Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day Brunch at Estate in Sonoma

Smiling faces, warm Spring weather and good food made for a wonderful family brunch to celebrate Mother's Day.  We enjoyed our outdoor seating on the spacious deck at Estate in Sonoma.  The last day of our staycation happened to coincide with Mother's Day, what a perfect way to end the week by spending the day with almost all my family including grandchildren.  Estate is the perfect place to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or holiday with your family and we are lucky to have this restaurant almost in our own backyard, about a twenty minute drive from our home. 

I started my brunch with a Mimosa and one of these soft polenta rolls to go along with all these flavorful share plates of antipasti.

Outdoor seating at Estate offers lots of beautiful and interesting things to look at and touch but the outstanding Mother's Day Bubbles & Brunch menu eventually brought everybody back to the table.  The food at Estate is Italian inspired while the Girl & the fig, another of Sandra Bernstein's Sonoma restaurants offers a French themed menu.  My husband, Scott asked the chef to sign my menu to add to my collection.

I know that I'm partial, being the grandmother and all, but look at the pink dress and that little dimpled hand- just as scrumptious as anything that was served at Estate.

My daughter Jen, the mother of all my sweet grandchildren and I ordered the artichoke-herb frittata which came with roasted potatoes and a green salad.  Unfortunately my younger daughter who lives in Portland and attends college at PSU  could not be there.  Katie describes herself on Facebook as loving being a student and an Auntie to the most handsome, funny and smart boys, she hasn't updated this since Gracie was born!
She also says she misses her dog and wants another one, she now has a cat.  She is homesick for the bay and addicted to gummy cola bottles. She loves to cook and next time she comes to visit she want to do a guest post, maybe her scalloped potatoes, yum.  Back to the artichoke frittata, it was good filled with roasted baby artichokes.

My husband, son and son in law all ordered the breakfast pizzas which were delicious individual works of art with the fried egg in the center. We enjoyed everything including left overs from the little boy's plates of scrambled eggs and roasted potatoes, no-not me, I wouldn't do that.

The gardens at Estate are beautiful year round but particularly nice at this time.  On a corner of the property in full sun the herb garden is already well established in a raised stone bed next to a beautiful espalier apple tree.  The roses were blooming all around the Victorian mansion, which once belonged to General Vallejo's daughter but now is the home of Estate restaurant.  The colors from the Spring blooming perennial flowers were bright and pretty in the flower beds and surrounding green fields.

My son Taylor who is the digital media coordinator at, helped me start my blog.  He is with my oldest daughter Jen, who describes herself on Facebook as a wifey, mommy, cpa, gardener, cook, shopaholic, loves coffee and wine and is grateful for everyday with my family.  These family pictures are for you LeQuan, one of my favorite bloggers, who asked me to show more family pictures in my blog.

A very sweet ending to a wonderful family meal.


  1. What a great Mother's Day! The dishes look delicious!

  2. What a lovely brunch and cute companions! Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of your wonderful day, Patty, and thank you also for stopping by my blog! :)

  3. Patty-I wrote a comment a couple hours ago, and my computer froze up and my comment would not go through. Had to shut down the whole computer and start again:-(

    You have a beautiful family, and gorgeous grandchildren. Your little grandson is so handsome...both so adorable in their cute matching outfits, and your little "princess" with the real princess little dress...just perfect for her, like a little doll! All with blonde hair and blue eyes? Take after their grandmother. You are so blessed, just like I am with my family.
    Your brunch was elegant, relaxing...who would not enjoy such a grand brunch at Sonoma.
    Everything looks divine, and so do all your photos:DDD

  4. Happy Mother's day Patty :) Your brunch looks mouthwatering, and your family is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it all with us :) Have a great week!.

  5. so glad you know how to use a camera Patty, I do envy that - food pics are great, writing posts come and go and we can always google for a recipe, but you are wise to offer insight into yourself for your readers with family pics, that I think brings about a better, well established audience of friendships... oh, and I do so come back for your photography, your story telling and your great recipes (straddling the fence here) ... beautiful family

  6. Patty! What a wonderful day! We are going to have to try Estate, the food looks fabulous:) And your photos are great too. We really need to get together sometime soon so we have more time to chat:) ~nancy

  7. What wonderful photos, Patty! Thanks for sharing your Mother's Day with us. The setting and menu look wonderful. What great memories of the day you and your family have!

  8. What a beautiful brunch for such a beautiful family. I'm so glad that you were able to celebrate this day with your sweet family. I'm sorry I have been so absent these past few weeks. It has been so good to return to you and your lovely blog! Thank you for sharing with me tonight. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  9. this looks so lovely. glad you enjoyed mother's day with your loved ones. thank you for sharing this with us and have a great day.

  10. Your grandchildren are adorable! Glad to hear you had a wonderful Mother's Day and a lovely day out :)

  11. The little ones are adorable -- and that pink dress is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen! Looks like the perfect brunch and the perfect way to start Mother's Day!

  12. Patty! I loved loved loved this post. And not just because you had yummy food porn to look at. Teehee. Seriously, your grandson put a smile on my face as soon as I opened your post. What a beautiful, gorgeous, and precious family you have my dear friend! Thank you for introducing them to us. Your grandchildren are absolutely precious!!!! I'd like an order of pink dress and little dimple hands please ;) Along with two side orders of handsome adorable blondies please. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time, Patty. That was sweet of your husband to get the menu signed for you. This place looks splendid, and such a bonus that it's so close to your house too. I'm usually ogling the food when I visit food blogs, but trust me, all the ogling was on your cute grandchildren. Thank you for bringing such smiles and joy into my day, Patty. I'm sorry I've been a bit late at visiting lately, but with the beautiful weather, it's all been about letting the kids enjoy first. I know you'll understand and even though my own blog has been taking a back seat for a while, I want you to know I'll always visit my favorites ;). Have a wonderful week, sweetie!

  13. Looks like an amazing brunch. Did you order everything on the menu? It looks like a great celebration, both with food and company!

  14. It sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day. Your children are very, very sweet and the food looks fabulous. I'm relatively new to your blog and I don't comment a lot. I just wanted you to know that I do visit and that I really enjoy the time I spend here. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  15. Your Mother's Day looks perfect and your family is gorgeous. That dress on your granddaughter is adorable and she's precious! I am happy you had such a wonderful day all together.:)

  16. What a wonderful Mother's Day! Your grandchildren are precious. :) It looks like you all enjoyed some delicious food as well!

  17. Your grandchildren are so precious! They are both gorgeous, picture-perfect really.
    The food also looks pretty delicious, and nicely plated.

  18. Spending a beautiful day with your family in such a lovely pastoral setting is a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day! Your grandchildren are precious!

  19. What a special day and those babies...such a handsome family

  20. What a wonderful day! And now you've also been nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out on my blog!

  21. What a lovely family! Your pictures are fantastic! How lucky to have them with you for Mother's Day! And your brunch looks scrumptious!

  22. A fantastic Mother's day brunch! Your grandkids are adorable!

  23. Wow everything looks amazing! Your grandchildren are so cute! :)

  24. What a perfect way to spend the day. Your grandchildren are adorable and the pink dress, my nieces would go crazy for it. I have to try Estate, I will be in Sonoma next week I hope. I see why you are such a proud grandma.

  25. What a lovely brunch. I KNOW you enjoyed it with those little cuties around!

  26. The little kids are so adorable! I've made breakfast so many times and I'm craving for it as looking at your picture!

  27. What a fun way to celebrate Mother's Day! Your grandchildren are adorable.

  28. Looks like every thing was utterly beautiful about your Mother's Day, Patty! I love when little girls are dressed like little girls (not women!) such a cutie and your grandsons are adorable too. What a lovely way to spend the day, so precious!

  29. Such a beautiful Mothers Day celebration! I have never been to the Estate but hear wonderful things about it, looks like they were true.
    Your grandchildren are so adorable...beautiful family :) Looking forward to seeing your other daughters scalloped potatoes :)
