and delicious! I really enjoy baking with spelt flour. It gives baked goods such a nice and tender crumb.

  16. These look fantastic. I'm a big fan of baking with spelt. It lends such a fabulous nutty essence.

    ...I can tell you are a fabulous granny!

  17. Your grandchildren are just adorable...:the littles" how cute :)
    And the muffins look fantastic, I like that they seem to be lighter that wheat muffins and I love walnut :)

  18. Your grandchildren are so sweet, Patty! I love Gracie's little red is seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen! Hope you had a wonderful weekend with them!

    The muffins look healthy and delicious...I'm sure they were a huge success with the little ones!

  19. Awwww...sweet and adorable grandkids of yours! I'm sure baking for them, especially healthier food, is the most enjoyable thing in life as a grandma. I would be all smiles :) Love your banana muffins using spelt four. I always try to use spelt flour at home. It's a healthier flour.

  20. What dolls! You should know better than to post food and grandchildren in the same entry. One always suffers and it's never the grandkids :-). Have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

  21. Your grandchildren are absolutely adorable, and I'm sure you can't wait to have them over. What beautiful muffins! I haven't used spelt flour, but I'm learning a lot from all the blogs I read. Sounds like it would add a lovely flavor to banana muffins.

  22. MMM! Patty! I'm literally excited about these little guys. Spelt is one of my favorite flours, I started using it a few years ago and frequently sub it for a part of my ap flours in my baking. Love these muffins and my daughter loves banana. These will be perfect for her long days at dance rehearsals!

  23. Those muffins are beautiful, Patty. Plus, I love spelt! I've been trying to incorporate it into a lot of things lately...
    p.s. Your grandkids are very lovely. I love those blond crowns-too cute!

  24. denise @ bread expectationsFebruary 13, 2011 at 7:07 PM

    Hi Patty :) The muffins look wonderful! I have never baked with spelt - it's pricey over here and not easy to track down. But these are so tempting!!

    I think I'm looking at 3 future fashion models LOL They are gorgeous and born to pose, it seems!

  25. What lovely muffins! Yoir grandchildren are really cute.


