Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blueberry Sorbet with Lavender Cookies

Blueberry Sorbet, the second in my summer sorbet series, try saying that tongue twister a few times in a row! Even I didn't know that I had a summer sorbet series going until just now, such a closely guarded secret. I was thinking about blueberry ice cream when I saw the pile of blueberries at the market but as I was contemplating the recipe I just couldn't wrap my arms around the rich and highly caloric nature of the ingredients needed to make homemade ice cream. I looked at images of blueberry sorbet on the Internet and immediately fell in love with the vivid colors displayed across my screen. As I blended the blueberries with the simple syrup I actually felt like I was making wine instead of blueberry sorbet. The color of this sorbet is so bright and purple that I wanted to include flowers in my post that would compliment it. I found some wild pea flowers growing by the side of the road(more foraging) and thought, wow, those sweet little flowers are just the color that I had in mind. I snagged a few sprigs of stinky purple sage flowers from my next door neighbor's plant and created a small flower arrangement that felt right at home with my sorbet and lavender cookie pictures.

I had to photograph my flower arrangement outside on the deck where I photographed the lovely melting blueberry sorbet. If you are a fan of fresh blueberries you will love every bite of bright frozen blueberry flavor in this sorbet.

The cookies felt left out so I had to include them in the next photograph with the flowers.

And then there are the beautiful berries, so perfect. The ultimate spa treatment, detox yourself in a tub of blueberries;-)

I don't really care if lavender cookies smell like the inside of my grandmother's purse, I liked my grandmother and the inside of her purse.

Excuse me! I'm busy making an herbal infusion for my blueberry sorbet!

I can't think of a better reason to get out the ice cream maker or to acquire one.

Here's a link for blueberry sorbet. An embarrassingly simple recipe that uses 6 cups of fresh blueberries, 1 & 1/2 cups of lavender simple syrup and the juice of a lemon. You'll need a blender, a strainer and an ice cream maker.

And here's a link for lavender cookies. I like this rich butter cookie recipe because it's good, of course, but it also makes a small batch of cookies which is the perfect amount to go with the blueberry sorbet. These recipes make enough dessert for a small dinner party, about 6 people.

There is no link for these flowers, you'll just have to enjoy them right here or by the side of the road tangled up with some wild blackberries, hmmm may have to add another sorbet flavor to the series!


  1. This look so heavenly! What beautiful colors!

  2. Gorgeous photos to accompany a fabulous post. Inspired use of lavender.

  3. BEAUTIFUL! Everything is beautiful - sorbet, cookies, and the flower arrangement. I'm a fan of fresh blueberries! but the ice cream maker thingy is my obstacle. I really need to get this gadget ASAP. Your blog is fulled with fresh ingredients I love it!. Oh, hey Patty I won't tell your neighbor that you snagged a few sprigs of their herb haha

  4. just beautiful! I want to eat the screen, or at least smell it!

  5. To think I didn't know what to do with so many lavender flowers from the pot in my balcony....now I do !!!
    Great photos! Congrats!

  6. Beautiful photos! I have never cooked with lavender and have only tried it in a scone one time. Have to say I truly enjoyed it. This looks fantastic!

  7. your sorbet looks delicious Patty! those lavender cookies sound wonderful, I have never cooked with lavender...and those flowers are beautiful, I just love them...I really do adore fresh flowers!

  8. I bet your sorbet tasted the way lavender smells! Absolutely decedent and magnificent! Cheers!

  9. I'm so ready for a tea party now! How beautiful the cookies are. I prefer sherbets and sorbets to ice cream any day and I love blueberries so thank you for sharing this. Can't wake to make it.

  10. What a beautiful flower arrangement! And the color of your sorbet is fantastic.. i really need to get some lavender to start baking with!

  11. Hi Patty! Sorry about that, they are japanese fish cake called Narutomaki. I'm not sure where you live but if you have a Japanese market you can go to they should have an assortment of fish cake available. The one I go to, they have them in the refrigerated section near their fresh noodles (ramen, udon, soba etc). Those little brown balls next to the pink swirly ones are also fish cake. (I just responded to you on my blog but am copy and pasting here to make sure you see it)

    By the way, this looks DEElicious! I love blueberries and lavender.

  12. Wow..everything looks so amazing, I love to use herbs on my sweets, and lavender smells delicious. The blueberry sorbet idea is great. I'm lactose intolerant so any treat without milk I luuuuuuuv.

  13. These are gorgeous pictures Patty! I love the vibrant colour of those flowers and the rich colour bursting from the sorbet. I wish my neighbor had such beautiful flowers that I could snatch :-). I've never baked with lavender before. Such an interesting ingredient to me. Thank you for sharing these wonderful recipes.

  14. Patty...I can't believe your sticky hands are at it again. Was your Hubby nearby this time?

    Love the blueberry frozen treat...I'll take a look the recipe later...the lavender cookies sound popular, however, I'm unfortunately really not a fan of the inside of Grandma's purse ;o)

    By now, you must have noticed how much I love flowers...and I'm toatlly envious of those snatched ones...and they're free!

    Quebec just finally got a limited (due to weather hinderance) growth of blueberries...and I get the feeling I'll be using them wisely...that's if I don't eat them all fresh first ;o)

    Ciao for now and have a great weekend,

  15. Blueberry and lavender are two of my most favorite ingredients and flavors! You've inspired me to make sorbets as delicious as yours, Patty. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Wow....the ice cream looks so delicious and cooling, the flowers so enchanting and the cookies so tempting! I wish I can have all of them!

  17. Patty how beautiful and vibrant. I really want to try those lavender cookies! I posted this link on my facebook.

  18. You know, I love blueberries, but even more I love their wild cousin (as far as Wikipedia is not wrong, they are called bilberries) - smaller, growing in forests, still easy to buy in Poland. Bilberry ice cream are very popular here, but we do not have tradition to make sorbets and it is a pity - it would be great!
    I saw similar lavender cookies on the blog of my Polish friend, Karolina. The sound very appealing and I would like to prepare them as soon as I will be back in France (lavender in Poland is not so popular).
    Very nice pictures!

    P.S. I have not answered to your last comment on my post concerning this Jewish ownership issues; but I try to do the research how the government tries to resolve those issues, and I cannot find any reasonable information on the web!

    Take care!

  19. I love your photos, the color palette is just gorgeous! Anything blueberry and I'm there. Thanks for sharing the link and recipe. The cookies look beautiful too. I've never tried any foods with lavender, but sounds interesting.

  20. Oh that sorbet looks so delicious. I love the color! What a great summer treat made with some of my favorite summer fruits!

  21. Beautiful photos, and I adore those cookies:)

  22. I've been dying to bake with lavender lately and your cookies look perfect...especially with this sorbet!

  23. What a gorgeous sorbet. The Lavender cookies look delightful too!

  24. I'm totally lost for words - beautiful. I've made lavender scones in the past, but not cookies. Now I will do so for sure.

  25. Blueberries & Lavender? That sounds almost romantic or something, Patty! You know, if I could even get a decent, not good, just decent looking stack of blueberries, this would be on my 'to make' list. I have some culinary lavender already.
    p.s. Your comment on my last post was so funny-made me laugh...

  26. I just made a cocktail that I called a Lavender Cookie and it reads like the recipe!

    1 part lavender infused vodka
    1/2 part vanilla infused vodka
    1/4 part lavender simple syrup
    1 part Coffemate Parisian Almond Cookie coffee creamer

    Best part is that the drink is low cal!!!



  27. Beautiful pics! I'm tempted to go out and buy some blueberries right now to make that sorbet :)

  28. Lovely sorbet Patty. Carolina blueberries are in our farmers market now and are wonderful this year. I'm beginning to cook with lavender and I love it, although it can be strong if you overdo it. Your cookies are perfect with the sorbet.

  29. Your Blueberry sorbet looks amazing and what a lovely flower arrangement. I know, I can't help photographing flowers either.

  30. Patty, this is just the kind of sorbet I would really enjoy. Blueberries are one of my favorites and I've been wondering what I could make with lavender. I agree with you about making ice cream, too. I've been experimenting with sorbets thinking it wouldn't be as bad as having so much ice cream in the freezer.

    This definitely wouldn't last long in my house. I'll have to try this. Thanks!

  31. I'd love to jump into a big tub of blueberries, possibly while clutching a handful of your cookies and a bowl of the sorbet.

  32. What fantastic color. This sounds absolutely delicious and it's a real summertime treat. I also loved the cookies, but the flowers stole my heart. Beautiful photos one and all. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  33. Beautiful, what great coloring in your sorbet! Those cookies look delicious also. I'm new here and know I will be back after seeing these beautiful photos and great recipes! Thanks!

  34. That's a lovely post! Love that bluberry sorbet color, the cookies and of course the flowers. I like lavenders too :)

  35. I've never heard of lavender cookies before and I'm so curious about it now! Sounds so different and delicious… have to get myself some lavender and try out the cookies now!

  36. Beautiful! I've never used lavender in sweets before, but I'm very tempted. This sorbet is lovely, and the cookies complement it perfectly. Thanks!

  37. A very delicious combination, me thinks!

  38. Oh my, I am loving your ice-cream and the cookies as well. They look incredible. I'm going to work on that cookies soon. thanks for sharing.
    Cheers, kristy
    p/s you have a very lovely blog!

  39. Beautiful! Love that soothing blueish colour.
