Friday, September 9, 2011

Palm Springs Key Lime Pie

I just had to do it- turn a small portion of my Key limes from friends in Palm Springs into a pie to celebrate my husband Scott's birthday over this past  holiday weekend.  I don't know about everybody else but with all the running around playing golf I do it's difficult to find time to put together a nice family meal over a weekend.
So as I searched for a good make ahead dessert I found a recipe from Nora Ephron via Martha Stewart for a frozen Key lime pie.  One of the comments on the recipe said that this is an excellent Key lime pie that can be frozen for a number of days plus it calls for one cup of freshly squeezed lime juice which is about 20 of these baby limes-score! since I still had dozens in the produce drawer of my fridge.  I took the pie out of the freezer about 10 minutes before serving and promptly became distracted so it became a little too melted, oh well- I piled on the whipped cream and it tasted incredible!  This is such an easy recipe and like so many simple dessert recipes very fun to make and serve.  Oh and the flavor of those Key limes in all that creamy indulgence, WOW!  Let's just put it this way people are very quiet when they eat a piece of this pie.

I used this recipe for Frozen Key Lime Pie and followed it exactly using the whipped cream piled up on top of each slice, it feels slightly more decadent to me served this way with a slice of Key lime on top.

Today is French Friday with Dorie and the recipe is for a creamy cheesy rice which sounds wonderful but we've been eating too many rich foods, like Key lime pie that I decided to cook a little lighter this week. So sorry no creamy cheesy rice this week but feel free to check out this week's links for French Friday with Dorie here and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. It looks perfect to me. We love key lime pie in my house! Great idea putting it in the freezer until you are ready for it.

  2. I'd take a slice of that pie over just about anything! Holy moly, that looks good.

  3. Looks delicious! Key lime pie is my father's favorite dessert and something of a tradition in our family where it makes an appearance at all reunions and other large family gatherings.

    Maybe I'll give this frozen one a try next time, though I know it will cause all kinds of debate. Messing with family traditions is always dangerous:-)

  4. That pie is gorgeous! When I was a kid, I had quite a few years when I chose to have pie instead of cake for my birthday. I would definitely love this one!

  5. OK...I was looking for your rice dish, but I've found something way better. I've been in the mood to bake key lime pie all summer...but have not yet done it. I have recipes hanging on my fridge and sitting on my desk but can't seem to get it done. Yours looks delish and I'm inspired to get it done!

  6. I'm sure the creamy rice would have been good, but it wouldn't have been sweet, tart, cool and creamy like this wonderful pie! I actually found key limes at the grocery store this week and know now what I'm doing with them. :)

  7. This looks amazing as usual! I think I will have to do a major catch up post for FFwD as I just couldn't go for rich foods this week either.

  8. It looks creamy and refreshing! Perfect for the hot days we had this last week innPalm Springs!

  9. I love Key lime pie. Your frozen version looks intriguing. I usually bake mine.

  10. Looks so divine! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Can't wait to give it a try myself!

  11. Of course you had to use some of those key limes for a birthday pie for your husband! Lucky man! It looks so delicious, Patty. Happy Birthday to Scott!

  12. After my recent USA experience, I have to make this...We don't have key lime here....any lime is the same?
    Your pie looks wonderful! Enjoy your golf!

  13. Oh my goodness that looks delicious! Love the perfectly white dollop of whipped cream on top!

  14. Oh, this is one of my favorite all time desserts. And I am sure using fresh key limes made a huge difference.

  15. I love a lime pie that's not green, ya know? tells me it's the real deal and this one looks beautiful, refreshing and outright delicious

  16. Love key lime pie! This is such a pretty and mouthwatering pie for this late afternoon summer. Love your fork..

  17. I want your dishes!!! And the pie that goes with it.... :)

  18. well, if you had to skip a week and leave us with anohter recipe, this was a good one to choose. I love key limes; made a key lime ice cream a while back when my key lime bar recipe was an utter failure (the mess was great frozen). What is it about those wonderful little gems that they are so good?

  19. I came over to ogle the pie. Please wish Hubby a Happy Belated B-day from me. Thanks again for the wonderful lunch, I had such a great time. I love those little key limes, they are a little hard to find over here.

  20. Just left a comment...don't know if it's going to show, it just disappeared. Love your key lime pie, Patty!
    So light and delicious. Glad you and Gina had a wonderful lunch together. You two must live near each nice:DDD

  21. That looks so good! With the heat we've been having here this week, it would be a perfect dessert.

  22. This pie looks lovely, of course. But I especially enjoy the way your plate matches your blog header so perfectly! Thank you for taking the time to share another delicious treat...and your sweet words! I hope you had a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend, Patty. We need them! Have a blessed week, my friend.

  23. My friend and I were making a key lime pie at her house last week, but then I had to leave before it cooled down so I didn't get to eat it. So now I'm feasting my eyes on your pie and it' looks delicious.

  24. This pie sounds just delightful!

  25. What a gorgeous pie! I love key lime, and need to indulge in a a slice very soon.

  26. Happy belated birthday to your husband Scott! Hope he had a great one. I love having birthdays or any type of celebration, just means I get to pig out...teehee. Not saying that you did though.
    Your key lime pie looks scrumptious and lovely topped off with that whipped cream. Love that the pie could be frozen for a number of days. You know how the life of a mom is never "do what you want when you want". Being able to freeze this pie gives much flexibility. Hope you had a fantastic weekend, my dear!

  27. A Very Happy Belated Birthday to your husband! Lucky guy from the looks of this pie, well for many reasons of course :) Looks scrumptious!
    Hope you are having a great weekend Patty...

  28. Not only is Key Lime pie one of my top ten favourites...the frozen concoction pleases me even more.
    Your chosen recipe seems to have a real kick...I'll have to go grab your reference Patty. Thanks for your quick review and experimentation ;o)

    Happy belated Birthday to your love and Golf enthusiast ;o)

    Ciao for now,
