Thursday, January 19, 2012

Meyer Lemon Quatre-Quarts with Berries & Cream for French Fridays

As we get closer to the weekend and the SF 49ers playoff game against the Giants for a place in the Super Bowl- my heart is filled with pride for our team and my son Taylor.  This has been a dream season  for the team and their fans here in the Bay Area.  Some of you know that my son Taylor is the Digital Media Coordinator for the team from what I share on Facebook and Twitter.  My husband Scott, myself and our entire family have followed Taylor's career with pride this past few years and are thrilled that he is experiencing this incredible season with the 49ers.  I'm preparing myself for the game by sticking to my routine of bringing  goodies to the game for the press box and for sure wearing my lucky red boots.  And you thought I was going to write about French cake, Meyer lemons or berries!  Okay just a few notes....  I decided to flavor my cake with Meyer lemon zest and juice as I have a small stash of my favorite- Meyer lemons.  I splurged and bought berries at the market because I knew immediately when I read the recipe that I wanted to serve them with my cake.  I like this simple cake and will make it again possibly using cognac or rum instead of the lemon flavor.  I also found this cake to be very photogenic.  For the most part the French Fridays with Dorie recipes have all presented photography challenges in one way or another that have pushed me out of my box. I appreciate the simplicity of  photographing food for my blog that is not melting, coagulating or drying out while I try to get that perfect shot.  Please check out the other Quatre-Quarts at French Fridays with Dorie, an online cooking group working our way through Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan.  Also consider picking up the book and joining this cooking adventure with our group.
This cake is not overly sweet which makes it perfect to enjoy in the afternoon with a cup of tea.  I would love to find a similar recipe for a chocolate Quatre-Quarts cake.  As simple as this cake is to make it's fun to spend a little time dressing it up to serve for company.  I added a few berries, a sprinkle of powdered sugar, some lemon zest and a nasturtium flower on top of mine.
After cutting the cake I spooned creme fraiche, berries and a sprinkling of powdered sugar over each piece before serving.  I had fun with this recipe and I'm looking forward to seeing what everybody else in the group did this week.

Sorry I couldn't find a link to this recipe(just found it!) and we've been asked not to give out the recipes from Around My French Table.  I was surprised to find a few nasturtium flowers that I used to decorate my cake left in the garden after all our freezing cold nights.


  1. That is just beautiful, Patti.
    I think this is going to be an amazing week of FFwD with everyone's lovely creations!

  2. You had me at Meyer lemon ... they haven't hit my area yet. Oh, and Dorie has a chocolate quatre quarts in one of her other books. Congrats re: your son - how fun!

  3. Oooh, la, la! Lovely little cake there. Sorry I got your message just hadn't got a chance to answer yet. No worries! Besides we need to focus all our energy and make sure the Niners make it to the Super Bowl. Hope your week is going good.

  4. This is a beautiful cake with the fruit garnishes, and sounds delicious with the Meyer Lemons.

    This should be a very exciting weekend for your family. Hope that your red boots bring you good luck:)

  5. Simply gorgeous! I'm not even a football fan, but for you, Taylor and the team, I'll have my red boots on this weekend, sending lucky black kat vibes for the Niners!

  6. look amazing and love your pictures!!!!

  7. Beautiful! I'll put this on my list of things to make with my four pounds of Meyer lemons. :)

  8. Totally YUMMY..I love it..Delicious.


  9. Another spectacular dessert, Patty! The cake is so moist and scrumptious, the glaze is so pretty!
    You must be so proud of your son; that's awesome!
    I agree with you about Dories recipes being a challenge at photography, but you seem to do well on all of them...on this one, you hit the "jackpot"
    Lovely photos with just as lovely "props" ...meaning your plates, and pottery. Such a delicate and happy looking flowers from your garden, perhaps?
    Hope your red boots will be your "lucky charm" at the game:DDD

  10. A simple and beautiful cake with stunning photos, Patty!

  11. Patty, First congrats to your son....I wish him well.....and I'm really sorry that the Giants will be winning this game! Hey, I'm from NJ I have to cheer for the Giants but if they lose...I'll think of how happy you and your family will be!
    Seriously, your photos are gorgeous and your cake is simply beautiful! Have a great weekend!

  12. Ohh Paty yo amo los berries o bayas ,su tarta es reluciente y bella,fotos impresionante,abrazos hugs,hugs.

  13. Yes, the cake is lovely and I am sure very tasty too. I like the addition of those fresh berries. Congrats to your son! Have a great weekend!

  14. Your cake looks so delicious and I love desserts that aren't overly sweet too!

  15. Photogenic indeed! Your pictures look magazine worthy! Great job.

    And best of luck to the 49ers and to your son. I'm so out of it now that I live on the other side of the pond that I have no idea who is heading for the superbowl.

  16. I can't wait until my Meyer lemons are ready! That dollop of creme fraiche looks just perfect.

  17. Your post is so beautiful! I'll be rooting for your team and I'll think of your family during this Superbowl! Good Luck!!!

    I think this is my new go-to for strawberry or whatever berry shortcake. And you are right, your photos are really great.

  18. Your photos are just stunning, Patty! The colors just pop and are a feast for the eyes. I somehow missed (on Twitter) that your son worked with the 49ers. How cool! The press box is lucky to have your treats at the game. Have a great weekend.

  19. Sounds like you have some exciting times ahead! How fun to be able to make treats for the press box!Your cake looks delicious. I loved this recipe.

  20. Wow! What a fun job your son has! This has got to be a very exciting time for him. (I'm so mad that you guys beat my Saints though! Wahhh!)

    Your cake looks fantastic! I also did berries on mine and thought it was the perfect pairing.

  21. Another stunning dessert from Dorie. This looks perfect. I actually got on her site today to see what's in store for next week and noticed that she's now giving us the option of selecting our own for the next month. That's fun. I'll have to browse through the book tonight.

    Thanks for sharing her lovely dessert.

  22. I'm a life-long Giants fan, so that's where my allegiance lies this weekend, but that's so cool that your son is experiencing this time with the 49ers.

    Love the meyer lemon idea. Mmmm.

  23. you're right Patty, this is extremely photogenic, these pics could be in a magazine! Hope the team does great,you should be very proud of your son!

  24. Absolutely gorgeous photos and styling as always! I had to smile over your lament about how FFWD dishes are generally not terribly photogenic. There were weeks on end when we had brown food to shoot! Hope the game this weekend will be a good one.

  25. Your cake looks beautiful - the berries were worth it. Congrats to Taylor.

  26. Thank you so much for joining me here and in Pinterest; I am now your follower.
    I am happy to have found your blog that is so Fantastic, classy and right up my alley.
    This cake is a must try; I can almost taste the lemony lightness.

  27. I like that it's "not overly sweet" and it is stunningly beautiful. Pinning. :)

  28. Another gorgeous photo journey and post! Go 49'rs! Will be pinning you again, and again!

  29. Wow, very nice cake. And this photos... fantastic! :)

  30. So pretty!

    This is going to become another standby in my house. I was thinking about adding a bit of cocoa to the dry mixture, but decided to add ginger and nutmeg instead. Your Meyer lemon version sounds amazing.

  31. What a beautiful cake!! I love, love lemons! I bet niner fever is full swing in your house. Very nice photos Patty!!! Go 49'rs!!!!!

  32. Oh my! What a beautifully textured and looking cake. It looks so delicate and moist. So just to be sure, this is from Dorie's "Around My French Table" cookbook? That book has been on my wishlist forever...I really need to get it.

    Your images are edible, Patty. Just lovely and so beautifully presented.

    Ok - next stop is Amazon. I'm getting that book!

  33. beauty Patty, and I am pinning this one to make myself... thanks for the link for us that do not do the French Table thingy
    Good luck to Taylor... eating some seafood and I'll think of him, will he be in for the Sr Bowl again this year or is the playoffs holding him back...

  34. Yours is the prettiest version I've seen so far, Patty. And I love Meyer lemons.
    Good luck to the 49ers. Maybe it'll be the 49ers and the Patriots in the Super Bowl!

  35. SO beautiful, Patty! How lucky to find those nasturtiums...a lovely touch. I've passed along a blogger award to you on my Friday post :)

  36. What a lovely cake. I enjoy simple cakes that can be dressed up with fruit and powdered sugar.

    Thanks for letting us know about your son's connection to the 49ers. It always makes a game more interesting if there's a personal angle!

  37. Watching the game now, Patty! Go 49ers! We may be friendly rivals soon (Don is a Patriots fan). Any dessert with Meyer lemon and berries is a winner in my opinion :)

  38. so sorry about the game ... i know it meant a lot to you.
    the cake is so beautiful. i love meyer lemon treats this time of the year.

  39. My first reaction was "this is to die for." Wish I had some Meyer lemons. I almost bought a tree one time, but I would have to take it back and forth.

  40. Patty, your cake is beautiful and so vibrant with the berries!!!

  41. I think you made this cake EXCTLY as it needed to be. Bravo.

  42. Absolutely Fantastic photos!Meyer lemon sounds fantastic in this cake. I would try a chocolate version too! :)

  43. This cake is stunning! Love the photos Patty!
    I do not follow football, but it sounds like your son has a wonderful career and I am sorry about the game. But your pride for his work still shines, and as always there is another year :)

  44. Dorie's book is still on my list of books to look into...and here you are tempting me once more Patty ;o)
    The cake and photos are stunning!

    Ciao for now,

  45. Oh my goodness Patty! Gorgeous photos!!!

  46. Your cake looks gorgeous! Great idea to add the lemon zest and juice - I may have to try that.
