Monday, March 28, 2011

Big Batch Flourless Peanut Chocolate Chip Cookies

 Martha Stewart's cookie application for ipad, titled MS Cookies is one of my absolute favorites and inspires me each time I open it up and scroll through the parade of cookies marching across my screen. There are cookies for 'Hedonists', 'Traditionalists', 'Trendsetters', 'Little Ones', 'Grown Ups', 'Those Far Away', 'Those Near and Dear' and for the 'Health Conscious'.  I can heart my favorites, make a shopping list of ingredients or even reshuffle all the cookies into categories like, 'Butter', 'Caramel', 'Chocolate','Citrus, 'Coconut', 'Spice' and the list goes on carrying me along  to such a happy place.  I can look at and dream about Martha's cookies to my heart's content.  I can plan on which cookies I would make and serve at a Christmas or a Valentine's Day tea party or just decide which cookie looks the best to me on any given day.  It's moments like this where I realize that it's the simple things in life that give me so much joy and happiness.  Oh and don't forget the cookies, the cookies make me very happy.  In a world where there is so much tragedy and suffering I look forward to a time out where I can enjoy a quiet moment day dreaming about cookies.  So in that spirit I would like to share a simple to make and amazing to eat melt in your mouth peanut butter cookie recipe from MS Cookies,  Thanks Martha, my home girl, smiling at me and making everything feel right  in the center of a perfect virtual cookie world.

Ingredients and Directions for Big Batch Peanut Chocolate Chip Cookies
Adapted from MS Cookies

2 cups creamy peanut butter
1&1/2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups bittersweet chocolate chips
1 cup roasted salted peanuts

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

In a large bowl beat together the peanut butter, sugar, eggs, baking soda and salt until well combined.  Stir in the chocolate chips and peanuts.  Chill the dough for 30 minutes or longer.  Using a small ice cream scoop to make the balls  (about 1&1/2 tablespoons each) of dough, place them on a parchment or Silpat lined cookie sheet, spacing about 2 inches apart.

Bake for 16-18 minutes, until golden and puffed.  Cool on the sheets for a few minutes then transfer to a wire rack to continue cooling.  Cookies can be stored in an airtight container for up to one week, they won't last that long!

Makes 3 dozen large cookies

Thanks Lisa for asking me to add my link to this amazing line up of SWEETS!


  1. PATTY it's like you've been reading my mind. I've totally been eating tons and tons (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating) of peanut butter lately. I'm so tempted to make these but I won't because I know I'd eat too many! They look amazing though.

  2. Your post and pics made me smile, too. Cheers to the simple--and sweet--things in this life! :)

  3. Patty, I'm always trying to find time in my day to make room for day dreaming. For me, that time is also known as blogging, or in hubby's words "bloggie stalking". I tell him he's lucky I bloggie stalk or he'd still be eating yucky take out. Seriously, when I read your blog it's my day dreaming time. I day dream about all the wonderful baked yummies I would make for my family which are way beyond my skills, and then reality hits and I'm back to eating my Nutella sandwich. These cookies look plump and delicious. I'm so tired of the flat boring chocolate chip cookies. Yours are nothing like that. I'm allergic to peanuts, but my kids love peanuts and peanut butter and I know they'd love these. Heck, I'd risk a few symptoms and eat a couple cookies. Another wonderful recipe, Patty.

  4. Those look great! I don't think I've ever eaten flourless chocolate chip cookies, but these look like they're worth a try!

  5. those look beyoung good, what an interesting recipe indeed

  6. These look terrific! How cool that they are flourless!

  7. These photos are fantastic, and I want some of these cookies now!

  8. I love cookies. :) These look perfect- I feel like I could reach into my computer and grab one!

  9. Wow, flourless and such crispy treat! These are a real marvel, Patty. Am gonna try them this weekend.

  10. Stunning! I love peanut butter cookies and yours sound even better as they are flourless!

  11. I dont have an iPad, but that app sounds great (and the section titles are so cute). These cookies look delicious too.

  12. You are dangerous with all this technology at hand ;) Now I have to download that app! These cookies look fabulous - I can't believe they're flourless!

  13. My gosh, this looks SO good and also easy to make. I am bookmarking this to try. Thanks very much for sharing.

  14. goodness, a cookie app - just what everyone needs, wait I feel I'm missing out, gonna look for a bacon & hock app, now that would get me dreaming.... gonna try this one, the last flourless one I made just missed the mark, this one looks apps-olutely dreamy

  15. I'm so thrilled that you took the time to enjoy such a great list of cookies. With all the variety chose a gluten-free one and I'm truly joyful right now Patty ;o)

    Have a great week and flavourful wishes,

  16. These look amazing! My partner has celiac disease, so I'm definitely going to try them. They remind me of the cookies that his mother makes for him, but with a lot more lift and lightness.

  17. have an ipad!?? I'm super jealous of you right now Patty!! Those cookies look so good. I can tell if they are big batch or not! haha. The first picture puts a spell on me. I said "wow" out loud with out knowing it.

  18. Gorgeous photos, Patty...these cookies look fabulous!

    I have a question for you mind e-mailing me at at Thanks!

  19. Flourless? Really?!? I'm going to have to test these out to believe it!

  20. Oh Patty you are teasing with those perfect cookies! I must have to those cookies, droool :) Thanks for sharing, can't wait to make them.

  21. I can definitely see why you'd need a big batch of those. They'd get eaten up in no time at all. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog and I'd like to invite you to stop by and link your cookies up.

  22. Looks and sounds delicious Patty, thank you for the recipe and congratulations for your blog,

    kisses from Portugal!!
