Monday, September 27, 2010

Italian Bread Salad with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Sweet Peppers and Herbs

If I could have given this salad a hug while I was mixing it up in the bowl I would have.  The look of the fresh sliced garden tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs puts me in the mood for love.  Pouring the aromatic dressing of extra virgin olive oil, sherry vinegar, garlic, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper over my salad and watching it soak in to the bread made me feel weak in the knees.  I know it doesn't take much to push me over the edge but a salad filled with fresh tomatoes like this one will have that strong effect on me every time.  I think this type of Italian bread salad makes a strong case for the goodness of simple fresh garden ingredients.  Every where you go some kind and generous person is handing out bags of garden tomatoes, it's just that time of year.  I'm going to France this Thursday and I know that when I return the tomato season will be officially over for the summer, sigh.  I used San Marzano tomatoes and herbs from my own garden for this salad but the cucumbers and sweet peppers are from my brother and lovely sister in law.

I will be checking in on my favorite blogs while I'm gone but I think I'm going to take a few weeks off from posting to find inspiration, recharge and have Patty's Food to look forward to when I return:)  I'm looking forward to Paris, visiting new places, spending time with old  friends, enjoying good food and wine.  Of course I will be taking lots of pictures.  I will also be planting a winter garden when I return so maybe I will be one of those kind and generous people handing out bags of carrots or beets later this year.

Ingredients and Directions for Italian Bread Salad

6 large San Marzano tomatoes 
1 medium size red onion, thinly sliced
2 small cucumbers, peeled and sliced
4 small sweet Italian peppers, thinly sliced
1 handful herbs, washed and coarsely chopped, basil, mint, parsley, thyme and marjoram
1 loaf Italian style bread, cut in small bite size cubes
1 clove garlic, minced
3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup sherry vinegar
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

In a large bowl combine tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, peppers, herbs and bread cubes.   In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, garlic, sea salt and pepper.  Pour the dressing over the bread salad mixture and toss to combine. Let salad sit for half an hour to develop the flavors before serving.

Makes enough for 10-12 people as a side dish.


  1. Enjoy your vacation! I can't wait to hear all about Paris!

  2. That's a beautiful and yummy looking salad, Patty! I love that you added bread cubes to this. That's such a great idea to help soak up extra dressing so the salad doesn't get too runny (for me at least as I always over pour my dressing).

    Hope you have a great time in Paris. Don't worry too much about blogging and take the time to truly relax. Can't wait to read about your trip when you get back. Have fun!

  3. Patty, enjoy your trip and safe travels! Having just returned from France last week, I came back refreshed and excited to blog again. I hope your trip does the same for you. Can't wait to see pictures of your escape and to read your upcoming posts. :-)

  4. Have an amazing vacation. I'm so glad that you are taking time to enjoy yourself...I will be sending good thoughts along with you to Paris! Thank you for sharing this lovely salad with us. What a pretty plate you served it on too! You never fail to present beautiful photographs with wonderful recipes. I love your blog Patty! Safe travels, my friend!

  5. Hey Patty!

    I wanted to stop by again and say thank you for you very kind words on my blog. They really mean a lot to me and I just wanted you to know I really appreciate it. Seems like we were commenting on eachother's blog at the same time cause after I commented on your blog I received your comment. Great minds think alike? ;-) I've only visited your blog a couple times also and am really enjoying it. Keep up the great posts! Have a blast in Paris!!! So jealous!

  6. Love your salad...looks delicious...yum. Hope you have a most fantastic time in Paris. Please share more when you return :D

  7. Ooh, this looks delicious! Perfect picnic food, isn't it?

    I hope you have a lovely time in France! I'm quite jealous, not gonna lie. ;)

  8. Fantastic salad. I wanna give it a hug too.

    Have a wonderful trip, safe travels!

  9. Wonderful panzanella salad. I'm sure the sherry vinegar gave it just the right amount of punch. I'm crazy about sherry vinegar.

    Have a wonderful time in France. I wish I could stow away in your suitcase.

  10. Oh Patty! You grow your own San Marzano? That's so nice. I love that type of tomato. Oh, and I would have hugged this salad too if that were possible. It looks so delicious. Plus, I've been meaning to make a panzanella like salad for a while now. I will try your recipe here as soon as I get my hands on a loaf of crusty bread;)

  11. A wonderful salad! Have a great break!!!

  12. Fresh and delightful salad! The way you described it made me want to have some fresh tomato salad now. That's so great the tomatoes were from your garden! Have fun in Paris Patty! I'm going there in Oct for only 2 days! I will miss your delicious salad and baked goodies but enjoy the trip!

  13. This salad was really delicious. I am not a big fan of bread salad or even fresh tomatoes. However, the delicious tomatoes from our garden paired with fresh whole wheat baguette, complemented by the other fresh vegetables from Pacheco's garden made for an amazing culinary experience. My dining experience is going to plummet dramatically over the next three weeks while Pacheco completes her R&D mission.

  14. I know what you mean about a fresh garden salad, there is nothing like it. And the tomatoes, ohh the tomatoes, I simply just love them. Wishing you a fantastic trip to France, enjoy.

  15. Terrific salad - our tomato plants were late-bearing this year, but better late then none at all! Wow, I can't wait to hear about what you discover in Paris! My husband and I are going the third week in October - can't wait :) Be safe and enjoy!

  16. This is such a gorgeous salad, I would be happy to eat a big bowl of it as a main dish! I hope you have a lovely time in France!

  17. Such a lovely salad...It is so funny, I am not a big tomato fan unless they are garden fresh, never buy them from the store...This is a beauty :) I will miss you while you are gone, but I am so excited that you will be in Paris, how lovely. I wish for you the best rest and experiences, and yes please send lots of photos. Be safe and have a wonderful adventure :) Blessings...

  18. Patty...I was in Paris last year during this same time period and it was absolutely're speaking of Paris n'est ce pas? I'm thrilled for you...have a fun and very relaxing time. We'll wait for your return for all the great stories you'll probably want to share ;o)

    BTW...I know exactly what you mean when you say you'd want to hug your food ;o))

    Have a great vacation,

  19. San Marinzano's are the best tomato, and your salad looks extremely huggable!!! What a beautiful thing bread is, especially with all those great tomatoes!! I am so jealous, it has been way too long since I have been in France, especially most favorite city on earth! Have you ever been up in the above ground park, I forget where it is, but I think they are old aqueducts or something its a few blocks long.....just beautiful...but what in Paris isn't! Have an incredible time, take lots of images to share with us, and eat yourself silly!!! Just come back to us safely!

  20. I LOVE panzanellas! There's nothing that makes a salad more welcoming than large chunks of...carbs! Just lovely!

  21. This salad does look yummy! Fresh tomatoes from the garden can't be beat. They are so sweet.

    Have a lovely vacation and can't awit to hear all about Paris on your return.

  22. Patty,I share your love for tomatoes. I went through a period when I ate them every day for brunch with toast and cream cheese:) I will have to save your recipe but sadly for the next tomato season. Have a fabulous time in the best city in the world. I can't wait to see your photos and to have you back to sharing your amazing recipes. See you soon and Bon voyage mon amie!

  23. Have fun in Paris! I can't wait to see your pictures and read your new refreshed posts! I am sad tomato season is almost over, I became almost addicted to them this year which is new for me. I'll be saving this recipe though, thanks!

  24. Whoa, Patty, this is weird. You are a psychic, yes? I have lots of super delicious pumpkin bread left over from scooping out of cob loaves, and was thinking I should make a bread salad using it. I didn't have a recipe handy, and hadn't gotten around to finding one yet, but here you are to the rescue. Super Patty, that is you.

  25. Can there be too many salads? I think not! This looks so delicious and satisfying. What a wonderful combination! Hope you have an amazing trip!

  26. This looks absolutely divine! We're so fortunate to have the climate we have here in Marin.

    I love Paris in the fall. Can't wait to read about your travels.

  27. Wonderful salad - I wish I had it right in front of me. Hope Paris was fun!

  28. Patty
    I love the new header!! what a beautiful picture!


  29. Patty, Italian bread salad has always been a favourite of mine! Yours looks so good!

  30. Oh gosh, a new heaader. I spy some rosephips there too.

    Enjoy Paris. I was thre last year and took so many photographs. So many, that I think I wrote 7 posts on my blog.

    PS Although it looks wonderful to the eyes, I am not going to fib, I have never been a fan of bread going soggy in salad.

  31. Oh Patty!! So sorry that with this question of the contest I didn't read your post before...If you need anything, while in paris, do not hesitate to contact me...even for tips, things like that...and ALSO if you have time for a coffee, I would to share it with you...
    Enjoy your time in France !!!

  32. What a lovely salad...the photos alone have made my mouth water.

  33. Beautiful bread salad Patty! The tomatoes look so tempting on the vine, and I would not mind a bag of beets at all :)

    I hope you have a lovely time in Paris and return with lots to show and tell! Btw - love the new header and that platter is stunning!

  34. Have fun in Paris Patty. But really, who wouldn't have a great time in Paris!

  35. Healthy and refreshing with loads of veggies in it.

  36. I miss Paris! Great place to find inspiration of all varieties! Have a great, great time. I will hug the salad for you... I know that feeling;).

  37. This looks delish, Patty! Loving how fresh it is, but still has some yummy carbs with the bread. That's my kind of salad, sister!

    thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment, Patty! have a great day.

  38. this salad looks so tasty! have a great time in paris:)

  39. Hey Patty! Despite being super busy, I've been here a couple of times to see if you've posted. Looks like you're busy too, so as my little sister used to say in a very super Arnold S. like fashion 'I will be back'!

  40. Is that panzenella? It looks delicious, very fresh and perfect for this strange heat wave we're having.
    Hope you have lots of fun on your break and in Paris. :)

  41. A beautiful panzanella! It looks so mouthwatering.



  42. That is so true Patty. I got chance to harvest my garden tomatoes this year and I have been going crazy with it. And when it is that fresh you just have to do little to enhance the flavor. I can put my tomatoes to use with this recipe, Wonderful and yummy.

  43. Hi Patty! I had left a comment earlier but just wanted to let you know that I have an award waiting for you at my blog. Do come by whenever you can. Hope you are enjoying your vacation.
