Thursday, August 25, 2011

Love It Or Hate It Burger for French Fridays

I know this French hamburger is sitting on a bed of black bean and corn salad which is not looking very French for French Fridays with Dorie.  When I started to peel my red onion to make the onion jam for the burger I realized my onion was bad and I didn't want to go the store to buy another one.  I also forgot to buy hamburger buns which I planned to buy at La Boulange so I could at least have French hamburger buns.  My husband had seen a black bean and corn salad on the Honest Cooking site that he mentioned wanting to try so I had all the ingredients for that for dinner later in the week.  I made a few changes to the burger which  was to use half a roasted red pepper left over from the black bean salad instead of the sun dried tomatoes that were called for in the original recipe.  I also used chopped fresh basil for my herb.  I think that was it for changes to the Cafe Salle Pleyel hamburger recipe from Around My French Table.  I put the slices of Parmesan cheese on top for the photo as the burger needed something on top but thought it  tasted bad with the burger so didn't eat it.  So why is this burger the love it or hate it burger?  Because I had two very strong reactions to it, one very positive from my daughter Jen who liked it and the other a negative reaction from Noah, my six year old grandson.  I had a feeling that he wasn't going to like it so I gave him a half a burger which he covered with mustard.  He took one bite and his eyes got really big as he swallowed it, I really thought he was fighting not to spit it out, so I said, Noah you didn't like the hamburger and he said, Oh grandma I never eat a hamburger without a bun!

Please check out the links to more French Burgers here at French Fridays with Dorie.


  1. I think this was definitely a departure. I made sliders and we liked them (though made two types). Proud of your grandson for trying them!

  2. so funny, i LOVED it and had the other one for lunch and thought low carb ... I could get skinny on these :)

  3. I think your version of the burger looks good- I love all of the veggies in it. I'm like your grandson though- I much prefer burgers on buns. My hubby however, would prefer it exactly as you have it presented, atop that lovely black bean salad. :)

  4. Aww... Noah's so cute! A hamburger's not a hamburger without buns, he's right. Oh, I do love those roasted red peppers in there, and like you, I added basil instead of tarragon too. Despite my overcooking the patties, the kiddies loved their homemade burgers!

  5. I think it looks oh so pretty sitting on top of the corn salad :-)

  6. It is certainly a departure from the norm but cooking is all about innovation. Black bean and corn salad is great with burgers. I think it looks very tasty! Have a fun weekend!

  7. That sure is a pretty plate of food! Noah sounds adorable. Good for him for trying it at all!

  8. What a great looking burger. But he is right. lol.

  9. What a delicious presentation! My stomach's rumbling now!

  10. Patty, you are truly the master of plating dishes! When I publish my cookbook (LOL!), I want you to come set up the photo shots! I love this alternative presentation.

  11. I have absolutely no problem at all with a hamburger without bun!Looks delicious!

  12. Your version looks the bean and corn salad !

  13. I love your creativity...That's what separates a good cook from a great cook! Kudos to you for making it work! Have a nice week-end!

  14. I love the burger without the bun. I love your looks good to me. I think I would like to try something similar and I really think my family would also like your version.

  15. Great idea with the roasted red pepper in the pattie. The photos look amazing!

  16. I think it looks great even without the bun!

  17. Oh, yum! This looks great! But I think I'll make it with turkey :D

  18. I do like the idea of roasted red peppers and basil! I didn't care for the tarragon and we had mixed reviews at our house, too!

  19. I love Noah's reaction, so cute. I probably would have said the same thing. Sounds like you are having the same week as me. I would have rather had crackers tonight that to have gone out again. Hope you have a great weekend.

  20. Poor Noah! I think the burger looks good on the black bean salad!

  21. LOVED Noah's reaction. Your corn and bean salad was a great way to serve this and your substitutions are onse I may adopt for myself. We eat all our burgers bun-less so when I saw your photo, I thought, "oh! my kinda meal."

  22. That looks lovely on the salad and it sounds like they complemented each other well, too. As for compliments - I'm glad you got one out of two!

  23. It sounds good with red peppers. I think I would have liked this burger.

  24. my favorite burgers have bell peppers in it... I imagine it roasted would be an improvement... looks very good resting up there

  25. That is a great looking plate of goodies, looks delicious. The corn and
    black bean salad sounds wonderful. Nice photos.

  26. My burger/bread proportion was off, and I enjoyed this better without the bun. I like your burger and black bean salad combo, Patty. Sounds delicious.

  27. I would love this burger...I don't like hamburger buns (unless homemade) so I often end up doing this when I go out to a restaurant! I hope you are having a restful and happy Sunday. I'm just pulling out a batch of banana bread. Thank you for sharing with me!

  28. Love how you tell it like it is, Patty :) From your story, I get the feeling that this in no way resembles Dorie's burger. Which I'm OK with. We actually like burgers without the bun, you still get that great burger taste!

  29. A juicy burger without the bread would be something difficult for me to convince my Hubby by. I, on the other hand would relish your preparation and lovely presentation anytime Patty ;o)

    Ciao for now and flavourful wishesw,

  30. I think when my sons were little they would have had the same reaction as adorable :)
    Love your presentation here...just beautiful!

  31. Oh Noah...what a cutie! I love the beautiful presentation that you've managed to pull off without the buns. Although I think Noah would disagree with me and try to tell me that the buns are a must have. ;)I think I'm a "love it" with this one Patty.
