Thursday, September 15, 2011

Apple Spelt Pound Cake

I'm a happy camper this year as I have more apples on my trees than ever before, enough for me and whatever animals are feasting on them at night.  I feel like laying out a blanket and a picnic hamper, maybe some tooth picks or a few after dinner mints?  The apples are tart and perfect for baking as well as eating, so I picked a basket full and baked my first apple cake of the season.  This cake recipe was adapted from The World Of Cake by Krystina Castella.  It's a recipe loosely based on a French Canadian version of pound cake which is called a Quatre-Quarts.  The French name refers to it's traditional ingredients consisting of one pound each of flour, butter, sugar and eggs.  Lucky me finding this recipe which calls for chopped apples, cinnamon and vanilla icing, which I spiced up with an additional touch of cinnamon.  Who knew that a simple pound cake filled with apples could be so good?   I swapped out a cup of all purpose flour for my favorite nutty flavored spelt flour but using only all purpose flour would be fine too.  This is a simple cake to make at home and the perfect place to stash a few apples for your own enjoyment before all the critters that make noises in the middle of night get to them.

The cookbook that I'm giving away will be My Calabria by Rosetta Costantino with Janet Fletcher.  If you like rustic Italian family cooking from southern Italy than this book is for you.  All you have to do is comment on my apple cake and my smoked trout salad( which is my last post) to qualify for my very scientific drawing which will be preformed by the accounting firm of Scott B. Price & Co CPA's on September 20th, sort of like The Academy Awards but not really.  I have to say that I'm very impressed with my fish loving followers and all their comments on my smoked trout salad post, I would like to give everyone a copy of this book but I only have one!

Ingredients and Directions for Apple Spelt Pound Cake
Makes 1 loaf cake (serves 8)

Preheat the oven to 350°F/ 175° C
Butter and flour an 8-inch loaf pan

For The Cake
3/4 Cup or 1 &1/2 sticks (170 grams) unsalted butter
3/4 Cup(90 grams) granulated sugar
3 Eggs, separated
1 Cup(120 grams) spelt flour
1/4 Cup(30 grams) all purpose flour
1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 Teaspoon sea salt
1 Generous cup(300 grams) peeled, cored and chopped baking apple, like Pink Lady

For The Vanilla Icing
2 Tablespoons(18 grams) unsalted butter, softened
1 Cup(120 grams) confectioner's sugar
2 Tablespoon milk
1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 Teaspoon ground cinnamon

In a medium bowl mix together the flours and cinnamon, set aside. In the bowl of a standing mixer cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add the egg yolks one at a time- beating well after each addition.  Stir in the vanilla and gradually add the flours.  Remove the batter from the mixer bowl and place in a large bowl.  Clean the mixer bowl and return to the stand mixer.  Add the egg whites and salt to the bowl and beat until stiff.  Remove the egg whites, gently add to the batter and fold in the chopped apple.  Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 45 minutes until tester inserted into cake comes out with a few crumbs.  Cool in the pan for about 20 minutes and turn out onto wire rack to finish cooling.
Make the icing in a small bowl by mixing together all the icing ingredients until smooth, it should be thick.  Drizzle the cake with icing or pipe on with a small piping bag.  Let the icing set up before serving.

I submitted this recipe to Honest Cooking, an online cooking magazine that features 'down to earth' food loving cooks from all over the world, please check it out and consider subscribing to their weekly updates, if you haven't already done so.


  1. Looks like I'm stalking you, huh. Wasn't I just here, lol. Hmmm, who do I know that likes Italian cuisine and you.

    Last last shot is stellar, but you better email you secret with how you got that icing so perfect. I'm gonna pick up some apples this weekend so I can try this.

  2. Last last, can you tell it's late and I should be retiring to the couch by now. He He.

  3. That's really interesting about how original name of Quatre-Quarts and the equal pound quantities. Looks yum too. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go comment on your smoked trout post to win me a cook book!

  4. The apple cake looks fantastic. I love Pink Lady apples and have always had them raw. Now I really want to try baking with them.

    I have to smile at your audited giveaway drawing... they must be having a blast at the office with this.

  5. You used my favourite flour in this pound cake! Simply love the texture....perfectly dense and moist!

  6. You are so lucky to have an apple tree! You cake looks fantastic.

  7. This cake looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I will make it for sure- I also, have tons of apples on my tree.

  8. Hi Patty! Thanks for your sweet comment and passing on the seven link to me! I'm trying to catch up with everything so hopefully I will get into that soon.

    wow, seems like I missed a lot of your posts. boo on me. Wait, you have apple trees!? that's so cool. I got to try my tomatoes 2 days ago and man it was sweet and delicious or maybe i mentally force myself to think that. What can I say, you are a talented baker to me at all time!

  9. Oh wow this looks so good Patty! And it is so cool that you have apple trees and neighbors with jealous ;)
    Hope you have an amazing weekend

  10. You're so lucky to have an apple tree with such gorgeous apples! Our apple tree is very small and the deer eat every apple it grows. So sad. But it makes the deer happy, I guess. I get plenty of apples from my brother though, so I can't complain. This apple cake looks like the perfect fall treat. :)

  11. Good morning, Patty! I was thinking about you yesterday when I was driving by some apple trees that were loaded with apples. How cool that you have your very own apple tree to pick from. I think I would have a picnic under that tree for sure. Your apple pound cake looks divine! I love the way that you zigged zagged your icing on top. Your photos just put me in the mood for apple picking and I can almost smell them!

  12. Such beautiful apple photos...and yummy apple cake! I love your thick glaze...and there isn't an apple dessert I can resist...mmmmm.

  13. What a great-looking cake! I've only tried plain pound cake, but the idea of adding apples sounds terrific.

  14. What a beautiful cake! And how lucky you are to have an apple orchard.

  15. This is SO achieves so much with such seeming simplicity!
    Congratulations Patty!

  16. Such an elegant, and delicious apple pound cake, Patty! I have never used spelt flour in my baking...will check it out at Whole Foods if they carry it. Love the seriously yummy icing on the cake, as well:DDD
    The book sounds amazing. My son-in-law's grandparents are from Calabria. what a wonderful book giveaway!

  17. I'm so glad I finally am here. Such a great discovery via Elisabeth's blog. Your apple pound cake looks simply divine and your photos are so pretty. Can't wait to be back to check on you. Cheers, Jo

  18. Patty...I'm delighted to have witnessed how you honored such a cake. Being the true Italian French Canadian...this dessert couldn't be more perfect. Actually, wait...the Pink Lady has also become one of my favourite apples...and she's perfect as well.

    Glad to read that your small orchard was generous to you this year. You deserve kind givings!

    BTW...the icing is looking mighty fine indeed ;o)

    Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

  19. Oh Patty! This makes me very curious--spelt pound cake? I MUST try...

  20. Patty what a gorgeous cake! I would dig right in and probably not want to share. It's nice of the night critters to have shared some apples with you, hehe:) Spelt is a flour I really want to try, I almost bought it Friday but instead bought some buckwheat flour. Next time for sure so I can make this cake. Thanks for sharing and good luck to the lucky winner!

  21. soooo pretty! i love everything about this cake!! that icing looks so darn good. thank you for sharing this.

  22. I have never used spelt flour...I will have to give it a try! Glad you are enjoying some of your apples...I sympathize with you over the animals getting their share. What an incredible looking cake! Love the photos of the apples...beautiful!

  23. I think I am the only person I know who doesn't go gaga for apples. That said, your cake is absolutely beautiful.

  24. I am so jealous of your apple trees, Patty! Your cake is lovely and definitely the perfect use for the apples!

  25. How cool that your apple tree is happily producing lots of apples for you and the nocturnal critters :) I am excited because I finally found Gravenstein apples in San Luis Obispo this weekend and am looking forward to cooking/baking some apple deliciousness like your bread!

  26. Well I don't know much about spelt but this sure looks lovely! I want apple trees!!! Or at least I want to live next to someone who does! Great job!

  27. I don't have my own apple trees but I do have some spelt so think I'll try this on company arriving tonight!

  28. Patty, what a nice the idea of apples and spelt flour...looks delicious. Nice having being able to pick your own apple.
    Hope you are having a fantastic week :-)

  29. Patty,

    Your pound cake looks wonderful! After reading this post and your last, I am now hungry. You've single handedly made my stomach growl. Haha. Such a beautiful pound cake should only be shared. I'll provide the wine and entertainment if you provide the food :P

  30. Hi Patty! What a lovely use of these seasonal gems. Can fresh-picked apples be any better? Thank you for sharing another delicious recipe, my friend. I hope you are having a bountiful Sunday--good food, good company. Much love from Austin and many blessings!

  31. okay, I missed this one, gosh, been so busy, great recipe and photo ain't bad either...
    in fact, that is the best drizzle of icing I have seen, just made one myself for my new cookbook on a coffee cake and yours puts mine to shame...
    gosh darn it, now I want to go and redo it... could you come down and help???

  32. This is absolutely gorgeous. The recipe is phenomenal and that icing makes me want to dive in! wonderful.
