Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins

The King Arthur's All Purpose Baking Cookbook is rightfully called the Baker's Companion. Back in the day we used The Joy Of Cooking or an old edition of the Betty Crocker Cookbook for just about every thing we baked unless we happened to have a hand written recipe on a 3x5 card from a family member or friend. Some of those recipes weren't so good but hey, it's what we had before the explosion of cookbooks, the internet and food blogs. Over the years I have found many excellent recipes in all of my King Arthur's Flour cookbooks so I just wanted to give a little shout out to them for being such good company in the kitchen.

Today was my grandson Noah second day of Kindergarten and being that it was a minimum day with no day care I helped my daughter out by taking him and picking him up. And I have to say if that is not walking down memory lane I don't know what is! Of course many things have changed, for example the kids all bring water bottles to school because they are not allowed to bring juice boxes as it is a juice-free zone, I did not make that up! They teach reading in Kindergarten and they give homework! Noah said after the first day that Kindergarten is not about playing, it's about learning. I feel it's my duty being old school and all, to provide a sugary chocolatey after school snack, go grandma, you rock;-) I did use half whole wheat flour in the muffins and a couple of bananas, so I would like a little credit for that!

I also used Scharffen Berger bittersweet chunks which should be used at some point by every chocolate chip loving person because they are over the top yummy and gooey in these muffins and I'm sure in cookies or what ever else you bake with them. I also babysat the sweet little Gracie J so I wanted to include a small picture of her because she is even sweeter than my after school banana chocolate chunk muffin snack!

Ingredients and Directions for Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins
Adapted from King Arthur's Flour, All Purpose Baking Cookbook
Makes 12 muffins

Preheat the oven to 350°F

1 stick unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon baking spice, I used Penzeys
2 medium ripe bananas, mashed, about 3/4 cup
1/3 cup vanilla low fat yogurt
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup all purpose flour
1 & 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup bittersweet baking chunks or chocolate chips

Place butter and sugar in the bowl of a standing mixer and cream together until they're smooth. Scrape down the bowl and add the egg, spices, banana and yogurt. In a medium bowl stir together the flour, baking powder and baking soda. Gently stir the dry ingredients into the banana mixture. Stir in the chocolate chunks and spoon the batter into 12 greased muffin cups. Bake for 20 minutes, remove from the oven and cool.


  1. Perfect after school snack for your grandson! I'm a whole-hearted believer in making treats for grandchildren. (with whole wheat and banana no less!) No juice zone? Wow, never heard of that! And that is a little cutie there!

  2. They look delicious! I just happen to have some ripe bananas on the counter.

  3. What a wonderful afternoon snack. And what a precious little girl...and I'm glad that Noah is enjoying school! It's funny...I just made a muffin recipe from that same cookbook this afternoon. Great minds think alike!

  4. Wow, used to think being kids were fun. I guess it was not that fun any more with having homework and no juice at kindergarten already! Lucky Noah to have a fun and kind grandma :-)

    Great addition of banana and wholewheat flour Patty! Not only is it healthy but also tasty for kids! (well adults too!) Great treat for back-to-school season.

  5. Your muffins look fantastic but honestly, the little one in the photo? She steals the show! Gracie J will be a heartbreaker!

  6. Wow Ms. Patty, you absolutely do rock! Any kid would be lucky to have a Grandma like you. You know what else is rockin'? Those delicious looking muffins! Who doesn't love chocolate chunks rather than chocolate chips in a muffin? You are blessed with such beautiful grandchildren (I'm assuming Gracie J is your grandchild). And homework in kindergarten already? Wow!

  7. Grandma, you DO rock! Thanks, Patty, for giving Noah happy memories about the first days of kindergarten - even if it's about learning, not playing... (and I can just hear him so seriously telling you that...) PJ Hamel, King Arthur Flour baker/blogger

  8. I think I need to get my hands on this cookbook! I laughed when I read Noah's response to you about the first day of school.. and my oh my I wouldn't mind having one of these after work!

  9. Lovely! which reminds me, I haven't baked with bananas in a long time!

  10. Awe Noah! I hope he had a good day in class today. You know, if I ever have a little boy, I want to name him 'Noah'-probably (smile).
    These look great, Patty, and I've been craving dark chocolate ever since I've been on this no sugar diet.
    Oh, and thanks for the comment on my pics. I had a really hard time getting photos at my Mom's house?!?

  11. Totally delicious muffins, I would love those chocolate chunks in them!

  12. Fantastic muffins. Love the combination of banana and chocolate. One of my favorites!

  13. I don't eat chocolate much, but I do like the combo of banana and chocolate especially in cakes.

    I go back to work next week and would love one of your muffins in my lunch box!

    During my holidays, I've been surrounded by little ones such as Gracie J, such as cutie.

  14. With a glass of soya milk, these are nice for the breakfast too!

  15. Lovely muffins Patty. King Arthur is the best.

  16. They look delicious and I will be getting some bananas! Gracie J is a doll!

  17. awe kindergarten! And no juice, wow. Times are changing. Love the muffins and the photos (=

  18. Can you ever go wrong with bananas and chocolate? Well, now that I think about it, just about anything goes well with chocolate. Great recipe!

  19. Great combination of flavors, they look wonderful :)

  20. Yum, those sound delicious. And bananas and chocolate must be lovely together.

  21. I'm ridiculously obsessed with the banana chocolate combination lately. Your muffins look fantastic!

  22. That's a great snack. I would love that too :) Hey, I am also a fan of those King Arthur cookbooks. They have many great recipes in there and I have made quite a few with great success. Also love the King Arthur flour though not many stores carry them.

  23. I agree with you about school, now they have pre K too....somewhere along the line in our quest to be educated we have ruined the process....homework in kindergarten, can you imagine...I think we turned out ok....Glad to hear your a good grandmom, making sweet treats! Noah must love them, and little Gracie is precious!
    hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  24. First of all, I have to say what a cutie that little Gracie J is! What a smile.

    Those muffins sound great...for breakfast or for a snack after school. How sweet of you to bake them for Noah.

  25. Patty...I feel that we're very much in unison with our baking styles lately. Your suggestion to use Scharffen Berger bittersweet chunks is an excellent one especially since I find it tedious to keep chopping up my 70% chocolate bar. Now, I just need to find out which store nearby could sell them to me...will look into it soon.
    Your recipe must be delicious...just as baby Noah was adorably in that photo...too cute!

    Here's wishing a great day to a very thoughtful and young grandma ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  26. Awesome after school snack! Way to go, grandma! And I can't believe the juice-free zone thing, seriously?

  27. delicious your after school snack,i love banana-chocolate muffins!

  28. Love the combination of the chocolate and bananas and all wrapped up in a muffin. Perfect!

  29. Nothing wrong with a little sugar snack, espically one with banana. :)

  30. I just love what your grandson said, "it's not about playing, it's about learning" so cute. Thanks for the tip on King Arthur cookbooks, I'll have to give them a peek. The muffins look delicious, I love chunks of chocolate in cookies and muffins. Yummy Patty!

  31. Yummie, banana and chocolate is a great combination in a muffin :-) Lovely pictures!
