Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thai Style Corn Pancakes with Fresh Chunky Tomato Salsa

Once again I have been inspired by the herbs in my garden.  This morning the Thai basil looked like it needed a haircut. I thought about making some sort of refreshing herbal beverage but the corn pancake idea won out. My husband, Scott loves corn and bless his heart, anything made in a frying pan! I'm having a dinner party this weekend and thought these corn pancakes would make a fun appetizer for my guests. I found this recipe in Mark Bittman's 'How To Cook Everything Vegetarian' which is a comprehensive guide to vegetarian food. I made a few changes in the recipe but one of the things I like about this cookbook is all the variations for each recipe that he lists, which I think encourages us to use our own creativity when we cook.

Make the tomato salsa first because it should sit awhile for the flavors develop.  Next put together the corn pancakes which need to be served immediately after cooking.

Ingredients and Directions for the Chunky Tomato Salsa
I also want to note that I made this salsa chunky because I used large heirloom tomatoes which I like better cut in chunks.

2 large fresh heirloom tomatoes, chopped
1/2 medium white onion minced
1 small minced garlic clove
1 small jalapeno chile, seeded and minced
1/2 cup chopped fresh Thai basil
2 tablespoon fresh lime juice
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Combine everything in a medium size bowl and taste for seasoning. Make at least 15-20 minutes ahead to let the flavors develop.

Makes about 2 cups

Ingredients and Directions for Thai Style Corn Pancakes
Serves 6

2 eggs, separated
1/2 cup finely chopped green scallions
1 small jalapeno chile, seeded and minced
2 cups fresh corn, stripped raw from the cobs
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/4 cup all purpose flour
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2-3 tablespoons grapeseed oil, for frying
Limes cut in wedges for serving
Thai basil flowers for garnish

In a large bowl combine the egg yolks, scallions, chile, corn, soy sauce, flour, a pinch of salt and ground pepper to taste. Beat the egg whites until fairly stiff. Put the oil on to heat, when it is hot enough quickly fold the egg whites into the corn mixture. Spoon pancake size dollops into the pan. I used a scant 1/2 cup for each pancake which yielded 6 fairly nice size pancakes. I made 3 pancakes at a time in a 10¨ skillet. Cook until they're nicely brown, just a few minutes on each side. Serve immediately with the tomato salsa and a wedge of lime.


  1. Patty what a perfect summer meal! And I wonder where you photos disappear to? Thats so odd. Heirloom tomatoes are delicious and yours look gorgeous. I love that you have a herb garden!

  2. I want to come to your house for dinner! Hope you find your photos!

  3. i'm jealous of anyone who has a garden. we just moved into our house and got the grass in but there's a big open area for the deck (taken over by weeds), which is kinda funny cause it looks like we have a weed garden...teehee.

    your dish looks wonderful for a summertime party appetizer. great pictures too! i can see why they keep getting stolen...but i wonder where they're disappearing to. i don't take blogging too too seriously either but if you're getting really fed up, you can always try sign your pictures like i've seen on other blogs. just a suggestion. anyways, lovely recipe. don't be surprised if you find an extra unknown guest this weekend (wink).

  4. We have tons of tomatoes, all kinds, this year...looks like a great recipe!! Dean also has an indoor herb garden that is doing great too!!

  5. Patty-Pat! I'm making this as soon as more of my tomatoes ripen. Mad scientist be damned--this post is fantastic! Rock on, sista!

  6. Your pictures are gorgeous...so I hope they stick around. What a lovely recipe, and I love how you were inspired by what was growing outside of your house. I'm sure that these would be enjoyed by any and all. I would love to be invited to one of your parties!

  7. This looks so good! What a perfect way to enjoy all of that garden bounty. Thanks :)

  8. Love this dish, just wonderful for summer...And the photos are lovely :)

  9. I love recipes that use things grown in the garden. It all looks so delicious!

  10. These corn cakes sound delicious with jalapenos, I can't wait to try them!

  11. Your photos are fantastic and the dish looks delicious! Way to go with the garden!

    Check out my CSN giveaway and I hope you enter!

  12. This looks like something I would really enjoy! Thanks so much for sharing...really looks great (great pics as well!)

  13. Lovely, clean, fresh dish. Elegant and tasty. A++

  14. you're so funny Patty!! haha love that metal lady thing. See, look at those beautiful produce from your garden. How could I not be jealous??!! My mint's about to die (grasp). Hopefully, I can give it a CPR to make it alive longer.

    Healthy, summery, and beautiful dish you have here. Scott must be very happy! :D

  15. Looks like I can see all the pictures! But then again, how would I know if I wasn't seeing all of them?? ;P

    Great dish, it looks so fresh and summery!

  16. Patty I saw your beautiful photos before they disappear,hehe. I hope you get the problem sorted soon. Love the recipe, I've never tried corn cakes but sounds like something I would like. The cookbook sounds like a great one to have so thanks for the tip.

  17. Patty...for the short length of time I've been visiting you...I've got to say that these are hands down your best photos. I get the feeling this is the real Patty ;o) Very inviting.

    We're getting more corn lately and this pancake recipe sure would enhance my menu for brunch.

    I hope you get the tech stuff sorted out...I'm with blogger too and fortunately hasn't happened to me yet...thank God for small favors.

    Ciao Bella and have a fabulous week,

  18. Oh! I never had corn pancakes...they sure look so tasty and the salsa it just right with it.

  19. Hey Patty, this is my kind of food! I love the way it really is a corn pancake. I mean, not made with corn flour but mostly corn kernels and just a bit of flour. I'm trying these for sure. Beautius Maximus!
    Oh, and one of my Cauldron Boy's names is Scott, and he is a lover of all things corn and fried too!?
    p.s. I signed up to your blog, so that I don't have to guess when you've posted ;)

  20. I love the presentation in the first photo. It looks professional.

  21. A very healthy and delicious meal! I love the idea.



  22. What a lovely recipe! And what in the world can be happening to your photos. Maybe they're lost in Budapest or some place like that. Hope they're having fun, wherever they are!

  23. I solved the mystery of the missing photos and was able to restore them here to their own happy home, why they went away I do not know, I'm just happy they're back and sleeping in their own bed;-)

  24. Pancakes are great - so tasty yet easy to prepare. This will certainly make a nice appetizer.

  25. Patty you read my mind with these thai pancakes. I was given some beautiful thai basil today and was thinking of a good recipe to make for dinner :) This looks great thanks for sharing!

  26. What an amazing flavor profile! And your produce looks so gorgeous! I definitely want to try this!

  27. what a great salsa, so lovely with tht bigger chunks and those cakes are fresh, inspiring - love corn, esp this time of year...

  28. I was JUST thinking about corn pancakes when I happened upon your recipe. It's fate! I'm meant to have these soon :)

  29. No jokes, this is just so tempting! Another wonderful recipe to try on. thanks again & enjoy your day.
    Cheers, kristy

  30. I love the garden woman and this recipe :)

  31. Beautiful photos! They are still there...disappear :D Love your corn pancake dish. I can even have that for a light lunch....mm

  32. I wonder what's happening to your pictures? I see then just fine, though. Thank goodness or I would miss out on seeing these beauties. I bet the corn pancakes with the salsa will be gone in flash when you serve them. Have a great dinner party this weekend! :-)

  33. Oh my, I could use a plate of this delicious East Meets West of flavors!
    Thai Asian East, and Southwest American West!

    Bon appetit!

  34. Patty, this sounds wonderful. I made a savory corn pancake last year that my husband loved. Your salsa is so clever to serve with the Thai style cakes. I'm going to have to give this a try.

  35. You had me sold at Thai.. anything from that wonderful country always satisfies the tummy :) These look great!

  36. Hey Patty! Thank you so much for leaving that comment. My Mom's in town and I haven't been on line all day, and I had no idea I was in the Top 9! I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for your comment :)...

  37. I love corn cakes like this - I could gobble, gobble, gobble them all up. I love the Thai twist. Why are your photos disappearing?? What a pain.

  38. now those sound like delicious corn pancakes and your salsa is a perfect accompaniment! I have not had much luck finding heirlooms around here, go figure...we do have corn though so I can try those pancakes!

  39. Oh noes! Pictures varnishing that's not good. I absolutely love Thai flavors, it's always so refreshing and spicy. Yummmm... Your pancakes look delicious, and the Thai basil must smell fantastic. I looked all over here in LA for Thai basil plant to buy, there are many variety of basil here but couldn't find Thai Basil.

  40. Those cakes sounds amazing, especially with the salsa! Perfect for summer with a glass of reisling or sauvignon blanc. :)

  41. Lovely and refreshing pancakes. Love the fruity clicks!

  42. These really look fabulous. I love Thai corn cakes and your recipe sounds better than the one I'm currently using. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  43. Look at those heirloom tomatoes, they are beautiful. Great combination of flavors.

  44. Hi Patty, this looks like a great summertime dish. The flavors are calling me!

  45. Patty I am sorry I can't help with the location of your naughty disappearing photos, but I can say with certainty that if you put this dish anywhere near me it would follow a similar disappearing fate. Looks fresh and bright and delicious.
