Monday, June 6, 2011

Moroccan Mint Tea Shortbread Cookies

We tried goats milk butter for the first time a few months ago at Cyrus in Healdsburg and couldn't get enough.  I'm not sure if it was just the butter that was so good or spreading it on the house made selection of warm bread they brought to the table but I was definitely intrigued by the goats milk butter.  When I found it at my local market I picked it up planning to use it in my baking.  I thought that a good place to start would be with a simple butter cookie like shortbread.  I guess I should also mention that I've been wanting to pulverize tea to use in shortbread so there you have it, goat milk butter and Moroccan mint tea together in one meltingly delicious shortbread cookie.  This recipe is simple, it can be made with regular butter and any kind of loose tea that you would like to pulverize.  I keep an electric coffee bean grinder that I only use for spices and that worked really well for this recipe.  I rolled the dough into logs which I sliced but I think you could chill this dough, roll it out and cut it into shapes.  I think the small coin shaped slices are cute and for sure the easiest way to quickly form and bake off these cookies.

Ingredients and Directions for Moroccan Mint Tea Shortbread Cookies

1&3/4 cups All Purpose Flour
1/4 cup white rice flour
2 Tablespoons finely ground Moroccan Mint tea, The Republic of Tea brand
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup Meyenberg  European Style Goat Milk Butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon peppermint oil

Preheat oven to 350F
Line two baking sheets with silpats

Note:  I pulverized loose leaf Moroccan Mint tea which is a mixture of green tea and peppermint tea in a spice grinder for this recipe.

In a medium bowl whisk together the all purpose flour, white rice flour, mint tea and sea salt.

In a stand mixer beat the butter with the confectioners sugar until fluffy, about 3 minutes.  Beat in the peppermint oil.  Gradually beat in the flour mixture.

Remove the dough from the mixer and divide in half.  Place each half on a sheet of plastic wrap, form into a log using the wrap to help. Tightly wrap the dough and chill for about one hour or until firm.

Slice into 1/4 inch thick rounds.  Place on the baking sheets and bake for about 15 minutes or until slightly brown on the bottom.

Meyenberg Goat Milk Butter is white as snow, doesn't really look like butter, does it?


  1. I have serious ingredient envy. That is one special butter, indeed!

  2. I've never had goats milk butter before! I am also intrigued by it. These cookies look amazing, Patty, I wish I could have one.

  3. These look fantastic. I never thought of pulverizing my own tea to use in recipes. Great tip!

  4. You are going to have me thinking about where I can get my hands on some goat butter all day. I love mint tea, I bet these cookies were good. Hope you had a great weekend, I'm ready for the weather to clear up so I can get outside.

  5. I love Moroccan mint tea! It always hits the spot. Love the tea IN the shortbread and WITH the shortbread. Very nice :-)

  6. Tea in shortbread cookies sounds fantastic! I haven't seen goat butter before, but it's probably because I haven't been looking. Thanks for putting it on my radar with an awesome recipe like this one :)

  7. wow Those shortbread cookies look to die for! I love love love its earthy look!

  8. Patty, these cookies look delicious, I like the idea of mixing rice flour with all purpose flour, the texture and flavor must be amazing. Thank you for sharing the picture of Meyenberg goat milk interesting the color. Have a great week ahead :-)

  9. oh wow, such striking visuals. Love it.

  10. Gotta love goat's milk butter...anybody that loves goat's cheese has to love the butter, as well. Such a different and delicious flavor.
    The earthy shortbread cookies with the addition of the Moroccan mint tea sounds so enticing, and delicious. Patty, your a genius when it comes to making unusual things!

    Thank you so much for your kind comment regarding my blog anniversary!

  11. Ooh, I've never tried goat milk nor goat milk butter before. I wonder if I'd like it. I do know I love shortbread cookies though. What an excellent idea to incorporate tea into the recipe. This sounds delicious. A great type of cookie to sit down with a friend for a good chat and just enjoy over a hot beverage. I'll brew some coffee, you provide the cookies? ;)

  12. I've never seen goat butter- it's beautiful! I'll have to be on the lookout for it now though. Your cookies sound really good. :)

  13. The butter is so cool looking - like coconut oil! The cookies sound positively divine! I bet they just melt in your mouth.

  14. Warm bread always makes butter taste better.
    In this case, the very interesting goat milk butter sounds like it did a favour to the bread. LOL
    Those cookies look and sound like my tummy would shout out with a great big thank you, especially since I love moroccan mint teas.

    Patty, how nice it is to be back within the graces of your elegant and scrumptious preparations ;o) Looking forward to much more.

    Have a lovely week and flavourful wishes,

  15. I have never had goat milk butter. I'm so intrigued by it.
    The cookies look amazing Patty, thanks for sharing

  16. I'm so intrigued by that goat's milk butter...I'd love to try that! The cookies are beautiful and Moroccan mint is one of my favorite tea flavors!

  17. Goat butter - that sounds so intriguing. And I adore Moroccan mint tea.
    Re: your comment about Farmer's Mkt - I love them. I go to at least two, sometimes three, a week :)

  18. The shortbread look so sophisticated and unthinkably addictive. And I'm digging that goat butter!

  19. it looks like shortening not butter! :) It sounds really good with mint tea and your shortbread looks stunning!

  20. no, that does not look like any butter I have seen, what kind of goat is that again???? the tea I can understand, it's the peppermint oil that intrigues me... what a taste...

  21. Patty, I want to come for tea at your house! Totally intrigued by the flavors of the shortbread cookies, and I grew up on goat's milk but never had goat's milk butter!

  22. Patty, these are almost too beautiful to eat. I love their earthy color. I'm not great with cookies but the tea component is making me really want to try this. :-)

  23. The cookies look wonderful. Yummy!


  24. Moroccan mint tea is one of my favorite teas and these look just divine. Love the use of goat milk butter! We have tons of goat farms nearby so I'm sure I can get my hands on some. Excellent. Beautiful photos.

  25. I'm going to have to look for goats milk butter here, it sounds very intriguing.
    Your cookies sound amazing. I've been meaning to bake with Earl Grey, I think I'll use this recipe to try.

  26. Must look into this butter. Your cookies look very good....

  27. I love goats milk butter and I love, love these cookies! I use a separate coffee grinder for spices as well :) Beautiful tea inspired treats!

  28. The other day I say goats milk butter for the first time and was very curious about it's taste. Next time I'll buy some. You are right it actually looks more like a block of lard. The shortbreads look amazing. Creamy buttery shortbreads are my favorite cookies:) Thanks for participating in the YBR & Have a great weekend!
