Monday, May 23, 2011

Lavender, Rosemary and Cinnamon Candied Walnuts

This is such an easy and good recipe.  I made it a couple of years ago and promptly forgot all  about it, until today.  Both the Spanish and French lavender are blooming all over my neighborhood with the English  lavender not far behind.  On a walk this morning I was thinking about simple recipes using lavender and remembered this one.  I use dried lavender in my cooking all year round, I love the way it smells, just a hint of lavender is a wonderful addition to savory foods as well as desserts. I added finely chopped fresh rosemary which just finished blooming outside my front door and a little ground cinnamon to add some spice.

Ingredients and Directions for Lavender, Rosemary and Cinnamon Spiced Walnuts

2 cups walnut halves
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1&1/2 cups sugar
1/2 water
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 rounded teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 rounded tablespoon dried lavender, culinary lavender can be purchased in the bulk section of Whole Foods
1 rounded teaspoon fresh rosemary, finely chopped

Preheat the oven to 350F

Toast the walnuts in the oven on a large rimmed baking sheet for about 8-10 minutes, until slightly browned.  Pull the walnuts out of the oven and add the butter, stir with a large rubber spatula coating both the walnuts and the pan.  Set aside on top of the stove.
Place the lavender in a mortal and pestle to give it a good crush to release the essential oils.  This also releases some of the lavender flowers from the buds which is pretty in the finished candied walnuts.
In a medium saucepan combine the sugar and water, bring to a boil without stirring.  Over a medium high heat continue boiling until the mixture reads 238F on a candy thermometer, this is the soft ball stage.   Remove from the heat and carefully stir in the lavender, rosemary, cinnamon and salt, making sure it's well mixed.  Again carefully pour the hot syrup over the walnuts and stir until you've coated all the nuts.  Be careful not to take the syrup over 238F or it will clump on the walnuts and not coat them.  Some of the walnuts will stick together, those are the really good ones!

Let the nuts cool before serving or store in an airtight container.  Warning these are addictive!


  1. Must make! Mmmmmm! And so artfully presented as usual...

  2. Oh Patty, you KNOW I have a soft spot for lavender. These nuts would be GONE in a minute if I could get my hands on them. :)

  3. What a terrific snack! Loving the flavors with lavender, rosemary, and cinnamon, what a great combination!

  4. Yum! This combo sounds delicious! Great post!

  5. Beautiful snack and photos. Lavender is a favorite of mine.

  6. I love simple snacks like this one. It looks delicious and impressive...double win!

  7. Gosh...I will have to make this too! I wonder if I can use thyme instead of rosemary here..oh man..they look so good!

  8. I'm allergic to peanuts, but good thing not walnuts. These walnuts look yummylicious. I'll bet my kiddies would love these. I like how it also has an adult twist to it with the lavender and rosemary. I think I'd have to have three separate bowls between me and my two kiddies because they're not allowed to cross into my share. Teehee. Thanks for this lovely and fun recipe, Patty. Have a great rest of the week!

  9. You went through so much trouble to make the walnuts taste more delicious? BRAVO!! I thought I read that it was the walnuts, lavender and rosemary and cinnamon candies, and no, this was totally out of the box:D It looks beautiful, and I am sure, a good snack for parties too:D

  10. Love this unique snack recipe! Fabulous flavor combo.

  11. very nice treat, did you use your native lavender? must be great have it around, esp the various kinds...

  12. I can almost reach out and take a handful of nuts from that bowl :) I used to grow lots of lavender too when I was living in CO. Sad that they don't do too well in my yard here in MN cause there isn't enough sunlight.

    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog :)

  13. I would not be able to let go of these...YUM!

  14. I've been dying to make candied nuts and this is just the post I needed for inspiration...and I even have all the ingredients in my pantry! Talk about meant to be. ;)

  15. Oh! I love what you put in these fragrant with rosemary and lavender...have to give this a try. Beautiful pictures Patty. Hope you are having a wonderful week :-)

  16. Lavender is my new love this month. I fear that if I had a batch of these candied nuts I'd eat the whole thing myself. Your photos are fantastic and the walnuts look amazing. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe Patty :)

  17. Wow! I love lavender and you take simple walnuts to the next level! Guess what, nuts are my favorite and i will be trapped with these walnuts. I will try to take your warning more serious hehe

  18. What gorgeous photos, Patty! I am also enjoying the lavender blooms, but I have to confess that I have never used it in my cooking and baking. This looks like a simple and good recipe to start with. Thank you for sharing!

  19. I've never cooked with lavender, but I've seen many tempting things made with it including these lovely walnuts! These look both delicious and simple to make. I definitely need to look into getting some lavender! :)

  20. What lovely flavors you've infused into walnuts! These are such a treat for me as walnuts are my favorite - I could snack on them all day long! I used lavender in my baking just a few months ago for the first time and loved it. Thanks for dropping by my blog!

  21. These look fantastic, Patty! Walnuts are my favorite nuts. Thanks for all your support! Enjoy the rest of your week.

  22. Only sophisticated nuts could carry the flavors of lavender, rosemary and cinnamon! Where's my wine :)

  23. Absolutely fantastic!
    My mouth is salivating.....

  24. Oh, wow, these look amazing! I love giving candied nuts as hostess gifts...your version sounds perfect! Happy Wednesday, Patty~

  25. my husban is nuts for walnuts and I for lavender. Thanks Patty this is a must try.

  26. These are the perfect late night snack, carb-friendly and lavender is so calming! I never would have thought of this, thanks for the recipe!

  27. Oh I have some lavendar and now I know how to use it. I LOVE your photos, beautiful composition and and perfect lighting!

  28. Love thesewalnuts...even if I've never had these amazing candied walnuts with the lavender, and rosemary.
    Such a genius idea, and beautiful photos:D

  29. Patty - what a terrific combination of flavors! I think we both were thinking of lavender this week. These are a must make!

  30. While I haven't actually used lavender in my own cooking, I recently had a lavender scone and absolutely love it! I love candied nuts and these look to be idea. I'm going to look for the lavender to try myself!!

  31. What beautiful nuts! The addition of lavender is such an intriguing twist.

  32. Patty, it was so good to finally meet you on Sunday! You have a beautiful blog. And you weren't kidding, these nuts are absolutely addicting! I am so glad I snagged a bag from the food swap, it is hard to stop nibbling. Nice to know where I can find the recipe once I finish my bag!

  33. I would be worried that I would never put down the bowl...these are wonderful!
