Monday, October 18, 2010

Pineapple Sorbet with Pineapple Sage Blossoms

A survey of my end of summer vegetable garden revealed the scarlet flowers of  a blooming pineapple sage plant, honestly I don't remember planting it or even noticing it last year.  If you rub the leaves it does smell faintly like pineapple so the idea of infusing simple syrup with pineapple sage leaves and flowers for sorbet, a definite weakness of mine, came to me in short order.  The garden is beautiful in the fall with rose hips, sage blossoms, dusty pink sedum, viburnum leaves turning red, flowering rosemary, bright orange zinnias and rose geraniums. I still have a few tomatoes on the vine and last night they were quite good freshly picked in a green salad.  I just can't let my summer love for tropical flavors end, so here I am with pineapple sorbet and a ginger macadamia nut pound cake, check back next week for the recipe.  I don't need an excuse to buy a pineapple but this was a pretty good one.

A few sprigs of pineapple sage into a cooling simple syrup for about 20 minutes combined with cubes of pineapple pureed in a blender and frozen in an ice cream maker and voilà you have a refreshing sorbet.

Ingredients and Directions for Pineapple Sorbet with Pineapple Sage Blossoms

Makes about 1 & 1/2 quarts

1/2 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 large sprigs pineapple sage with blossoms
1 large ripe pineapple
Pineapple sage blossoms for decoration

Bring sugar and water to a boil for several minutes to make a simple syrup.  Set aside to cool and stir in the pineapple sage sprigs.  Let the sage infuse in the simple syrup for about 20 minutes and strain to remove, saving a few of the blossoms to add to the pineapple mixture.

Clean and core the pineapple, cut into chunks and place in a blender with the infused simple syrup and a few of the blossoms.  Puree the pineapple mixture until it is smooth.

Place the pineapple mixture in the refrigerator over night or until well chilled.  Pour the mixture into the container of an ice cream maker and process according to the directions.  Serve immediately or place in the freezer.  If the sorbet is frozen hard let it sit out until softer and blend until smooth or scrape with a fork into a serving bowl.


  1. Tho is a little cold outside I wouldn't was NO if you invite me over for a sorbet. It looks so great, bet it tastes much better then it looks

  2. Patty
    what a wonderful sorbet!! I love pineapple, and you really don't see it enough! I just tagged you over at my site!! hope you have time to play!


  3. Sounds so good, I didn't know those were edible! I'd love some of this!

  4. Patty, this is such a beautiful sorbet with the perfect finishing touch of those lovely Pineapple sage blossoms! The combination of the two colours just make this delicious sorbet pop out right at you. I'm slightly allergic to pineapples and cannot have big chunks of them, but I think I can deal with this cool delicious sorbet just melting on my tongue. Even though it's cold here now, I'd definitely easily gobble down two bowls of this deliciousness right now. Great sorbet Patty. I especially loved that you used the sage to infuse into the syrup!

    I'm so behind on blog reading today, but just wanted to drop by and see what delicious thing you were cooking up before I take the kiddies out again.

  5. Patty...not only do I love pineapple...I absolutely will have it as a frozen treat anytime ;o)

    Your Fall garden sounds much as your photos are gorgeous!

    Have a great week and flavourful wishes,

  6. What a lovely sorbet...I love pineapple sage, mine has never really blossomed like that though? Oh well, still love it :)

  7. Tropical flavors are always in favor here in SoCal and your pineapple sorbet looks so refreshing! I'm envious of your fall garden - about all I have left are late-season tomatoes!

  8. MMM this sorbet looks delicious! And love the new header :)

  9. I love pineapple and always wondered about those scented sage plants. I love that you used yours to infuse simple syrup, what a great idea!

  10. Hi Patty, I think I messed up my other commment. Just wanted say that I'm glad you're back because I missed your posts. I hope you had a great vacation.

    This pineapple sorbet looks so good!

  11. Sounds really good! I've never had much nerve to make things with flowers, but I love you you used yours on the sorbet. I haven't used pineapple sage either... will have to check that out!

  12. Inventive and creative. Not your average sorbet by any stretch. Pineapple sage blossoms, wonderful. I envy your bountiful gardens. Such a great variety to work with.

    Beautifully shot as well.

  13. What a wonderful sorbet. It sort of reminds me of the pineapple ice cream at Disneyland's Tiki Room. Never had Pineapple Sage Blossoms - learned something new. Great photo!!!

  14. I can't wait for that pound cake recipe. It sounds amazing...I'm already drooling. But this sorbet sounds so fresh and flavorful. It is still warm in Austin, so I would appreciate the coolness! Thank you for all your kind words on my blog, Patty. Your thoughts are so appreciated.

  15. Beautiful fall bouquet! I love pineapple sage- it's definitely a star in any fall garden. I love it planted next to blue fall asters. :) The sorbet sounds so refreshing!

  16. It sounds like you have a beautiful garden. :) How interesting about the pineapple sage blossoms - so pretty and fragrant. I can only imagine how wonderful this sorbet must taste and refreshing!

  17. Never seen pineapple sage blossoms before. Don't think we have it here.

  18. What a delicious, refreshing treat this is! I've never heard of pineapple sage before...I wonder if I could find it here. I'll definitely look for it! :)

  19. this looks gorgeous:) so refreshing and yummy!

  20. You're so creative, Patty! I don't think I would have thought to do this with my mystical plant that I didn't remember planting (smile). Your sorbet looks wonderful though, and I could use some right now. It's so hot here in South Florida;)!

  21. Yum! It sounds so delicious and looks lovely - the pineapple sage blossoms make great decoration!

  22. I love sorbets! The pineapple flavor must have been refreshingly delicious :)

  23. Oh Patty your new header photo is gorgeous! Not so gorgeous as your sorbet, but pretty damn close :)

    Come to Australia if you want to continue your summer fling. We're just getting started down here!

  24. Sorbets are always a treat and it would be a perfect way to use the pineapple we just bought, despite not having a pineapple sage plant.

  25. This sounds just refreshing and delicious! I really like your cabbage flower bouquet. Very creative.

  26. Those little pineapple sage blossoms are so pretty. I love the way they pop against the yellow sorbet. I think it was very clever to infuse the pineapple blossoms to add to the pineapple sorbet.

  27. Patty, pineapple sorbet...I haven't had it for years, and I love the idea of spicing it up pineapple fragrant!

  28. Nice to see you back Patty, hope you had a nice trip. Everytime you write about your garden I get such a vivid picture of a beautiful garden. That is so great that you have such fresh resources at hand. The Sorbet sounds like such a sweet and delightful treat.

  29. What lovely little flowers. I have something called 'devil's tongues' in the yard that looks just like it, but I don't think its herbal.

    The sorbet sounds wonderfully refreshing...and light!

  30. Dropping by from Lazaro's blog. Wow, I'm impressed to be greeted by an attractive pix!

    Thks for sharing the lovely recipe & looking fwd to see u @ Luxury Indulgence!

  31. Such a refreshing sorbet! You are so creative with all the veges and herbs from your garden. Your garden sounds lovely with all those rich fall colors.

  32. This sounds so cool and refreshing. What a great way to make use of pineapple.

  33. This is such a beautiful and unique sorbet! I didn't even know there was such a thing as pineapple sage! XD

    I hope you had fun in France, Patty. :)

  34. I would love pineapple sorbet. The pineapple sage sounds amazing too. I'm a huge sage lover so this would be outstanding.

  35. Never had Pineapple sorbet but it sounds delicious!! On a side note, I "tagged" you in the Blog Tag Game. Hope you don't mind.

  36. Refreshing recipe, love pineapple in any form. The fall garden looks amazing.

  37. So refreshing! The pineapple sage blossoms are very intriguing.

  38. I love pineapple and I'm fortunate that they are available to me all year round. The nearest one to me at any given moment is a 5 minute walk away :)

    This is just beautiful! I love the garnish of pineapple sage flowers, and the sorbet itself sounds absolutely delightful!

  39. I love the flavor of ginger and I bet it's wonderful combined with macadamia nut! Such interesting flavors! Mmmmmm
