Monday, January 23, 2012

Honey Challah with Flax

I baked a challah last week and thank goodness I took these pictures quickly because even with just the two of us it disappeared fast.  One of my new year's resolutions was to bake more bread, that and lose weight, talk about unclear on the concept, oh well. This recipe for a healthier challah with spelt flour, honey and whole meal flax comes from King Arthurs Flour.  I forgot how good fresh baked yeast bread makes the house smell and how wonderful a piece of warm bread drizzled with honey tastes.  My challah didn't make it to the tailgate before the heart breaking 49ers game yesterday but it's just as well because even without fresh bread we shared an amazing spread with our friends and family in the parking lot before the game.
We left our house at 9:30am, made one stop in the city to pick up friends who came in from New Mexico for the game.  By the time we arrived at the first freeway exit for the stadium around 10:15am for a 3:30pm game the traffic was already backing up.  We made the right decision to get off the freeway and go around the back of the stadium to wait in traffic as the parking lot was still closed, everybody who stayed on the freeway was stuck in horrible traffic as they inched their way into the lot when it finally opened.  It was pouring rain when we arrived but we weren't the first ones in our group and thankfully we had a pop up to stand under while the grill was fired up and a first course of barbecued oysters was served followed by tri tip, sausages, chicken and vegetable skewers.  The rest of our group trickled into the lot and eventually we were around 20 people huddling together eating and drinking wine in the rainy, windy and flooded parking lot- a great bonding moment for all the tailgating 49er faithful fans.  The people next to us were making tacos and generously shared one with me which made me remember to share my peanut butter truffle brownies and glazed truffle brownies, recipes from the brownie collection(35 recipes!!!) of Lizzy at That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!!   They received rave reviews both in the lot before the game as well as in the press box.
As I mentioned earlier, the 49ers loss to the New York Giants was a heart breaker for all of us 49er faithful fans.  To say the least the home crowd was subdued walking back to the car in the rain after the game.  We were so close to ending our journey with a trip to the Super Bowl after such a winning season.  I am very proud of the 49ers season, the efforts of the team and our son Taylor Price. We had a great run and once again I am very proud to be a 49 faithful, just sorry to see our season with this great group of guys end!

Ingredients And Directions For Honey Challah With Flax
Adapted From King Arthur's Flour

1/2 cup warm water
1/4 cup grape seed oil
2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon raw local honey, I used Bee-Happy Honey
2 large eggs
1 & 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup spelt flour
1/2 cup whole flax meal
1 & 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1 package active dry yeast

Place warm water in a small bowl, stir in teaspoon of honey, sprinkle yeast on top and set aside for a few minutes to bubble up.
In another bowl stir together the flours, whole flax meal and sea salt, set aside.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook pour in the yeast mixture, oil, the rest of the honey and the eggs and stir to combine.  Dump in the flour mixture and mix on a medium speed until you have a smooth, slightly sticky ball of dough that climbs up the dough hook.  Remove the dough from the mixer, place in a slightly oiled large bowl, cover and place in a draft free spot for about 2 hours.  The dough should be double in size before you remove it from the bowl.  Gently deflate the dough and place it on a lightly floured work surface.  Divide the dough in 3 equal pieces to make a three strand braided challah.  Roll each piece into a rope and braid together.  Carefully pick up your loaf of bread and place on a parchment lined baking sheet.  Cover with a lightly oiled sheet of plastic wrap.  Allow to rise until very puffy, not quite double in size, about 60-90 minutes.  Preheat the oven to 350F towards the end of the second rise.  For a darker brown shiny crust on your challah make an egg glaze by whisking an egg and a drop of water together in a small bowl.  Brush this egg glaze over the top of your challah and sprinkle with sesame seeds if you desire.  Bake for around 25 minutes until the crust is shiny and brown and the loaf sounds hollow when the bottom sounds hollow when tapped.  Remove your challah from the oven and allow to cool on a metal rack.
Makes one beautiful challah!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous, healthy, and delicious Challah, Patty! King Arthur flour, and their bread recipes are the best.
    So comforting to be able to bake breads and rolls that are so fresh, and family is so happy enjoying it. You are so right, it does not last long...or any time, at all, but what joy and pleasure we get out of it:DDD

  2. Thought about you yesterday and KNEW you were at the the rain. Sad that the 49'ers didn't win, but they certainly had a great season. Your bread looks so good. Thanks for sharing. Susan

  3. Una gran receta de pan debe ser una delicia con esa miel especial..BRAVO,abrazos hugs,hugs.

  4. Wow, Patty! This bread looks amazing! I'm lloking forward to more bread baking with TWD, too.

    How very cool that your son is a sports writer - I'll be he's living his dream!

  5. Your pictures look like they should be in a culinary magazine and the bread is making my mouth water! Yum Patty, this looks just perfect!

  6. What a beautiful creation; I never thought of baking with flax see before.

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry about the 49ers Patty :( But your tailgating party sounds like it was fun and all that mouthwatering food. I love fresh homemade baked bread. It does make the house smell amazing. I really need to buy some spelt flour and try it soon. Gorgeous photos!

  8. Your not kidding you made one beautiful challah. Yess for the baking, boo to the crushing loss. I so thought they had it, up to those last few seconds. Hmm your diet sounds like mine, I want to bake bread more, yet I want to lose weight. Maybe we need therapy for our problem, he he. I will email you the cookie recipe right now.

  9. We were rooting for your 49ers...what a heart breaker! And I'm honored that my brownie recipes made it to the press box :)(and relieved they were yummy!). Your challah looks picture perfect...and I love the addition of flax meal...which makes it healthy, right? Then I can eat it with a nice pat of butter~

  10. Stunning bread. I just love King Arthur Flour - almost all of their recipes are keepers.
    Sorry about the East Coast Superbowl in a couple of weeks. I live in NY, but there was a piece of me that was still rooting for SF to take it home...

  11. You must have known that I'm determined to make bread this year! This is what I want to make. Want to come to Pennsylvania and coach me?

  12. That is one beautiful challah. Mine don't look that good.

  13. Patty,
    Sorry about your 49ers. Looked like they had it in the bag. At least you had all of that wonderful food, and especially your bread, which was gorgeous and perfect, along with Lizzy's brownies.

  14. Gorgeous challah...we live in Giants country but we are Niners fans...sad night.:(
    I love a nice healthy looking loaf!

  15. Tyler did an exceptional job of coverage on the game! Sorry for the teams loss, once again.
    This challah, however is just gorgeous!
    Big hugs!

  16. I don't know what I'm envious more of...the fact that you bake gorgeous bread (I'm really not there)...or that you got to picnic in the parking lot. LOL

    Not being a great sports fan, I did enjoy sports as a youngster...thus, I feel for your love of the game. Sorry for your son's game going sour. Better times ahead ;o) I'm sure they gave it their best.

    Have a great week Patty...and don't forget that losing weight is a journey and not a race. LOL
    Let's all enjoy our carbs!

    Ciao for now,

  17. Patty your challah looks incredible and I'm sure your kitchen smelled it as well. I like the healthier ingredients used. Did you feel like it took away from the original challah taste?

  18. How fun you were at the game even though it was raining, and even though they lost. My dad was SO disappointed. He is a die hard 49er fan. He laughed when I did my football post with pics of Joe, Jerry and Dwight!
    The bread is awesome! I mean truly awesome. I also love how wonderful it makes the house smell, and like you, I really need to get my bread on! (and off of the hips!) I think with all the good stuff you have in this loaf it's just fine! My son loves Challah like breads and I have one that I make every holiday season. Perhaps I'll surprise him this week, he has finals and is pretty overworked right now. This would make him smile!

  19. whoa, Patty, the challah looks spectacular!

  20. What a gorgeous Challah bread. It actually sounds healthy with the spelt flour and the flax. I would love to give this one a try!
    I am sorry that SF didn't win, since you were at the game and your son works for them...although I can't say I'm sad about the Giants!! It had to be a very exciting game to be at. I'm sure you all had fun.

  21. I look at this loaf and all I can think of is Nutella tartine! What a beauty. :-)

  22. Patty THIS challah look spectacular and beauty!!!!

  23. What a yummy and healthy bread recipe!! Thanks girl!

  24. I'm sorry for the way the 49ers' season ended. I know what it's like to have your team just fall short, and it's heartbreaking.

    But your bread is some consolation. That's one gorgeous loaf.

  25. I think I hit my head when I fell on the floor after seeing this. Lovely recipe.

  26. Your challah looks so beautiful--absolutely perfect!

  27. I love fresh bread, this looks stunning! I wish my bread turned out this pretty!

  28. That is a beautiful loaf! I love the satisfaction baking bread can bring.
