Monday, September 12, 2011

Smoked Trout Salad with Key Lime Mustard Dressing and A Cookbook Giveaway!

Today I'm making an apple pound cake because all I can think about is baking with apples, I think I've become obsessed.  Baking with apples is one of my favorite things to do especially when I notice the birds and most likely raccoons are eating my apples from the back yard tree before I could get to them. They make a nice little meal out of the apples and leave the cores with a little unwanted skin on the ground under the tree, how thoughtful of them. Speaking of that I see pears on my neighbor's tree and I'm hopeful that many of them will begin falling over the fence into my waiting hands to make, I don't know what, maybe a pear pie.  For now I'm sharing this smoked trout salad because I made it the other night and it's good.  Left to my own devices I would live on salads and the occasional pastry preferably baked with some kind of seasonal fruit.
Anyway I'm posting this smoked trout salad because I'm kind of obsessed with it in a different way but I know that fish recipes on my blog are kind of like the kiss of death, comment-wise for the week.  So I'll make a deal with you if you comment on my fish salad post and come back again later in the week for the apple pound cake I will enter you into a cookbook giveaway and I promise it will be a good one- so this week it's a  comment for a mystery cookbook that I will decide on for next time!  But remember you have to comment on how much you like fish before you get to the apple cake and I promise it will be worth it for the lucky winner. I'm already thinking of a really good brand spanking new cookbook I want to give away to one of my lucky  followers who leave me comments.

Ingredients and Directions for Smoked Trout Salad with Key Lime Mustard Dressing
Makes 4 individual salads

2 Smoked trout, skin and bones removed, I used lemon pepper smoked trout
1 Small head radicchio, leaves separated
2 Handfuls arugula
8 small new potatoes, cooked, peeled and sliced
1 Gravenstein apple, thinly sliced
4 Radishes, thinly sliced
1 Small cucumber, thinly sliced
1/4 Cup scallions, white and light green parts, minced
1/4 Cup cilantro, coarsely chopped
2 Tablespoons capers
1/4 Cup almonds, lightly toasted and chopped

1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
4 Tablespoon Key lime juice
1/2 Cup extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

In a small bowl whisk together the mustard, lime juice, olive oil, and salt & pepper to taste, set aside.

 Place the potatoes in a medium bowl drizzle in a little dressing and stir potatoes, evenly coating them.  In a large bowl, toss together the radicchio, arugula, scallions, apple, cucumbers, cilantro and radishes, drizzle with the dressing.

Divide the salad using 4 individual plates.  Start by evenly distributing the potatoes by making a small pile on each plate.  Arrange the greens on top of the potatoes and breaking apart the trout place small pieces on top of  each salad.  Sprinkle the almonds and capers on top of salads and drizzle with more dressing if you desire.


  1. 1st of all good friend, you sure do not have to sell me on eating fish, not even freshwater or river trout to this gulf coast boy... ever had smoked mullet? best tasting, cleanest trash fish we have down here, a poor man's eating and a really good one... now I have not had smoked trout, many other types, but in a salad with all of your fixin's, I can just imagine the fine flavor combination, love the capers working with the lime here...

  2. Patty - I am not typically a smoked fish gal, but it is growing on me. (if this salad is as good as the dip you brought to Gina's macaron day, then I know it is delish) Great photos and can hard wait for the apple delight. BTW - need to make your salad dressing, sounds perfect. Hope you are doing well!!

  3. Patty, the smoked trout salad looks WOWED! And I love the dressing too. The photos are making my mouth water....

  4. Gorgeous salad, Patty! You know I love fish! I also love your vinaigrette - lime adds such a fresh flavor to summer salads!

  5. Wow Patty, this salad looks delicious...smoked trout and all this beautiful and colorful veggies.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week :-)

  6. I love smoked fish! Beautiful colors, texture, and flavors in this salad, and the Key lime with mustard dressing really adds a bright citrus pop!

  7. What a beautiful salad...I love smoked fish! And the key lime, mustard dressing is perfect to top it all off!

  8. Did you say fish...yes I like fish and this salad of yours looks fantastic...Smoke fish...send it my way...loking forward to your apple post.

  9. You didn't need to lure me on for a mysterious giveaway to appreciate a beautifully prepared salad dish such as this one ;o)
    Other than the cilantro (not a fan)...the remaining ingredients scream success! I do love smoked trout ;) Btw...apples in desserts are what I look forward to the most as Autumn approaches.

    Have a great week Patty and good luck to one of your loyal followers.

    Ciao for now,

  10. Gorgeous salad! I've never had smoked trout, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
    If any of those pears do fall into your backyard I'd suggest a pear butterscotch pie, I found the recipe on epicurious a couple of years ago and loved it. It was a perfect Fall dessert.

  11. Hi Patty, Your story about the birds leaving the core and skin left me giggling. I am also not a fan of apple skins. I don't understand why fish recipes would be a kiss of death for comments, doesn't everyone love fish? Well I do anyways:) Smoked trout is a fave of my mine. I am loving your salad recipe and will definitely try it out this coming week. By the way I'll be back for that apple recipe but not because of the bribe :)

  12. I wish I could bake with apples but, I can't stop eating them. We bought 15 at the farmers market on Saturday and they are already gone. I love smoked trout and this look delicious. YUM! Can't wait for the pound cake.

  13. I'm allergic to fish, so I couldn't add the trout (although it looks AMAZING). I have to tell you - I LOVE the dressing! What a great idea to use key lime juice! Your photos are stunning - I want to grab a fork and poke thru my computer screen!

  14. You are too funny, Patty. I don't think you have to bribe any of us to leave a comment on your posts. Your photos are spectacular as always! I had to laugh when I read about you waiting for your neighbor's peas to fall. I am the same way with our neighbors oranges and have to beat the birds or other critters to get them as they fall on our side of the fence. :) Your trout salad looks so good and I have to confess that when I cook fish I never think to put it in a salad. I love your ladle!

  15. Oh - I love the salad (and all the great ways you have found to use those key limes). No kiss of death here :-)

  16. Fish posts = less comments?! ppfftt! I LOVE fish and especially fish salads, this one looks beautiful. And, if anyone could make a fish salad look appetizing and delicious to a non-fish eater, it's you, Patty! I just had some Key Lime dressing with some conch the other day at a friend's, isn't it delicious?! Well done, girl, and keep golfing!

  17. I love smoked trout and have even made it a couple of times. In pursuit of the perfect recipe!

  18. Darn, I thought there was cake. I had my fork ready and everything. I agree with Lisa if this is as good as the dip you brought to my house, then I know it would be good. Hope you have a great weekend, I'm looking forward to it. Husband's going hunting, I'm going out with the girls.

  19. I love your cute mystery giveaway, I love fish, I love pound cake and I love you too, I'll be back; you didn't even have to bribe me.

  20. I've been looking for more white fish recipes. This looks like a great place to start!

  21. Patty, what are you talking about? I happen to love fish salads and your lemon smoked trout with that tangy dressing looks and sounds amazing! As for the fruit trees, I'm now wishing my neighbor has lovely fruit laden trees that overhang into OUR garden. They have a bare yard while we have something like 10 fruit trees that they get to pick all the time.... Oh well, I shouldn't really complain, I suppose!

  22. Hehe - I've done these the wrong way around, because I already got to see the apple pound cake which look delicious, and now I'm back here. But I do love trout and think this salad looks fresh and yummy too! Lovely post.

  23. My stomach is grumbling - I love fish salads and yours is colorful and just perfect. I love the balance between the tart dressing, the bitter greens, the salty fish... it's truly a feast.

  24. What a colorful and lively looking salad! i may have to try this recipe. I love your blog and thankyou for all the great recipes!

  25. Look at the dressing. Wow. so pretty. I'm not a big fan of sour apple but I like to add it to my salad too. Thanks for sharing the dressing recipe Patty! Oh wait, thanks for a great giveaway too!

  26. I don't think you really need to talk anyone into this dish. It's gorgeous one and that dressing is amazing!

  27. What a lovely dish! And the mix of colors make it very tempting to eat!

  28. I've never had smoked trout salad...genius idea!
    Especially with the refreshing Key Lime dressing.
    So colorful, and gorgeous...can't wait to try this myself! I seem to have run out of ideas for light and healthy salads, and this is one huge winner:DDD

  29. Hi Patty, I made your salad and it tasted awesome! But I had to change it a bit according to what I had in my fridge. Regardless when I showed my husband your photos he was like "yeah you should make that, tonight!" Hehe, thanks for sharing again. I love all your recipes.

  30. I am catching up on my blog reading and I hope I am not too late because I LOVE fish. I have noticed that people don't comment on it as much but I don't know why either ... This salad is absolutely gorgeous I can see why you would live off of something like this! Okay well as long as I am catching up - off to the apple cake! : )

  31. Patty, the smoked trout and key lime combination sounds divine. What a fabulous photo too.

  32. Patty,

    Both your salad and key lime mustard dressing sound amazing. The salad is bursting with freshness and colours. I've never had a Trout Salad before. I love that you used capers - love capers! And what is this about a cookbook giveaway? Oooh...hope I haven't missed it. Sorry, I'm so late. Things are getting hectic with K going to school everyday now. Off to check out your other post.
