Saturday, December 4, 2010

Apple Pastry Squares

Baking with cornflakes that's right cornflakes!  A grown woman is not suppose to get this excited about cornflakes, I know that.  But, when I saw the bin filled with organic cornflakes my heart started racing and not in a bad way as I started to think about the heavenly cookies made with mashed cornflakes that I used to buy at a small bakery in Chester, a small mountain town in Northern California  next to Lake Almanor.  Then I remembered the dozen Fuji apples sitting on my counter at home.  I realized that I could have my cornflakes and eat them with apples too.

I'm not sure how my photos are going to look as there was absolutely zero natural light today!  I even tried lighting my photos with a flashlight, so sad.  Then I discovered the miracle of adding light and words, forgive me but it was so much fun to pen little messages with the photo shop tool on my computer.  I did get a tad carried away but I regained control and did include a few pictures without words, whew:) 

I forgot I also tried to light my photos the old fashioned way with candle light!  Isn't this a nice dramatic effect?

One more message written on pastry as if pastry could speak and this is what it would say....

Thank you for reading my mind and covering me with cornflakes, I knew I liked you:)

Now I know I love you because you added Fuji apples, sugar, nuts and spices!

I forgive you for baking me in the oven at a high temperature, but it was worth the pain for such beautiful results!

Thanks for cooling me off with vanilla ice cream, friends for life:)

Ingredients and Directions for Apple Pastry Squares

2 & 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 & 1/2 sticks unsalted butter, chilled and cut into bits
1/4 cup milk
1 egg
Large pinch salt
10 Fuji apples
1/2 cup sugar
1 & 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
2 cups cornflakes
2 cups almonds and walnuts, lightly toasted and chopped

In a medium size bowl cut the butter into the flour with a pastry blender or your finger tips.  Make a well in the center of this mixture, add the egg and the milk and mix to form dough. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease and flour a 16" jelly roll pan.

Peel, core and thinly slice the apples in a large bowl.  Mix in the sugar, spices and nuts. 

Pull the dough out of the fridge, press it evenly into the bottom of the pan and sprinkle with cornflakes.  Cover the cornflake layer with the apple mixture and bake for 1 hour.  Remove to a wire rack and cool slightly before slicing.  Makes a generous amount;)


  1. I totally heart this post and laughed heartily all the way through!!! The food's commentary is priceless...oh and "A grown woman is not suppose to get this excited about cornflakes..."--really--well, I hate to tell you about my attachment to the Cap' know, Cap'n Crunch!

  2. Love it, your so funny...I like the captions on the photos and I think they came out
    beautifully :) These treats look so delicious, I am wondering in my baking challenged person (me) might be able to pull these off, I have to try them!

  3. Hahaha! Cute post Patty! If a grown woman is going to create this kind of deliciousness with cornflakes, then I say a grown woman has every right in the world to get excited :-P That shot of the candle is so simple, yet beautiful and calming. God knows I need some calming right now...haha.

    These apple pastry squares sound delicious. Great choice to add the cornflakes as I'm sure along with the almond and walnuts they add the perfect crunch and contrast in textures (something I just learned on Lazaro's post...teehee). Topping it off with ice cream is the perfect finish. Honestly though, I was sold on cornflakes. I could pop those like popcorn.

  4. What a wonderful post Patty. I say that cornflakes are most certainly something worth getting excited over! (especially when you can find a new purpose for them) I know that cornflakes bring back many fond childhood memories for me. These apple dessert/bars look delicious. I imagine that this would be perfect with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a beautiful Sunday!

  5. Patty, your apple pastry is divine. You made me smile when you said the pastry spoke to you. I've never used cornflakes in baking. Looks like I'm missing something good....

  6. Patty, love this idea. I bet it was really tasty! Photos look great (=

  7. I love corn flakes too, Patty. I would probably have reacted the same way to a bin of organic ones-nice! This apple pastry square sounds rich, healthful, and so delicious. That's not a bad combination of adjectives if you ask this witch;-)

  8. I'm having lighting issues too. It's always dark out!
    Corn flakes are my favorite cereal but I've never baked with them. These squares sound like the perfect place to start.

  9. I love squares and those look delicious! What an awesome combination.



  10. I've seen many sweet child friendly recipes with rice crispies, but never with cornflakes and i have to say, they totally work. These woudd be great to take into work as a cereal bar in place of the muesli or flapjack (or do you think they may be a little too fragile?). Can I take a slice with me, pretty please?


    The photgraphs are fab as always - natural light, artificial light or no light.

  11. Beautifully written and photogrpahed post. The apple squares look wonderful and I am not even much of a sweets eater. I am though a big fan of Fuji apples. Great choice.

    Be well

  12. These look fantastic! Cornflakes is such an original addition, and of course, ice cream makes everything just a little better :)

  13. You took these photos without any natural light? they look great! I still have not figured out how to do that. These pastry squares also look amazing... i love that you used corn flakes in the crust :) How did their crunchiness hold up?
    By the way - thanks for getting back to me on the acron squash rind! I made some this weekend... I ended up cutting it into wedges (around the indentations that go down the outside) and then peeling it with a vegetable peeler. Worked great!

  14. I'm so pleased to read how more people like yourself are getting excited about the variety of organic products out there. Yes, cornflakes are a great ingredient in baked goods. Hopefully I'll get to re-make my biscotti with cornflakes so that it can be shared with accompanying photos. Speaking of which...those captures of yours are exquisite. Did you really light the area with one candle or many? This is an excellent trick Patty...I can't wait to try out ;o)

    Thanks for the apple pastry delight...yummmmy!

    Flavourful wishes,

  15. This looks absolutely delicious, Patty! Love the cornflakes here. My hubby goes nuts for cornflakes and I go crazy for apples, so this is the perfect dessert for us, lol!

  16. Are you kidding me? You took the pictures using a candle light? I must be doing something the way the corn flakes and apple sounds and looks absolutely delicious, love the idea of using cereal...and the pictures are awesome :-)

  17. These apple squares sure look scrumptious! I love the addition of corn flakes for the extra crunch, excellent! And your photos look terrific by the way!

  18. When I was little, I ate a bowl of cornflakes every evening with my favorite uncle- every time I eat them, that's the memory I have. :) I bet they add something special to this dessert! It looks delicious. :)

  19. Love the apple pastry delight. Like the picture of cornflakes and apples, beautiful shot with perfect lighting.

  20. Now why didn't I think of that :-). These sound really good and demand to be tried. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  21. Actually I think the candle idea may be a good solution, I can't get any light these days! I love this recipe, corn flakes in the crust, I've need seen this before or I would have made it! I love the big scoop of ice cream on top, that must of made it even better!

  22. I'm struggling with this winter light as well... you are having much more success than I! Beautiful shots in this post. The pastry squares look just as lovely!

  23. Hahaha I adore this post very much! Your light is great Patty. It turns out nice. Don't you tell me it's because of candle light?! If so, I will have to do the same. I also love the words speaking on behalf of the pastry! It made my day as reading it. I get excited when hearing cornflakes too! Nicely done for this apple pastry!

  24. Wow Patty! The squares with the ice cream look so good, even with it being freezing here I would love the ice cream on top. Your recipes are always so delicious and inspire me to be a better baker. I really love this recipe and it's going on my list to try. The photos with the text are cute, Ok maybe I'm biased :) But they do look beautiful and the candle light can create some beautiful light too. Thanks for sharing.

  25. great. I practically grew up on Cornflakes. This brings back memories. Thank you :)
    PS love the candle

  26. Lovely apple squares and lovely post. You sure had so much fun with the photography...looks like more than the baking itself...haha

  27. Hey Patty~ No shame in cornflakes! They offer wonderful crunch and a great earthy flavor! This is a lovely treat and it makes those cornflakes have a touch of elegance!

  28. Your post made me giggle Patty. It was so cute! This looks wonderful! I love cornflakes and I love apples. I will have to try this soon!:)

  29. Your pictures came out gorgeous! I wish I knew how to do that without natural light. Mine is still hit and miss and with the shorter days, it gets tough to try and get everything cooked and photographed by 1:00pm :(

    Your apple pastry squares look wonderful. Makes a great snack.

  30. The cornflakes are a very creative way to create pastry Cheers to you.


  31. My daughter gets on these cereal kicks so when it was cornflakes I bought organic cornflakes vs. the brands that add a lot of sugar - they absolutely taste better! Your apple squares look homey and delicious :) You made me smile - yes, taking photos and editing takes a lot of time, so you might as well have fun with it!

  32. What an absolute perfect dessert!! These are a must try really soon. Thank you for sharing.
