Sunday, August 29, 2010

Peach Pie

Please enjoy a moment of silence for this peach pie. Here are a few photos, recipes and comments on the rewards and challenges of baking a homemade peach pie. And hopefully a small contribution to embracing the abundant fresh produce here in Northern California at the end of August. Think warm nights, corn on the cob, the promise of ripe tomatoes in the vegetable garden and juicy fresh peaches. I know my opening comment was a tad overly dramatic, but each time I took it out after a few attempts to write something else I put it back, so there you have it. Actually nothing bad happened to the peach pie, it experienced a short ride in the car before we cut it into slices and served it with vanilla ice cream at a friend's home the other night after a wonderful dinner served with a great bottle of red wine. The bay trees are shedding leaves and the smell of Indian Summer is in the air here. Summer fruit is overflowing in the markets right now and I didn't want to miss my chance to make a fruit pie this summer. I found an all butter pie crust recipe at Smitten Kitchen that looked good. I tried it for this pie and it was flaky and tender as promised. There is also a very comprehensive tutorial for rolling out the dough on the same site. I rolled my dough out on two silpat mats put together on the counter and sprinkled with a little flour. I found this dough to be stiff and difficult to roll out. As I rolled it out the sides kept forming these deep cracks and I had to stop rolling and pinch them together. I didn't weave the lattice over the pie because it kept tearing and at that point I was over chilling the dough! I do want to note that even though the dough was not easy to handle, for me anyway, it was still forgiving and eventually I had my way with it! I searched for a simple fresh peach filling recipe for the pie and found several but settled on one that I did adapt from the very popular cook and food writer, Sheila Lutkins. The recipe is in her book 'Ten: all the foods we love and ten perfect recipes for each'. I started years ago using the Silver Palate cookbooks which I came back to over and over again, remember her recipe called Chicken Marbella? I think the vanilla, cinnamon and brown sugar are stand out flavors in this peach pie filling. If you don't try it now and now would be the time, save the recipe for next summer but just be sure to try it!

Ingredients and Directions for Peach Pie
Adapted from Ten by Sheila Lutkins and Smitten Kitchen

For The Crust
Pie dough, enough for one double crust pie, try the link above for the recipe or use your own favorite recipe, formed into 2 disks, wrapped in plastic and refrigerated for at least 1 hour.

For The Filling
3 to 4 pounds ripe peaches, about 9 good size peaches, I used organic yellow peaches
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
Generous sprinkle of cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
5 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into pieces

For Finishing The Top
2 tablespoons heavy cream
2 tablespoons sugar

Remove one of the dough disks from the refrigerator and roll it out on a lightly floured surface. Try flouring the rolling pin as well. Roll it out about 1/8 inch thick and about 2 inches bigger than a 9 inch pie plate. Using a spatula or a bench knife lift the dough and place in the pie plate. Press the dough into the pie plate and trim the edges, leaving about a 1 inch overhang. If the dough tears just pinch it back together. Place the pie plate back in the refrigerator and chill.

Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Remove the other dough disk from the refrigerator and roll it out the same way as the first one. Transfer it to the lined baking sheet and chill while you prepare the peach filling.

Preheat the oven to 425°F

Bring a large pot of water to boil. Using a paring knife cut an X in the bottom of each peach before you place them in the boiling water. Leave them in the boiling water for about one minute and remove to a large bowl to cool. Slip off the skins when they are cool enough to handle. Cut the peaches into wedges, place them in a large bowl, sprinkle with the lemon juice and toss to mix. Add the sugars, vanilla, cinnamon and flour and toss to combine. Spoon the filling into the bottom crust and dot with butter. I left most of the liquid from the peach filling in the bowl so as not to make the pie too runny! Believe me you don't want all that liquid in your pie, just a note!

Remove the top crust from the refrigerator and cut into strips about 3/4" wide. Arrange the strips in a lattice design on top of the filling. Press the ends of the strips onto the edges of the bottom crust to seal. Brush the cream over the lattice and sprinkle with sugar.

Place the pie on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. It will boil over so be sure to put a pan underneath it! Lower the oven temperature to 375° and bake until the crust is golden brown and the juices are bubbling, about 50 minutes. If the lattice is getting too brown tent it with aluminum foil about half way through the baking. Let the pie cool to slightly warm or room temperature on a wire rack before slicing and serving with vanilla ice cream.


  1. Beautiful pie! I love the lattice work. Despite your little bit of troubles with the dough I think it came out great. I can just taste those warm peaches oozing out of that buttery crust. I'd also put a scoop of vanilla ice cream :)

  2. I love the edge parts of fruit pies where the filling thickens up and oozes out. It's the best. Your pie is gorgeous.

  3. Simply gorgeous pictures! The pie is just perfect looking!

  4. Hey Patty, I don't think your intro was too dramatic-not for any food that looks like this or comes from such a wonderful bounty! A bounty is something that should never be taken for granted;)
    Your pie is really beautiful too. I keep seeing lattices on pies, but I'm kind of scared of doing one. Maybe I should look it up on Youtube beforehand to seal the process in my mind...
    Anyway, yummerz...

  5. Patty, this peach pie is amazing! It's so beautiful but I bet it tasted even better than it looked. I'm envious of you since I've never attempted to make pie dough before. I have a recipe I've been wanting to try so I'll have to stop thinking and start doing! When I return from my trip, for sure!

  6. Patty, I will enjoy more than just a moment of silence for this peach pie! It looks gorgeous! And delicious :) I also love making pies but haven't in a couple years because we just aren't able to finish them... There's just two of us. sad!

  7. Hey Patty!

    I'm a huge fan of peach pie, especially ones as beautifully made as yours. You've got the perfect browning colour on top, and I actually liked that you didn't weave the lattice. Oh what I wouldn't do for a bite of that deliciousness. Thank you for sharing the wonderful recipe. Your picture is making my stomach growl.

  8. I love lattice crusts on pies! I imagine my crust would be all wonky but your lines are so straight and perfect! What lovely work :)

  9. Beautiful pies! It looks scrumptious and so inviting! A new trick for me to use cream and sugar to brush instead of egg wash. I enjoyed it with a longggg silence :)

    PS: love a new header with a homegrown tomato!:D

  10. I like the rustic lattice on the pie, don't change it when you bake one for me... nice recipe, almost exactly like mine, I add a pinch of ginger...

  11. I love peach pie and made this one for some friends. They loved it.

  12. Wow... Beautiful pie, looks so yummy, and the crust looks awesome.

  13. Beautiful pie and crust! It looks delicious:)

  14. This looks wonderful. I'm going to go by my local fruit stand and pick up some peaches and give this a try. I need to make some adjustments for my website (healthy meal plans) but I'll give you credit if I can get it to turn out.

  15. Wow, your peach pie looks perfect, professionally the pictures!

  16. I just finished my peach tart, but I'm tempted to try this now too.

  17. A truly gorgeous pie - the peach filling is absolutely fantastic and the lattice crust topping is perfect!

  18. Thankyou for visiting my blog Patty! The pie looks scrumptious! Am I welcome to your place for a cup of coffe and maybe half of that pie :P

  19. Peach pie is the best... yours looks beautiful!

  20. I have never made a lattice pie before...can you believe it? And I haven't made a peach pie either. Both of these sad facts need to change. This inspired me...I'm off to bake one of these beauties this weekend. I will be sure to credit you when I post!

  21. Even though the dough was a nuisance, you did finally create an awesome looking pie to eat. I've never eaten peach pie, but ifthis is what one looks like, then give me a slice indeed. Itsd oozing not only in good looks, but colour and I can onlyjust imagine the flavour.

  22. Absolutely gorgeous peach pie. I adore peaches and can't seem to get enough of them. I live near Georgia, so we get some good ones.

    Do I ever remember Chicken Marbella. It's one of our all time favorites.

  23. I just love pies! And yours looks so delicious. Don't you love pie crusts! You must try my CIA pie crusts super easy and manageable.

  24. I haven't baked any pie for a long while...this peach pie looks scrumptious!

  25. Patty...first off...I just couldn't stop gawking over your newest header...just stunning!!!'s the deal...I'm really comfortable making fillings...and I can see that your crust looks absolutely stunning...hence...let's visualize a great moment in the kitchen together ;o)) Alright...wishful thinking.

    Beautiful Peach Pie Patty [PPP]...hey, this could be marketable!

    Have a fabulous week,

  26. Hi, Patty! Can you believe I've never had peach pie before? I always eat the fresh peaches before I get a chance to do anything with them. :P This looks wonderful, though! And I adore lattice tops. :)

    PS: I like your new header! My mom is obsessed with those little sun gold tomatoes.

  27. Wow, your pies and desserts are awesome...I'm not too great a baker

  28. The lattice crust is great. It reminds me of olden day cooking. This is something i would definitely make! And also would love! YUMM!!!!

  29. You know I love peaches! Your pie looks lovely. :)

  30. I'll switch you a piece of the chocolate basil cake for a piece of this pie! With a big ol' scoop of vanilla ice cream please! Looks so rustic and kudos on the lattice crust.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I can't wait to add some of these recipes to my to-bake list.

  31. My friend and I are drooling over your photos right now! That might be the most perfect looking peach pie I've ever seen! A moment of silence for the pie seems appropriate...

    PS~ Make sure to check out my next post. A little surprise for you!

  32. I'm sorry, but my moment of silence was interrupted by little moans of desire and pleasure (geez...sorry for the x-rated comment). Your peach pie is absolutely perfect.

  33. Love the lattice work on your pie! I need to make a pie now - you have inspired me! :)

  34. I love pie! Peach is one that I didn't really appreciate until I was older though. Yours looks gorgeous... beautiful pictures!

  35. Ooo, it looks delicious! I like how the lattice crust reveals the fresh aches inside.

  36. such a pretty pie! lattice pies always seem too hard, but it sure does look tasty!

  37. Woowww !!!! Top 1 !!!!!!!!!
    Congrats Patty ! You REALLY deserve it !! That pie is my kind thing, to have with my afternoon coffee...

  38. Wow....a perfect pie. The lattice on top is really beautiful and impressive. I don't think I have made any pie. This would be a good one to do as I love peaches. Thanks very much for sharing.

  39. Indian summer, peach pie... perfect!

  40. Patty, the pie looks fabulous! I do really enjoy peach pie but have not made mine for the season yet.

  41. Wow! What a gorgeous peach pie with perfectly latticed crust. Must've perfumed your home while it was baking of sweet peaches. Beautifully done! :)

  42. peach pie...I feel like I am in the south...this is a very beautiful and comforting pie! congrats!

  43. Well thank goodness for that, Patty.. I was sure your tale was going to be one of woe, where you finally got all your beautiful pie photos taken and then somehow dropped the pie in a pile of manure or something. This would have been cause for much gnashing of (pieless) teeth. It's a beautiful pie and gets me VERY excited about our own stone fruit season which is slowly getting closer!

  44. Oh I love peach pie!! This looks so yummy! I made a blueberry pie recently, but I think I need to make this! Mmmmm....

  45. Nice criss-cross work on the top of the pie, it makes this look even more delish! Congrats on top 9!

  46. I wish I could find a pie as good as yours! I am going to have to make one, all these lovely peaches we have are calling to me.....thanks so much for this recipe and the inspiration!

  47. That is one perfect peach pie!

  48. What a gorgeous pie! I would adore this one since peaches are my favorite fruit! It looks like it's coming out of a baker's oven! simply gorgeous!

  49. Despite the problems you produced a gorgeous pie to share with us. It sounds delicious. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  50. Patty, Can I come over for a slice of peach pie ?:) It really looks delicious, ok I started salivating on the first photo. I really like the way you write, it just draws me in right away.

  51. That looks fabulous. I love peach pie. It has been so hot this summer that we have just eaten all of our peaches raw. Thanks for the recipe.

  52. That looks like the Platonic ideal of pie. Seriously.

  53. This pie looks amazing! There is nothing better than a good peach pie.

  54. It's been years since I had peach pie... i look at this and ask why why WHY!!!!

  55. Lovely peach pie and I love the beautiful edgeing you've done here. Looks delicious.

  56. Peach pie was one of the first desserts I made for a dinner when we moved to the just seemed right.
    Your pie is just beautiful!
