Monday, May 30, 2011

Honey Almond Tart with Red Wine Glazed Cherries

Our cherry tree is covered with cherries, they are just beginning to turn pink which means that in just a few short days the birds will swarm all over it attacking and decimating the little hard sour barely pink cherries.  So, no this bowl of bright red cherries are not the cherries from my tree, they are from the farmers market, the serious cherry growers who don't let the birds run the show.  I suppose I could throw a big net over the tree, like a giant hair net to keep the pesky birds off my cherries but that would require setting up a tall ladder or rather paying someone to set up a tall ladder and that's just not going to happen anytime soon.  I have a strong feeling that those cherries are not going to last much longer.  Honestly our garden is so overgrown and shady that I can't believe that there would be enough sun for the cherries to fully ripen but I'll never know.  Now that the sun is out the birds will soon discover my cherries and that will be the end of cherry season in my backyard.  The cherries I picked up at the farmers market were better looking than they were flavorful so I made a  red wine glaze for them which added just the right touch of sweetness.  I found the recipe for this sweet pizza like honey almond tart in 'The French Farmhouse Cookbook' by Susan Herrmann Loomis.  I've made quite a few recipes from her cookbooks but I think this one is my favorite, it's definitely up there with Around My French Table.  My husband, Scott and I love toasted almonds so this recipe caught my eye and I though it would be wonderful with cherries in a red wine glaze.  It is also good for breakfast with a strong cup of coffee, if you have any leftovers.

Ingredients and Directions for Honey Almond Tart and Red Wine Glazed Cherries

For the Honey Almond Tart

2 cups almonds
1/2 cup honey, I used blackberry
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon sea salt
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons warm water
1 package active dry yeast
3 large eggs, beaten
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened

Preheat the oven to 350F

Toast the almonds on a baking sheet for about 10 minutes just until they are slightly colored.  Remove from the oven and cool.  Coarsely chop the almonds and set aside.

Gently heat the honey in a small saucepan, just until it melts and becomes spreadable.  Remove from the heat and set aside on the stove top.

In the bowl of a stand mixer place the flour and salt, stir to mix.  Make a well in the center of flour mixture and add the warm water, sugar and yeast, mix together.  Add the eggs and begin beating the flour mixture to form a soft dough.  Beat in the stand mixer for about 3-4 minutes until the dough is elastic and slightly sticky.  Begin to beat in the soft butter until it is incorporated.  The dough will become softer and slightly sticky.  Cover the dough with a tea towel and let rise in a warm draft free spot until it is about a third larger, about 45-60 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350F and generously butter a deep 9" cake pan.

Punch the dough down, remove it from the bowl and gently spread it into the 9" pan forming a raised border all around the edges of the pan.  Spread the honey over the dough and sprinkle with the almonds.  Bake in the center of the oven until the dough is golden brown and the honey is bubbling hot, about 45 minutes.

Remove from the oven and cool slightly before serving.  This can also be served at room temperature.

For the Red Wine Glazed Cherries

2 cups Pinot Noir or similar red wine
1 cup sugar
1 star anise
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups pitted red cherries

In a small saucepan bring the red wine, sugar and star anise to a simmer.  Reduce the heat and continue simmering until the sauce is syrupy, about 1 hour.  Don't let the sauce caramelize- it should remain bright red.  Strain the mixture and add the vanilla extract.  Refrigerate until cool, it will continue to thicken.  Bring the sauce out of the refrigerator to warm slightly before serving.  Place a serving of cherries on the plate next to the tart and drizzle with the red wine glaze.


  1. Oh, I can bring some strong coffee, sista! So glad it's almost cherry pickin' time again, 'cause cherry pickin' always leads to baking! Beautiful and makes me want a bite (no a whole slice) as always!

  2. Patty - Great to meet you in person yesterday. Really enjoyed our conversation. This looks like the perfect breakfast. The photo of the cherries in the blue bowl could be on the front of a magazine - stunning! Enjoy your Holiday today!

  3. I don't know why, but I've never thought to make a nut tart with the fruit on the side. How creative! Your dessert looks so good!

  4. My parents had a peach tree, and we never got any peaches of of it (it went to the birds) until I wrapped small pieces of foil around some of the branches. Maybe that will help with the birds and your cherry tree?
    The tart and those wine-glazed cherries look so luscious. Yum!

  5. Really beautiful, Patty! Sounds absolutely delicious!

  6. Patty, it was so great to see you again, were you holding out on me that you have a cherry tree. He He I'm going to make as many cherry recipes I can while the season lasts, love the red wine with the cherries. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  7. This looks amazing! If you find that you have too many cherries on your hand once yours ripen I'll be happy to take some off your hands if you want to send them to Texas?? :)

  8. darn birds, gues you cant blame them. What a lovely treat.

  9. Looks so delicious! Wine glazed cherries with crunchy toasted almonds - I'm imagining the taste sensation! I'm planning a short mid-week trip to Napa in October, I hope that I can meet up with a few of my favorite Bay area bloggers :)

  10. Well the tart looks fantastic, but I'd love to sit and gobble down that whole bowl of cherries!

  11. Omg, a huge net over the cherry tree is a genius idea! Why didn't I think of that? Don't answer that :-P. My Dad loves almonds. I know he'd definitely enjoy this honey almond tart, especially when there's wine involved. I love that you used star anise in the red wine glaze. This looks wonderful and yummy, Patty. Great texture and flavour contrasts. Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe.

  12. The tart looks so good with all the almonds and the wine glazed cherries is a perfect compliment to the tart, awesome!

  13. I like this tart also, it does not seem to be too sweet, and full of toasted almonds with a well rounded crust... perfect - and the cherries on the side is just brilliant..

  14. This dish is so beautiful! Almonds and cherries are such a perfect pairing. Your pictures are breathtaking too!

  15. The almond tart looks delicious, love the simplicity of honey and almonds...and serving with cherries is just great, specially the wine glazed ones. Looks beautiful! Have a great week ahead Patty :-)

  16. Those lucky birds, I want a cherry tree. Last year I ate my weight times a hundred in cherries. I'm starting to see them popup around the stores here, but they aren't quite ripe yet. I am going to try this recipe as it looks so delicious! Your photos are fantastic too Patty. Thanks for participating in this month’s YBR :)

  17. When did I last have a cherry tart? That must be ages ago...and homegrown cherries..that's something! Love the thick layer of chopped nuts too.

  18. Pretty in Pink, love the setting, Patty. You are on an almond kick, my all time fave nut! Why do almonds go SO WELL with cherries?! I hope you own a cherry pitter.

  19. Good morning Patty :) I would much rather have this for breakfast with my tea than the sandwich I am having right now. I like the way you presented it on that lovely plate.

  20. The birds get all your cherries :( This is a wonderful tart and love the idea of the wine glazed cherries, great idea to pull out the flavors :)

  21. I can't think of anything more delicious sounding than wine-glazed cherries! Amazing recipe, stunning photos. Great blog - so happy to have found it through Spicie Foodie's YBR!

  22. So lucky to have a cherry tree. The wine glazed cherries are really interesting.
    I grow dust bunnies in my NYC apartment. ;}

  23. star anise in the wine sauce sounds interestingly good! The cherry shot reminded me of your old header :) Your garden is overgrown while mined is undergrown hahaha

  24. I had never considered that a cherry tree would have birds picking at it. How frustrating that must be, but how fantastic to have you're own fruit tree laden with fruits. :)

    Hubbs and I luv toasted almonds too, so I know I'd enjoy this honey almond tart too. The image of cherries just takes my breath away...the colors are so vibrant and they look so beautiful!

  25. When I first came to France, in 2001, I used to live in a house in Saint Germain-en-Laye, with an enormous cherry tree and i had the same problem with the birds..Finally, I always ended buying cherries...
    Your almond and honey tart is my idea of happiness!

  26. I have a small cherry in front of the house, planted it two years ago and this year was the first time we had cherries. I was so happy when I saw them but the birds came and ate them all :( Next year I'll have to throw a net over the tree ...
    Your tart looks amazing. Love almonds in sweet treats and this sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing Patty

  27. Those birds better enjoy your cherries!
    I love almond and cherry together, I find the flavours really pair well together. I'm bookmarking this one!

  28. You are so fortunate to have a cherry tree, Patty! Lucky you and lucky birds :) What a beautiful tart, I can imagine how wonderfully it pairs with the wine glazed cherries.
