Thursday, September 23, 2010

Upside Down Pear Chocolate Skillet Cake

Organic Bartlett Pears and of course there's a story to go with this cake.  I spent a summer when I was 17 living at my cousin's ranch in Lake County.  I worked in a pear packing shed during the short season when the pears are harvested. I remember the nights were hot and the days long(and hot) but I earned more money that summer than I had ever seen $750 dollars.  I worked 12 hour days standing and sorting pears on a long conveyor belt, good ones to packing, crummy ones to canning and the worst  to baby food.  I'm thankful to have had that experience when I was 17, it gave me a good perspective on the importance of a college or at least a beauty  school education.  I lived with my eccentric cousin who was a home economics teacher in Kelseyville.   I remember  swatting away bees to pick wild blackberries from a giant bush for a pie and sharing the house with a baby fawn.  My cousin rescued the fawn because it's mother had been killed and brought it home.  I can still hear the sound of it's tiny hooves running around on the hardwood floor in the old ranch house.  We also had a problem with the well and had baby frogs coming out of the tap in the kitchen,  swimming in the toilet and  jumping in the bathtub.  Every year when the local pears are in the market I remember my summer in Lake County and look for a new pear recipe that doesn't include red hots, inside joke!

Ingredients and Directions For Upside Down Pear Chocolate Skillet Cake

Preheat the oven to 350°F

This recipe is adapted from 'Rustic Fruit Desserts' by Corey Schreiber and Julie Richardson

1 tablespoon unsalted butter, put the skillet in the oven to melt the butter, swirling to cover the bottom 

For the Fruit Topping

1 cup  sugar
1/4 cup water
3 firm but ripe Bartlett pears, cored, peeled and cut into slices

For the Cake

1/4 cup unsalted butter
4 ounces  bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup unsweetened dutch process cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup whole milk

Start the fruit topping by putting the sugar and water in a heavy saucepan.  Bring the mixture to a boil, give it a few stirs to mix together the sugar and water.  Continue boiling and slowly swirling the pan as needed to cook the caramel evenly until the color becomes a dark amber color.  Carefully pour the caramel into the prepared skillet and allow to harden.  The pan will be very hot so be careful.  Arrange the pear slices around the skillet, filling in the center with a few smaller slices.

Time to make the cake.  Place the butter and chocolate in a small heavy saucepan and melt over a low heat, stir occasionally.  Sift the flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt together in a medium bowl.  Transfer the chocolate mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer and add the sugar.  Beat on medium speed for 3 minutes, scraping down at least once.  Add the eggs one at a time and stir in the vanilla.  Stir in the flour mixture, alternating with the milk, starting and ending with the flour.
Don't forget to scrape down the sides a few times during this process.  Pour the batter over the pears in the prepared skillet, smooth down and bake for 40-45 minutes or until cakes bounces back when gently touched.  Cool on a wire rack for at least 20 minutes, then flip cake over on to cake plate.  Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.


  1. What a great experience...I wish I had such an opportunity when I was that age! I've always wanted to pick fruit...I know it would make me appreciate the apples and pears I eat on a daily basis! This cake looks just beautiful. A wonderful fall dessert.

  2. first I read, "I got to live with a baby" and thought, aww that's always sweet to have a baby around. Then I realised the sentence wasn't finished and that you actually got to live with a baby FAWN! How super cool is that!? Not so thrilled about the baby frogs though, they would've freaked me out.

    That's a good looking cake Patty :-P. I love that it's made in a skillet, saves me the time and money of having to go out and buy another cake pan suited for this wonderful recipe.

  3. Foods can really evoke memories! That pear cake looks fabulous. :)

  4. Wonderful read. Another flawless creation. Love the combo of flavors and your execution is spot on.


  5. Patty, I've missed you! This cake is splendidly beautiful. How'd you cut those pears so perfectly??
    Your story reminds me of my friend... when she was a kid, her mom took her to her work and left her in the mail room. That was a big lesson to my friend to go to college.

  6. A valuable experience! I took my first summer job in a fish market....spending the whole day processing the cuttlefish/squid...and after that I don't remember I ever touched a cuttlefish.

    The cake looks magnificent! I only tried pineapple, and peach upside down before...I am sure this would be my next upside down cake!

  7. The worst goes to baby food -sad. Sharing a house with a fawn! Reminds me of my childhood - milking goats and rescuing/raising baby possums Love your stories - and of course, the pear upside down cake is a must try -a delicious departure from pineapple!

  8. Chocolate and pears - a wonderful combination. I love that it's made in the black iron skillet. It looks fabulous.

  9. what a great recipe, pears and chocolate are such a delightful taste and you don't see too many up-side down cakes anymore, I think it's one of the best I have your story on the pear sorting days, sounds like a script for a great novel... ;-p

  10. Patty, I want a summer in Lake County! I love hard work-it makes me feel good. And having a little fawn around makes me happy just thinking about it. Oh, and frogs coming from the drain just sounds witchy cool. I mean, someone must have cast a spell on you guys (smile & kidding)...
    Your pear cake looks wonderful too, Patty-so moist! And the photos are rustic and beautiful. I'm still trying to figure out 'rustic' for my photos;)

  11. I enjoyed your writings about summers as a teen. That must have been something having baby frogs coming out of the drains! How priceless to experience caring for a fawn! Pears must bring back a flood of warm memories for you. :)

    I adore upside cakes, this Pear Chocolate cake is elegant and I look fwd to trying it. Thx for sharing! ;)

  12. Those experiences are the ones we can't put a price on. Your skillet cale is wonderful as well. Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  13. This looks so perfect and delicious! What a perfect cake, I wish I was more brave and I would try this! haha, you make it look so easy!

  14. This is absolutely my new favorite the combination of pears and chocolate :) And what a great young memory, well except 12 hour days...I would have freaked with the frogs coming up the drains, they are cute...but much cuter outside :)

  15. You had quite an adventurous teen-hood Patty! That experience is priceless and the story made my day. What a great idea using a cast iron skillet! I saw a recipe I like to try in a magazine with a baking pan but I think this sounds so cool. It looks perfectly done and presented. I so want this! See? how could I not mention you on my blog as your recipes are worth mentioning!

  16. I don't know if you enjoyed the summer at the time, but I bet you are happy to have had the experience now. It makes a great story! The cake looks delicious.

  17. This cake was moist and delicious, tasting like it was baked today, three days after it eased itself proudly from the black skillet. I am a really lucky taste tester.

  18. I have pears. Everything else I was going to say just flew out of my head because I read Scott's post. I want to be a taste tester! That's just not fair. :(

  19. I love how this was made right in a skillet and how the pears carmalized on the bottom. Pears and chocolate sound like a great combo. Very nice!

  20. What a great experience that must have been! The cake is a lovely way of remembering it. The combo of pears and chocolate is divine!

  21. Oh wow! So pretty :) I do love pear and chocolate together.

  22. Chocolate and pears together sound absolutely delicious and in a cake is even better. I love how it baked right in the skillet! Your cake is so beautiful. YUM! I need to try this recipe, it sounds amazing.

  23. I came to oogle the cake and left with an amazing story! My friends parents still live in that area!

  24. I love first job stories :) They always include hard work we'd hate now, but such an appreciation of payment and independence. Awesome story...and of course, wonderful cake as well!

  25. Wow that was a really hard first job. And you still like pears! This cake looks like a fabulous way to use them.

  26. What a great idea...and the skillet probably adds some iron to the mix too. I love pears too and always looking for a way to include them. Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. Patty, your story made me laugh :) It's almost like out of a movie or tv show, hehe. The cake looks scrumptious. I want to do a baking apprenticeship with you. Your deserts always leave me in awe.

  28. Aww, I want to hear the pitter patter of tiny fawn feet on my wooden floorboards! I love frogs, but not so sure I'd like to have them coming to say hello from the tap.

    This is a great recipe. I've seen quite a few upside down cakes but never ones with a chocolate cake base! Delicious!

  29. That cake looks fantastic! I'd really love to have such a skillet...



  30. an incredible cake!!! I love the pears in this cake, I don't think I have ever seen pears with a chocolate cake, and using the skillet must have only enhanced the flavors!

  31. A wonderfully delicious and gorgeous cake! The combination of pears and chocolate is excellent!

  32. Living at your cousin's ranch sounds like an interesting experience, especially for a 17 year old. I can't imagine having baby frogs coming out of the faucet and swimming in he toilet!

    I love pear cake and this upside down cake looks fabulous. I really wish I could have a slice now.

  33. Looks very that moist chocolate cake. Beautiful pear slices on top. I have a cast iron skillet..still brand new. Need to take out and try this.

  34. Patty, how I envy you your experiences - it all sounds eye opening for a 17 year old! Back breaking days, long hot nights, a fawn in the house and frogs on tap! Oh my! It's the stuff of novels...

    It's a good thing I like frogs, though only itty bitty ones LOL

    The pear chocolate cake looks luscious beyond description. I think I might be making this not too long from now!

  35. i love it when we get to know things about our fellow bloggers' childhood, adolescence...this allows us to see the human being behind the blogger..and that's great!
    By the way, the cake is great too !!!!

  36. this is so gorgeous... i love dropping by your site. great post!

  37. Ooo, that looks delicious.
    My first job was folding t-shirts at home (the company sent me the shirts, I folded and packaged and sent them back)...not too bad but just as mindlessly boring as sorting pears probably :)

  38. What a simple but delicious cake! I have long wanted to make a skillet cake - I think I must try yours. Great job!!!

  39. Patty...this is what's great about just never know when the mood strikes you to reminisce about something marking in your life.

    This rustic cake of yours is pure elegance in a casual and delightful way ;o)

    Thanks for sharing a very important part of what made you into the lovely Lady you are :)

    Ciao for now,

  40. Your story cracks me up! It sounds like a TV show or a movie, like Pippy with frogs and baby fawns :-)

    The cake looks absolutely delicious too, I have never made any sort of upside down cake, as I am not a fan of pineapple, but I love pears! Thanks!

  41. a new combination, chocolate and pears! the cake looks incredible
