Monday, January 30, 2012

Coconut Friands or Friendly Little Coconut Cakes

I don't know why I ended up with a huge bag of dried coconut in my pantry but that's one of the reasons I made these delicate melt in your mouth French style mini cakes called coconut friands, the auto correct keeps changing the word friands to friends so I'm going to try and write this post without typing friends or friands, there it goes again!  The other reason I baked these little coconut cakes is that a friend of mine gave me a couple of those cool silicone baking molds and I was curious to give them a try, at long last!-I've only had them in my pantry for about 4 years.  She gave me two different shapes, the one I used for these mini coconut cakes and the other shape is a little pyramid that I think would be good for small chocolate cakes.  Maybe in another 4 years I'll give the other shape a try,  just being honest but I know that sounds bad.  The truth is that the older you get the more stuff you acquire and it kind of backs up, not as bad as I've seen on on a certain TV show that is pretty depressing to watch but all the same when you like to cook both the gadgets and ingredients in the pantry can build up in the kitchen.  It's not always easy to lighten your load, sometimes you have to make tough decisions about what stays and what goes.  There's always that thought that someday you might need one of those handy objects or unusual ingredients that you've got squirreled away but I've noticed that most likely if you haven't used something in a year you won't ever use it.
Writing about stuff, I should also mention that I found 4 place settings of the vintage silverware in the above photo on a shelf in my garage that I completely forgot about!  It was in a jar and almost completely black so I polished it up and thought, maybe I should look on ebay for more of this pattern, it's so sweet with that spray of flowers on the handles.  But I won't and I'm making a promise to myself to use the small pyramid shaped silicone molds this year and finish off that bag of coconut in the very near future!

Ingredients & Directions for Friendly Little Coconut Cakes
Adapted from Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan

4 large egg whites, at room temperature
1&1/2 cups shredded unsweetened dried coconut
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt
1/2 cup or 1 stick unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled

Preheat the oven to 350°F
Spray 2- 9 mini fluted cup silicone molds

In a large bowl whisk the egg whites until foamy, stir in the remaining ingredients one at a time and gently beat into a thick shiny batter.  At this point the batter can be saved for several days in the refrigerator
before baking off the cakes.  Spoon the batter into the prepared molds until just below the top.  Place the 2 filled molds together on a baking sheet.  Bake for about 20-24 minutes.  They are done when slightly browned and spring back when touched.  A toothpick inserted in the cakes should come out clean.  The cakes should pop right out of the molds and be cooled on a metal rack.  The top of the cake which will become the bottom can be trimmed so the cake stands up evenly when served.  Dust with powdered sugar if you like.

I don't normally post recipes from Around My French Table but this recipe is on blogs all over the web so I decided that I would rather pass it on here where I can write the instructions myself.  I did slightly adapt it by using the silicone molds instead of the original mini muffin pans called for in this recipe.

Makes 18 little coconut cakes


  1. OMG .... Paty éstos Pequeños y exquisitos son una dulzura al paladar,maravilloso color,abrazos hugs,hugs.

  2. Another amazing, tasty dessert treat from my chef/wife/blogger extraordinaire. These were delicious and light and it was impossible to stop eating them so I reluctantly stopped when there were no more left.

  3. These are so Pretty; I pinned them. You see my husband Loves coconut; when I find a treat like this I save it; your fluted mold are so cure.

  4. Patty, I smile as I read this post because I'm exactly the same way. I have gadgets that I absolutely had to have but haven't used yet. Looking through a drawer last night, I discovered some old silverware from my in-laws that I had forgotten about! Will be using them on the blog soon, too. :) Love your coconut friands and their shape. I baked with coconut this weekend, too. Are we on the same wavelength or what! Have a great week!

  5. Those look so super yummy, and even better being bite sized.

  6. Oooh, Patty! I am SO making these friendly little coconut cakes (that's hysterical) next time I make gelato and have egg whites on hand. I love your little molds. I hope to see the pyramids soon, too! Shopping excuse: I have no mini molds...gotta get some! WHEEEEE!

  7. What an adorable little cakes! they look beautiful, light and fluffy.

  8. Patty, You made me laugh out loud with this post. My kitchen is jam packed with gadgets and bakeware that I just couldn't live without...and haven't used yet! Love your little french cakes...they look so light and delicious! So pretty!

  9. How gorgeous, Patty! I adore hope these make our FFwD queue soon...and I'll have a good excuse to buy some cute molds :)

  10. I love "friendly little cakes." :) I can really relate to the kitchen gadget problem. I have way too much "stuff" and it doesn't help that I volunteer in a thrift shop and always find things that I can't live without. sigh

  11. Wonderful cakes, Patty! I love all your great cake and tart molds - and, I love coconut! I can't wait until we get to this recipe. I'm so unimpressed with this month's FFWD selections - good thing I have Baked Sunday Mornings and TWD to keep me going - LOL!

  12. These look wonderful but I know I wouldn't stop at one!

  13. Hey Patty! I just got back from vacation and am catching up on my blog reading! I actually have a big bag of coconut in my pantry that isn't earmarked for anything -- until I saw this post, that is! I am definitely making these little beauties!

  14. Ooh - I'll have to make these. Love anything with coconut.

  15. Reminds me of the silicone bouchon mold that I bought at WS and used once. I love the shape of this mold and your coconut 'friends' look delicious :)

  16. Oh I know who I can blackmail with these little beauty. Thank you Patty for the recipe and also visiting my blog.

  17. Ooh Patty these sound delicious. I have 4 bags of coconut from the holidays - from making Gingerbread Houses, so these sound perfect. I adore coconut and can just eat it right out of the bag.

    I know what you mean about acquiring gadgets, etc over the years. My husband told me he's redoing our kitchen just so that I have to clean out the cabinets. I use all my stuff, maybe not all the time but enough that I rarely can find things to pitch. What can I say, I love to cook and obviously so do you and those reading this blog.

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. The little bite size of coconut goodness...oh, my, oh my! Patty, what a genius idea for these yummy little goodness. Will have to look into getting these cute little molds!
    Love the recipe, and the photos:DDD

  19. Patty, I never heard of friands (funny about friends auto correct), but going through the list of ingredients I already know that I have to try to make these...look light and so tasty with lots of coconut. Beautiful pictures.
    Thanks for sharing this recipe and hope you are having a great week :)

  20. Beautiful pictures and wonderful results ! And how fun to use something fun from our cupboards that we have not "christened" yet. My commenting delay over the last two weeks was due to a fun but massive organizing of the basement project which started with putting holiday ornaments away....and spun out of control from there. In the process I got reacquainted with many kitchen gadgets and tools that I had not used in a while (or at all) and instead of feeling guilty - I felt like I just went shopping !! PS- the potatoes I came looking for looked fab. I think I should have used the fingerlings Dorie suggested rather than the ones I had on hand.....

  21. I've helped many clients with the de-cluttering of their homes...but when it came to mine...the kitchen stuff and my wardrobe were the most wrenching ;o)

    Love these 'Friendly' and pretty cakes...especially since coconut is a fav ingredient of mine.

    Have a lovely weekend Patty.
    Ciao for now, Claudia

  22. These looks so delicous. I need to get some some coconut. The shape is so pretty and dainty, they have to be nearly calorie free! Don't you just love finding things you forgot you had.

  23. You are preaching to the converted. After spending the last couple of weeks trying to decide what stays and what goes, I'm ready to get rid of everything, lol. I have that same bag of coconut lurking in my pantry, this would be a great way to use it up. Can't wait for the weekend.

  24. I hadn't heard of friands before I started blogging, but now I'm quite familiar with them. Yours look wonderful!
    I know what you mean about accumulating stuff. I try to keep my purchases to a minimum, to avoid that hoarding sensation!

  25. I think we should just change the name from friands to friends, because my brain won't process it any way :) I have a lot of coconut in my pantry too, and this would be a delicious way to use it! They're beautiful!

  26. We love these "coquitos" (we call them like that at home) and in Argentina we eat them while drinking "mate"
    They are delicious!

  27. What sweet little cakes! Funny about the name and auto check, I would have ended up with 15 versions, lol. And as for my pantry...I may just need to move :)

  28. I have a bag of coconut flakes in my fridge that NEEDS to be used. I'm so breaking out the mini bundt pan! Thanks for the inspiratoin.

  29. Oh how I love coconut! These are perfect little bites - glad you put that silicone mold to good use. I've been going through my closet - next is the pantry!
