Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ginger Macadamia Nut Pound Cake

I served this ginger macadamia nut pound cake with the pineapple sorbet from my last post and don't get me wrong, they were good together, ask my husband Scott.  But I would serve slices of this mildly spicy and delicate crumbed cake with afternoon tea or coffee any day of the week in a heart beat.  The flavors of the fresh and crystallized ginger paired with the small bits of chopped macadamia nuts sends me and this pound cake into orbit.  I am happy to have discovered this recipe in one of my favorite cookbooks, 'Baking In America' by Greg Patent.  I am not quite ready to change the name of my blog to 'Patty's Sorbets and Many Things Baked with Macadamia Nuts' but it's an idea that's growing on me.  Okay I know it's long...

This past week I have been asked to play a blogging game, Chef Dennis from one of my favorite sites More Than A Mount Full and Gitte from another site filled with great recipes My Danish Kitchen have tagged me with questions so in the interest of only answering a few-here goes...

1.  Who had the greatest influence on your love for food and learning to cook?
First my mother and her sister who were outstanding home cooks who were devoted to preparing meals for their respective families.  My mother always grew and cooked with fresh herbs.  She stressed using  fresh seasonal ingredients and always enjoyed entertaining in her home.  My Aunt lived on a farm and always grew fresh vegetables, I can remember eating fresh green beans and tomatoes right out of her garden.  She was an expert home baker whose specialties included angel food cakes, pies, cakes, cookies, dill pickles and the best cracked crab salads known to all of mankind:)

2.  What was the best meal you ever had?
My husband Scott and I enjoyed a spectacular meal at the Michelin starred restaurant Chateau Les Crayères in Reims, France.  Our summer evening meal commenced with  Champagne and hors d'oeuvres on the terrace of a Belle Epoque limestone mansion surrounded by a beautiful park on the edge of Reims.  We were then escorted into the main dining room for the rest of our meal.  This experience was several years ago but the one dish that still stands out for me was a salad  with  foie gras.  I also tried an excellent comté cheese and fell in love with the experience.

3.  What is your favorite go to dish, to cook or bake?
I love to use herbs especially in salads.  Last night I made chicken paillard with salad using frisée, hazelnuts, fresh figs and goat cheese, Scott loved it.  Tonight I'm making pasta with Italian sausages, roasted red peppers, green beans, shallots, garlic, fresh herbs and Parmesan cheese.  I also like to make fresh salsa.  I never post what we have for dinner on my blog because it's usually too dark to take a picture of the finished plate.  Maybe someday I will figure out how to do that.  I bake pretty much every week and usually in the morning so if there is decent light I will photograph what I've made and post the recipe on my blog.  I like to bake bread, cakes, cookies, scones or muffins and some of you have probably noticed that I made several sorbets this summer.

4.  What is your favorite holiday? and why?
My favorite holiday is Christmas, this year I'm going to rediscover it and enjoy sharing all the traditions from my parents with my grandchildren.  We always had Danish flags on our tree, from my father's heritage and a gazillion baked goodies from my mother.  We always read The Night Before Christmas and enjoyed fish soup for dinner on Christmas Eve, see I'm getting excited just thinking about it:)

5.  Share some pictures from a recent trip.  I added this one because I want to share my love of history and photography!

Okay, that's all I can do for now and I need to think about my questions and who I want to tag?????

Tombstones from Old Settler's Cemetery in Charlotte, North Carolina

Ingredients and Directions for Ginger Macadamia Nut Pound Cake
adapted from 'Baking in America' by Greg Patent

Makes one 9 inch tube cake, about 12-16 servings

Preheat the oven to 350°F

3 cups sifted cake flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup salted or unsalted macadamia nuts
1/3 cup crystallized ginger, cut into small 1/4 inch pieces
2 sticks or 1 cup unsalted butter
1 & 1/2 cups sugar
6 large eggs
2 teaspoons finely grated peeled fresh ginger

Butter a 9 inch tube pan or coat with cooking spray and set aside.

Re sift the flour with the salt.  Combine the macadamia nuts with 1/2 cup of the flour in a food processor.  Pulse 4 or 5 times for about 1 second each time, until the nuts are chopped in small pieces.  The pieces will be different sizes but they should all be on the small side.  Place this mixture in a small bowl and stir in the crystallized ginger.

Beat the butter in the bowl of a standing mixer until smooth, about one minute.  Increase the speed to medium high and add the sugar 1/4 cup at a time beating for about 30 seconds after each addition.  Continue to beat for about 5-6 minutes until fluffy and almost white in color.
Beat in the eggs, one at a time, beating one minute after each egg.  Beat in the fresh ginger.

On a low speed beat in about half of the flour mixture, beating until just incorporated.  Add the macadamia nut/flour mixture and beat to mix.  Gradually add the rest of the flour mixture and beat only until no flour shows.  Scraping the bowl spoon the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top.

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until the cake is golden brown and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.  Cool the cake for 30 minutes in the pan on a rack.  Run a thin bladed knife around the inside edges and gently ease out the cake.  Let the cake cool completely before tightly wrapping and let stand overnight before serving.


  1. That's a beautiful cake and I am sure that it would be perfect served with a cup of tea or coffee. I sure wish I had a piece to perk up my rainy day! ;)

  2. Hi Patty, what time did you say dinner was tonight? Teehee. Dinner is the tins I take all my pictures. I break all the rules of good photography taking and it shows in my photos but I don't care cause that's the only meal I really put effort into making. That's our special time of the day when we can sit down as a family and enjoy each other's company.

    Isn't it amazing how one dish can stick in your mind years later? That's the true power of food, and partly why I love food blogging. I'll bet your grandchildren love Christmas too cause they know they get to spend time with their wonderful grandma who makes delicious treats. I love taking my kiddies to my parents' house. To see the smiles on all their faces is truly priceless.

    I have yet to try a poundacake with ginger, this sounds lovely and refreshing. I know this would go great with a nice warm cup of tea. Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe and your answers to those tag questions. You have great photography skills too, Patty. You put me to shame.

  3. The tombstones photos are just beautiful. and the pound cake - well, just wow.

  4. Hey Patty, your pound cake looks perfect! And I would eat it any day with coffee or tea too. I actually would love to make a pound cake right now. I don't have that kind of pan you used though. I might try it with just a bread pan.
    Oh, and thanks so much for your sweet comment on my most recent post, Patty. And I'm with you on your point. In fact, it's why I wrote my post in defense of myself and others. Us veg folks get a lot of flack:) I do with my friends at least...

  5. What a beautiful cake. I love macademia nuts, and anything with ginger perks my interest. This would be a lovely ending to an evening meal. And I loved learning a bit more about you. My mother and female family members also inspired my love for cooking. I am so thankful for all the traditions they have passed down to me. Thanks for sharing, Patty. Your blog continues to inspire me.

  6. How fabulous to know that your talents don't just rely on your discerning palate...your kitchen and photography skills are luring many in admiration also ;o)

    Love the pound cake recipe...especially since there's ginger in it.

    Flavourful wishes,

  7. what a beautiful cake... i love the combo of ginger and macadamias.. thank you for sharing.

  8. Patty that cakes looks so scrumptious. I am crazy about Macadamia nuts, so this cake is perfect for me. The photos are so beautiful. By the way I had stopped by to tell you I have an award and to tell you TAG your it. Hehe and I see you've already been tagged. Well if you'd like to accept the award and play again please stop by my blog.

  9. I am watching the Giants score like a million runs as I write this. You have to be happy about that!

    Loving the pound cake. Creative combination of flavors. I rarely eat sweet but I am a sucker for pound cake. I'd love some of your ginger macadamia nut version.

  10. Oh you changed the bar on your blog! love it!
    pound cake is one of my favorite thingy to eat with coffee, but rarely make it. Old cemeteries are fascinating, they are so intriguing. Next time I am in Reims, will have to try out that restaurant, hopefully by then, the strikes would have ended! :)

  11. A very beautiful nutty pound cake! I really enjoy the quality pound cake with some freshly brewed Oolong tea!

  12. Wow, this is sure one fabulous pound cake! I love the flavors with the ginger and macadamia nuts, this has to be a fantastic combo!

  13. Oh, I love dense, velvety pound cake! And the ginger and nuts sound like they just take this cake to a whole other level!

  14. I have a cup of tea, but no cake! Sniff, Sniff. I love your combination of ingredients. I haven't worked out the nighttime lighting issue either, but I love the photos of the tombstones. There is an old one we hike to sometimes, with the coolest stones!

  15. What a great photography and a great cake too! I love ginger along with the macadamia nuts! A great combination:)

  16. Oh so nuttily a delicious cake!!
    love the combis!

  17. The pound cake, I want some now. The addition of the sorbet, brilliant. The tagged questions, loved getting to know you. And the photos, BEAUTIFUL!

  18. MMM!!! Patty, the pound cake looks perfect! With my love of the topics, ginger and macadamia nuts are some of my favorites. What wonderful photos! thanks for all the answers to the questions, I'm really enjoying learning more about my fellow bloggers.

  19. Beautiful cake, and of course great photos!

  20. This is a great cake for a number of reasons - I love macadamias and crystallised ginger, the crumb looks lovely, and my housemate doesn't like ginger so I wouldn't have to share this :D

    Nice to get to know you better with the taggy qs too!

  21. This should be great with coffee or tea too!

  22. Thank you for sharing this pound cake ( MY type of cake for tea!) and a bit of your life answering those questions...It's great to know a little bit more about our blogger "friends"

  23. Love the new header!
    Oh there;s a blogging game? heard about it but didn't know what it was.
    I like your ginger macadamia nut pound cake! first, it looks perfectly baked. Second, i like macadamia nut!

  24. I just printed out a recipe for making my own crystallized ginger and now have a great recipe to use it on after I make it!

    Thank you too for sharing those picture. For some reason I'm also drawn to those places that really show the history of the people in this country.

  25. Patty, I had no idea you have Danish heritage! And I agreee, Christmas is such a magical time of year. So nice to get to know you and wonderful photos as always.

  26. A gorgeous cake! Those tombstone pictures are wonderful. I love visiting cemeteries.



  27. Hey Patty

    what a perfect pound cake! Thanks so much for playing along with our game of tag, I love learning more about our online friends! Congrats on your Giants beating our poor Phillies....and Patty your images are beautiful, thanks so much for sharing them! will you be at the Food Buzz fest, I am coming out for my first trip to the left coast!
    hope to see you there

  28. That's a lovely cake and I do like crystallized ginger and macadamia nuts. This cake is definitely a winner in my books. It would be perfect with a cup of tea :)

    Nice to read a little bit more about you :)

  29. ow, what a beautiful texture for this gorgeous pound cake, Patty. Love the clicks.

  30. Why is it that so often, we don't think to combine things that we love?! Or maybe it's just me ;) I love both macadamia nuts and crystalised ginger but might never have thought to have them together *sigh* That is a beautiful cake, and it's calling my name, very loudly!

    And, I know tombstones are at least a bit morbid, but your photos of them are quite breathtaking!!

  31. I enjoyed reading your responses to Chef Dennis' tag game!

    I luv, luv, luv this recipe! Seriously. I'm so a macadamia fan and candied ginger. Using them together can only mean deliciousness. Saved this to file and I look fwd to making it too.

  32. This cake has the flavors I adore...crystallized ginger is a serious favorite of mine (I even snack on it). This would most defiantly be delightful with morning coffee :)
    Great questions and answers, and love the photos... So nice to here some of your history and background of food :)
