Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blueberry Nectarine Cake

As the summer fruit reaches its peak and begins to pile up at farmers markets in Northern California we like to enjoy it on a daily basis so the other day when I went to the market I loaded up on blueberries and nectarines. They looked, smelled and tasted amazing. So when I was asked to bring dessert to a potluck picnic I thought of my impressive stash of fruit and found this recipe on a friendly site, My Recipes. Of course mine doesn't look anything like theirs! For one thing I didn't use a cake pan, whoops, didn't have one the right size so I improvised, always fun to do! I also passed on the cream cheese icing, I figure with two sticks of butter and a cup of sugar in the recipe who needs cream cheese icing?

The other thing that happens in Northern California this time of year is that the hills all around us start to get really dry, so dry we have a fire danger and the deer come down out of the hills for food and water. They eat almost everything in the yard. They eat the shrubs that Sunset's guide to gardening says they won't eat, go figure, the deer don't read so they don't know they're not suppose to eat those shrubs. They stand up and eat the leaves off the trees and even strip the bark off, they also like to just graze on the lawn. So the other day when I was driving to the farmers market which is how I got on this story in the first place! I came around the corner and a tiny spotted fawn was standing right in the middle of the street, I had plenty of time to stop but as I was braking out of the corner of my eye I saw the mommy deer standing next to the side of the road and she was S-T-A-R-I-N-G- M-E- D-O-W-N, big time, like don't even think about hitting my baby who just ran away and is now standing in the road staring at both of us. It started me thinking about being a mommy deer, what do you do when your baby runs into the street, I mean you are at a severe disadvantage having four legs and no arms to grab the baby. What is she suppose to do? Fling herself on top of the fawn or cry out in deer language STOP! I don't know, it's incredible that there are so many deer and that more little ones are not hit by cars. I know that was random but it's something that I was thinking about. Anyway I snapped a few pictures of this wonderful fresh fruit filled cake so you could get more of an idea about it and see if it might be something you would like to make yourself. It's a simple recipe, it starts by making a sturdy batter to which you add chopped nectarines and blueberries.

You add the fruit to the batter and mix it all together, this is a very forgiving mixture of batter and fruit which I think you could bake in just about whatever you have on hand, like a big stainless frying pan or whatever!

You only get two bowls sticky, the third one is just used for the dry ingredients. So, it's fairly easy clean up.

I put the mixture in the pan, smoothed down the top and baked it for about 35 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

And voila, it's finished, let it cool for awhile and cut into slices, good luck getting the first slice out in one piece!

Please click on the above link for the recipe, if you make it the fancy way with the cream cheese frosting please send me a photo, I would love to see it!


  1. loved that you baked in a fry pan. It looks fantastic, I would love that.

  2. Patty that is one gorgeous cake!! all that lovely fruit...I never put enough fruit in my cakes.....
    yours is perfect!

  3. What a job well done with this cake. Love the step by step photo instruction. Bravo!

  4. hahaha i wish the deers knew how to read so they knew they weren't supposed to and that momy deer knew you wouldn't do anything to hurt her babies :D

    Okay, back to the cake, great use of summer fruits Patty! Love the color and combination of flavors! Plus, there are a lot of fuits in the cake, yay!

  5. I love how much fruit went into this cake. It is bursting with summer flavor. And I agree with you about nixing the cream cheese frosting...the cake looks rich and delicious already! We have a lot of deer in our neighborhood and I'm surprised that more don't get hit too. I hope you have a beautiful Sunday!

  6. Do you want to come down to So Cal and put this in my kitchen? Fruit is good. Fruit with cake is better. And doesn't make me feel guilty eating it for breakfast. This sounds like a breakfast cake.

  7. could you send over piece right now so that I could have it with my coffee :) This looks delicious and would be excellent for a brunch or tea

  8. Wow that looks amazing, it's been a while since I bought nectarines but since they are back in season, and this looks so good. I might just have to pick up some...

    It even looks so pretty in the raw cake mix - yum!

  9. That's a gorgeous looking cake! The bluberries and nectarines combined so well.

  10. Looks so good and so generous with fruits!

  11. It's like an X-mas fruitcake celebrating summer! Love it!

  12. Your cake looks delish as always!

  13. I totally agree, Patty, why bother with cream cheese frosting on a cake as freshly fruit filled and yummy as this?! Good call...and love the frying pan idea. :)

  14. What a delicious cake! The frying pan is a unique addition. Hopefully the deer don't ruin your yard too much. :)

  15. This is a remarkable looking cake. The fruit combination sounds like a perfect marriage of ingredients. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  16. Hey Patty, this cake looks decadent. And the photo with the fresh cut nectarines and blueberries is making me want a piece-so beautiful.
    p.s.-hope the dry season isn't too bad this year...

  17. The blueberries and nectarines together look so beautiful and vibrant colors together...a great idea for a cake. I wonder if this would do well in a muffin/cupcake form too. Just lovely and must smell amazing out of the oven too!

  18. Wow, that looks amazing! So colorful and just bursting with fruit:)

  19. hmm.. I have peaches. I have blueberries. I think I'll be having this cake!

  20. the bowl of fruit is so beautiful, and I think I would skip the icing too - like the fruit cake just the way it is....

  21. What a gorgeous cake! Who needs cream cheese?!
    ;-) I love the taste of the fruit, it's plenty sweet! beautiful pics!

  22. Patty...I'm starting to get concerned! First, the firemen are looking for you and now you're getting the stare down by an animal?!? What's up!
    Here to, in Quebec...we unfortunately have many accidents due to deer and moose crossings. Very unnerving.

    Alright, passing along to happier moments...that cake is right up my alley...the more fruits the better...especially those two combined.
    Why need the cream cheese...I'd rather have a bigger piece of your cake...much more satisfying that way ;o))

    Ciao for now and have a fabulous week,

  23. You have combined two of my favorite fruits into such a great looking cake. It just screams summer!

  24. Fruit desserts are perfect in the summer :) My mom gets so angry at deer in her backyard in Ohio. They love to eat all her favorite flowers!

  25. I just want to lick the batter right out of that bowl!

  26. How cool about the fawn. I would be constantly paranoid that I'd hit a deer. Your cake is beautiful - good call on not adding the icing.

  27. The fresh fruit in the cake in simply fantastic :D

  28. Lovely! I sure wish I had some of this for breakfast today.

  29. It almost comes out like a rustic fruit tart, doesn't it? I LOVE this idea. You're right about the cream cheese frosting. It would have ruined it. Serve it warm with a plop of ice cream and WOW. I love nectarines!

  30. Looks delicious. Can't go wrong with nectarines and blueberries. This looks like it would be fun to make on a Saturday morning...after a trip to the farmer's market!

  31. You are one clever gal when it comes to improvising. When I do my own improvisations, I always tell myself I going to get myself screwed one of these days. Hahaha! Also, ditto on skipping the cream cheese frosting! A cake like this does not need any frosting. I prefer to taste the fruit rather than the frosting. Beautiful!

  32. oh yum! I love how colorful that is!

  33. delish! Blueberries and nectarines?! I've been putting off buying those little suckers, but now you've gone and done it.. I need to go get me some so I can make this cake!

  34. Ummmmm! It looks delicious, for sure!

  35. This cake looks so fantastic, I would love a slice or two:)

  36. Gorgeous cake! I love the combination of fruits, too... it's definitely one of my favourites, especially at this time of year when the nectarines are at their peak.

  37. Oh what a beautiful fruity cake! I always look for those types of recipes, cakes with lots of fruits, this is just perfect, I think I will make it. Lucky you to be among deers, not too many around here!

  38. How could I have missed this post?! It looks sooo good, Patty. I have a similar recipe for an apple cake that starts with a thick batter like this. I love the idea of the blueberries and nectarines, though. I have to bookmark this.

    The deer like to hang out in our yard, too, and you're right about them eating stuff that you're told they won't.
