Tuesday, July 27, 2010

500 Cookies and A Castle

This morning myself and 6 other women with a little help from our kitchen staff baked 500 cookies in less than 2 hours! The first few minutes were hectic as I the fearless leader and organizer with the recipes started weighing the flour on the scale for the first recipe while attempting to direct the others to grab bowls, chop, pour, measure and get them all going with tasks. It quickly settled into a routine and soon we were humming along with everybody busy making the cookies. We measured our ingredients, mixed our doughs and made our cookies in record time! I am in charge of our annual member guest invitational. I don't like saying I'm in charge but everybody on the committee keeps telling me that I am the chairperson of this event. I like the sound of co-chair so much more! I settled right into the pastry station which was a little walk down memory lane for me, it looks just like the one where I worked at Bizou, now Coco500 in San Francisco.

Here is the convection oven that made it all possible, this baby is incredible! 12 sheet pans with 30 cookies on each pan in 2 ovens for about 8 minutes with one rotation of the pan on the bottom rack.
We removed the sheet pans from the ovens, put them on racks to cool and went home for lunch. I came back a few hours later and bagged them up for the freezer to hold until next week at the golf tournament for a delicious treat to put in the golf carts.

I put a couple of plates of cookies out for the staff, sort of like a special treat for Santa at Christmas only without the milk.

The recipes for the cookies are from finecooking.com. We made chewy chocolate-chip cookies, peanut butter cookies and chewy cranberry-oatmeal cookies. We tripled each recipe and dropped the dough by rounded tablespoons which yielded 500 cookies. They were given a thumbs up by all the tasters! Now on to the castle, the Castello di Amorosa is in the Napa Valley about one hour away from my home. I just want to tell you up front that I had no idea that this castle was in Napa, actually it's right outside of Calistoga. I went there for the first time with a good friend of mine who joined their wine club and asked me if I wanted to tag along and see this really cool place while she picked up her wine. So, I said sure, I'll bring my camera and the rest is history, literally. Who needs to go to Europe when there is an authentic 12th century Tuscan castle-winery about an hour away where you can taste wines, take a tour, shop or have a food and wine pairing in the exclusive royal apartment. I'll get right on that last one!

The views inside the courtyard where they have a lot of their wine events are spectacular and are like being in a small village in Tuscany. The wine tasting, shopping and torture chamber are on the lower level. There is an actual torture chamber it's not just what the men call the shopping area!

The views from the castle are spectacular and if you visit the Napa Valley this is a fun place to tour, wine taste, shop and don't forget to check on the availability of that royal apartment!

There are 30 acres of vineyards surrounding the 121,000 square foot castle made of hand carved stones. Beautiful details are everywhere including a drawbridge and a moat!

I hope you enjoyed my castle pictures, I sure had fun taking them!


  1. What a beautiful castle...and what an impressive feat. 500 cookies in 2 hours! I still can't believe it. And the cookies themselves sound delicious. The cherry oatmeal cookies would have to be my pick!

  2. 500 cookies in 2 hrs?! Wow you and the team are super women Patty! Kudos to you to make it a success! Can I get cookies but not enter to a golf tournament? hehe

    The castle photos are beautiful especially the inside.

  3. wow! look at all those cookies and gorgeous views- what a perfect duo! :)

  4. I've heard about this castle--if I click my red heels, can I get there in time for some cookies? 500 cookies in two hours is indeed impressive--as are you, always. Now let me go put my shoes on and see if I can join you...

  5. You have a castle near your home.. I have cow pastures... now how is that fair?! I'll trade ya?? ha But seriously.. 500 cookies in 2 hours? I'm impressed! Did you feel like you were on your own food network challenge or something? :)

  6. THAT many cookies in that little time? I'm so impressed! there's no way I would be able to do that, even with help, unless the help did all the work!

  7. 500 cookies? 2 hours!?! I'm ridiculously impressed. And loving the castle pictures. Napa is on the list of places my husband and I want to get too while we're still living on the West Coast!

  8. Those cookies look yummy! You have a very efficient team.

    That castle is beautiful. I am going to have to visit some day.

  9. Cherry oatmeal = YUM! Love that oven!
    And what a beautiful castle....I didn't even know one existed so close to home :)

  10. The castle is beautiful! And the cookies are, too! :)

  11. Wow...this place looks awesome, and 500 cookies in 2 hours??? That's amazing.

  12. Like everyone else has said: 500 cookies in 2 hours? Wow. And actually, I like your apron, not a bad outfit at all, and the cookies will be a real treat at your event. Very nice!

    Beautiful pictures of the castle, too. I had no idea that it existed.

  13. Wow Patty, impressive baking! I think you missed a prime opportunity here though, to test out just how many of 500 cookies you could eat before admitting defeat.

  14. That's a heck of a lot of cookies! Well done leading the charge!

  15. Patty...how you drew me into this post is utterly not fair. First the cookies...than the torture chamber...and no vino to prove you were in Napa Valley ;o)...you call that a nice ending?
    Oh well...if after 20 years of not having gone back to that stunning region in California...and if I do make it back there somehow...guess who will be baking me some cookies? Of course I'll bring the vino ;o)

    Ciao for now Boss!
    Flavourful wishes, Claudia

  16. I am so impressed on the 500 cookies - that is amazing! I have always wanted to go that winery and it is on my list. You have inspired me to move it up the list. Have a great week!

  17. Fantastic photos of an amazing countryside. Wonderful job rallying your brigade and getting the job done!

  18. The cookies and your efforts to get them made make for an interesting read this morning. You can chair my events any time you are available. I also loved the photos of the castle and its surrounding countryside. It was an altogether great post. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  19. first of all those cookies look delicious and thank you so much for such taking us along with you thru your castle!!
    sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  20. great job on the cookies and thanks for the tour - good luck on the event..... hey, did you see that of Mobile's Bobby Wyatt - shot one of the best competitive rounds ever recorded at the Country Club of Mobile, a staggering 14-under-par 57 that gave him an eight-shot lead heading into today's final round of the Alabama Golf Association's State Boys Junior Championship.
    The only lower round in a tournament was a 55 shot by former PGA Tour player Homero Blancas, according to a news report....

  21. Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving such kind words. I really appreciate that.

    Holy moley! 500 cookies in less than 2 hours? You guys are baking machines! They all sound great and look yummilicious! My fave would've been the chewy cranberry-oatmeal, mmm....

    Beautiful castle pictures too. Thank you for sharing!

  22. Wow, that's awesome, both the cookies and the castle. I guess if you're cooking for a castle, it's gonna take a lot of cookies.

  23. I want to go! Wonderful pictures, and the cookies look yummy!

  24. 500 cookies! Wow. And a castle in Napa, stunning photos!

  25. What fun...and that is a lot of cookies:) I am quite sure they were wonderful...

  26. I'm sorry I missed that castle when I was in Napa last year. Guess this means I have to go back!
    Oh, and your cookies look incredible :)

  27. Hey Boss (smile)! This is so wonderful, Patty. I cant' believe you guys made that many cookies in two hours, though that does look like a nice commercial kitchen. The cookies look like they turned out great. The photos are beautiful too, and that torture chamber is a little too pretty:)
    p.s. I like your apron in that photo...

  28. Forget the cookies...I want to stay at the castle! That is amazing and does resemble Tuscany. Very nice photos. :)

  29. Wow 500 cookies, I am just a little impressed here :) and I had no idea there was a castle in Napa Valley. Very beautiful.

  30. great pics Ma!! I wish I was there to help with all those cookies!
