Monday, August 22, 2011

French Apple Tart with Gravenstein Apples & Spelt Pastry

If I had to pick my favorite apple it would be Gravenstein and my favorite way to eat it that would be easy- in a french apple tart.  A generous slice of  french apple tart is an ideal food for every meal, especially breakfast. I even made it healthy with Spelt flour.  Actually I used Spelt flour because I like the slightly nutty flavor of it and the warm brown color it gives to the baked tart pastry.  Gravenstein apples are a good eating and baking apple. They are also pretty apples to keep in a bowl on your counter.  Last year I made a tart and gave a little information on Gravenstein apples, if you're interested  please check it out here.  If you like search my blog for other recipes for these lovely apples, including a simple pantry cake made with fig jam.  They are the first apples of the season here and they don't last very long in the market so I always bring home a bag to enjoy.  My grandson Noah starts first grade this Wednesday, the same week that we're supposed to get our first really hot weather of summer.  I'm glad I did my tart baking today and will let my oven rest during our heat wave.  The rest of the week in my kitchen will be dedicated to making jelly with the large bowl of Key or Mexican limes from friends in Palm Springs, oh and don't forget my upcoming French Friday hamburger!

Ingredients and Directions for French Apple Tart with Gravenstein Apples & Spelt Pastry
Adapted from Back To Basics by Ina Garten

For The Spelt Pastry

1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup Spelt flour
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
12 tablespoons(1&1/2 sticks) cold unsalted butter, cut into bits
1/2 cup ice water(scant)

For The Apples

6 Gravenstein apples
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into bits
1/3 cup apricot jelly or warm sieved apricot jam
1-2 tablespoons Calvados

Place the flours, sugar and salt in the bowl of a food processor with the steel blade.  Pulse 3 or 4 times to combine.  Add all the butter at once and pulse about 12 times, until the butter is in small bits.  Pour half the ice water into the mixture with the motor running and pulse adding small amounts of water until the dough starts to clump together.  Turn out onto a piece of plastic wrap and quickly knead into a flat disk.  Chill in the refrigerator for about one hour.

Preheat the oven to 375F and line a baking sheet pan with parchment paper.

Roll the dough out to about 10x14 and place on the parchment paper lined baking sheet pan.

Core and peel the apples.  Slice the apples into 1/4 inch thick slices.    Arrange the apples slightly overlapping in diagonal rows until the pastry is covered with apple slices.  Sprinkle with the 1/2 cup sugar and dot with the butter.
Bake for about one hour until the pastry is browned and the apples are starting to brown on the edges.  Rotate the pan half way through cooking.  Don't worry when the apple juices start to burn on the edges, the tart will be caramelized on the edges.  Mix together the apricot jam or jelly and Calvados in a small bowl.  Pull the tart out of the oven and brush with the apricot jelly and Calvados mixture.  Cool for 5-10 minutes and cut into squares to serve.  This tart is also good served at room temperature for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  1. I remember when you posted the pie with these last year! I looked for them but alas, did not find them. My quest begins again- maybe this year I'll be lucky. Even if I don't find them though, I'm sure this tart would be delicious with one of our local apples. :)

  2. Wow! Your apple tart is sheer perfection! I just read an article in the LA Times about the disappearing Gravenstein and a farm in Sebastapol that grows them. I hope there will be some in the stores down here. Gosh, when I come up there in October will you make me this tart?

  3. This makes me so excited for the beginning of apple (and school) season. These look positively scrumptious, I would love to have had these in my lunch boxes growing up.

  4. Those could be the prettiest and tastiest apple pie slices I have ever seen! And you used spelt ;-) my favourite ingredient!

  5. Hiya,
    There is there French lady in Wales who makes the most delicious Apple Tart, whenever I go to see my parents in Wales, I always treat myself to a slice of her homemade tart. I have to admit yours looks so tasty too. Spelt pastry is new to me, so thanks for sharing your recipe.

  6. How pretty! It's almost like you arranged the apples individually on each slice!

  7. Almost too pretty to eat. ALMOST! As to this? "A generous slice of french apple tart is an ideal food for every meal, especially breakfast." Oh, Patty, I REALLY like how you think! Your pics are fantastic as always.

  8. I was wondering where I'd see these first. I spotted some at the farm stand by me the other day, our first clue fall is almost here. I wanted to get some, but have to use up some other fruit first. You have me thinking now, although I'd love a huge slice of your beautiful tart. Lime jam, yum.

  9. This sounds delicious. I am not sure I have ever had these apples but now I am on the lookout. Apples such as ginger golds, Honey Crisps and Galas have hit our farmers market in the last couple of weeks, which is awesome but I am not done with peaches yet! I am Intrigued by your spelt dough and intend to try because I really need to improve my pie/tart pastry skills. Thanks for the help!

  10. I love the look and taste of Gravensteins. Your tart looks wonderful. I have never baked with spelt flour. This looks like a good recipe to try it with!

  11. What a gorgeous tart! I have never used spelt flour either...I think I will have to give this a try!

  12. Absolutely beautiful, Patty! I just featured Apple Bread Pudding. Even though we've barely had summer in SoCal, there's something about looking forward to autumn!

  13. These look amazing, like they've just come out of a artisan bakery. I think I would be very popular in my house if I served these hot with ice cream.

  14. Beautiful!...again ;)
    Keep up the GREAT work!

  15. My favourite apple is the Pink Lady, but those Gravensteins look beautiful! Apples are nature's compensation for the end of the season for summer fruits, I think. I like your use of spelt in that lovely tart. It's really interesting to use different flours and see the taste and texture results you can get. I've got Kim Boyce's Good to the Grain, which has lots of great recipes and ideas for using alternative flours.

  16. O-M-G... those photos need to hang in a food museum - perfectly looking baked tart... and so envious of you with Mexican limes - the beauty of their flavor is so intense to me, far more actually than a Key lime...

  17. This is one of my favorite fall treats! So pretty.

  18. That looks just spectacular. I was just using that cookbook this morning and thinking how great it is. I'll have to check out that tart recipe too!

  19. Hi Patty,

    Just wanted to drop by and drop you a few lines before my internet gets disconnected again. Your apple tart looks scrumptious with all those apple on top and that glistening apricot jelly. I'll bet this would go perfectly with a tall glass of milk and some kiddies...teehee. Hope Noah had a great first day in grade one! Give the little guy a hug for me. Hugs to you too, Patty. I've missed your blog, but been so busy busy.

  20. These are so pretty! I'm going to try to make them at home :D

  21. It's funny how I relate this particular variety of apple to you Patty...especially since I remember you introducing it to me in your last year's post. I guess parts of my memory are still in tact...hormones smormones...doesn't matter. Now, an apple tart like this one matters very much...very well put together. I shall give this pastry recipe a whirl. Grazie ;o)


  22. Oh congratulations to your grandson...what an exciting venture :)
    Your tart is simply gorgeous and I have no doubt it is equally delicious!

  23. How exciting for your grandson. Next year mine is going to college. Time enjoy every the tarts...
