Thursday, December 9, 2010

Persimmon Muffins with Bittersweet Chocolate Chunks and A Cookie Recipe

Just for fun I'm also including a recipe for persimmon cookies so please keep reading.  Now back to the muffins...I found a recipe for chocolate persimmon muffins which I'm trying for the first time from one of my favorite new cookbooks, 'Good To The Grain' by Kim Boyce.  Her description of the fresh baked muffins as "rich and dark, laced with chunks of melted chocolate and orange flecks of caramelized persimmon" caught my eye and immediately peaked my baker's interest.  However, I forgot to add the cocoa powder because the phone probably rang and I have the attention span of a gnat, so the muffins were not dark from the cocoa but still have good chocolate flavor from the bittersweet chunks. I think the flecks from the buckwheat flour show up better in the lighter muffin.

Growing up our neighbors had a big old Hachiya persimmon tree which produced enough persimmons for the entire neighborhood.  We always made cookies with the pulp from the ripe persimmons.  The fresh baked cookies made the house smell wonderful and were always the first home baked cookies of the holiday season.  We used a family recipe that was filled with walnuts, raisins and spices  The other day I spotted  this large Hachiya persimmon tree in a yard that backed up to highway 12 in Santa Rosa.  I made a U turn, parked on the side of the highway and snapped a few photos to show off this beautiful tree covered with bright orange persimmons. 

No, I did not climb up this ladder and pick persimmons on private property, you know that I would never do that!!!  These persimmons came from my friend Emily's neighbor and she was kind enough to pass them on to me:)

Ingredients and Directions for Chocolate and Persimmon Muffins
 makes 12 regular muffins or 24 minis

1 cup buckwheat flour
1 & 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons unsweetened natural cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 stick unsalted butter, cut into bits
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup plain yogurt
2 cups Hachiya persimmon pulp, from 2 large persimmons or 4 small ripe persimmons
4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, 60 percent cacao, cut into 1/4"  pieces

Preheat the oven to 350
Grease muffin tins

note:  I used two mini muffin pans and filled every other one with the batter so the muffins could bake evenly.  It looks nice to pull out a piece of persimmon from the batter to drape over the top of the muffin to show off the beautiful color.

In a large bowl sift all the dry ingredients together and set aside.
In the bowl of a stand mixer cream together the butter and sugars until they are light and creamy.  Scrape down the bowl and add the eggs, mix for about 1 minute until combined.  Add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture and mix on low speed until just combined.  Remove the bowl from the mixer and stir in the persimmon pulp and bittersweet chocolate.  Scoop the batter into 12 or 24 muffin cups using a large spoon or a small ice cream scoop.  Bake for approximately 30 minutes or 20 for the minis.  Test to see if the muffins are done by pushing down on them to see if they spring back.  Remove the muffin tins from the oven, twist each muffin out and set aside to cool.

 Old Fashioned Grandmother's Persimmon Cookies

Ingredients and Directions for Grandmother's Persimmon Cookies
makes 2 dozen cookies

1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2  cup Hachiya persimmon pulp, from 2 small persimmons
1 ripe banana, smashed and added to persimmon
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter or shortening
1 egg 
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 350
Line cookie sheets with parchment paper

Place the persimmon pulp in a small bowl, mix in the baking soda and add the mashed banana. Set aside.
Sift together the flour, spices and salt in a medium bowl.
Cream together the sugar and butter or shortening in a standing mixer.  Add the egg and beat into the creamed mixture.  Add the persimmon pulp and banana, beating until mixed in evenly.
Stir in the flour until it just disappears.  Remove the bowl from the mixer and   gently stir in the raisins and walnuts.
Scoop the dough by rounded tablespoons onto the baking sheets and bake for 12-14 minutes.  Cool on a rack and glaze with a simple icing if you like.

Glaze for Cookies

1 rounded cup confectioners sugar
1 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl with a whisk to use as a glaze for the persimmon cookies.  Spoon on the glaze or drizzle on with a fork.


  1. Oh Patty, whenever I see persimmons I think of my grandma who used to always give them to us as a treat. Your muffins looks so delicious. And I highly doubt you have the attention span of a gnat hehe (=

  2. Hi Patty,

    I think if I saw such a beautiful persimmon tree, I'd be tempted to climb that ladder, stuff as many in my shirt as I can and run like the wind. Of course that's just me, glad you're nothing like me. Then again you did make that u turn so I do sense a bit of rebel in you ;-).
    Persimmons are one of my favorite fruits. I love their sweet taste without being too sweet. With that said, these are the perfect fruits for baking. Their beautiful colour is definitely a highlight and they add a lovely sweetness without going overboard. Your muffins and cookies look divine. I've never had a persimmon cookie or muffin before and would love to give these a try. Thank you for the inspiration, these sound delicious!

  3. Patty, I would never have thought to use persimmons in a muffin or a cookie but I really, really like the idea. Funny thing is, we own a persimmon tree but I never get to enjoy its fruits. An unknown neighbor harvests it every year. I'll try to see if I can get any this season so I can try one or both of these lovely recipes.

    And I agree with Lisa about the gnat thing... :-)

  4. To be honest, my very first taste of this fruit was an unpleasant one to say the least. I later found out that is was because it wasn't ripe enough. Duh!
    Now, maybe if I was offered one of your muffins...the memories would have turned out quite differently ;o)

    Have a great weekend and flavourful wishes,

  5. I've never baked with persimmons before. Both of your recipes look wonderful!

  6. One of my old college roommate's parents had a persimmon tree so in the winters when she would go home to visit, she would come back with bags full of persimmon. I never knew how beautiful a persimmon tree was! I've only had raw persimmon before, and have never had it baked in anything - i'd love to try it sometime.

    By the way, here's a little nugget of information - persimmon in Korean is "gahm." It's a fruit I grew up eating, but it wasn't until college that I even learned that there was an english word for them! I thought it was a Korean fruit ;] It's really funny because I can barely even speak korean...

  7. Wow, very unique combination of persimmon and chocolate in these muffins, they sound super delicious!

  8. Patty,
    What a beautiful post. You always give me such inspiration. I love the thought of incorporating this winter fruit into both cookies and muffins. I'm sure the flavor is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing with me. I hope you have a blessed weekend.

  9. Patty!! That's so creative muffins! I never see persimmons in muffins before. You always inspire me with your baking.

    You can send me to climb up getting those persimmons for you Patty! and we can share hehe.

    I'm leaving for Thailand tonight so Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  10. A very unique muffin recipe! And homegrown persimmon must be very good!

  11. I have two persimmons that need a home and your muffin recipe looks like just the place :) Honestly, I don't know how to tell if they're ripe - I know they can be bitter when not ripe.... Have a great weekend, Patty!

  12. Patty these sound so good! At our old house, we had a huge persimmon tree and my husband didn't know what it was and cut it down when we were doing the yard! I was upset about that for the longest time!

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  13. Oh Patty! That persimmon tree is too wonderful. You guys are so lucky. There is one in my Mom's neighborhood in Georgia-it produces the big oval persimmons. I rarely get to go there though. Wish I could see a tree like that again;)
    Anyway, your muffins and cookies look wonderful. I wish I could have one now. That would be nice (smile)...

  14. Oooh....I love persimmons. they are just so delicious eaten fresh. My gosh...look at that persimmon overloaded with fruits!!! I don't mind to live on that tree...haha. Your persimmon muffins just look gorgeous. Wish I can have one!

  15. I love eating persimmons but they haven't made it into my baking repertoire - will have to give it a crack, these look lovely, I like my fruit chunky in muffins :)

    That tree looks so laden you could probably just glare it at long enough and a few would fall down to you.

  16. I have never had a persimmon before, but seriously need to change that after these two awesome recipes. Both look delicious!

  17. Unique flavor combination and perfect execution. You truly are a fantastic baker.


  18. Patty - I can't wait to try both these muffins and cookies! I'm not used to using persimmons so it's going to be fun trying something new and trying new flavors. :)

    Luv that the cookies also includes bananas too!

  19. Hi Patty-That tree is spectacular! I would've been tempted to take a few;)I love both recipes. I really like the drizzle on the cookies! I hope you have a lovely week:)

  20. Call me crazy but I've never had a persimmon! What do they taste like!? I almost picked up some at the grocery today and now I wish I had after seeing your muffins and cookies!

  21. Patty, what a great idea making muffins and cookies out of persimmons...I used to have a big tree and did not take advantage of using I have so many regrets.

  22. Looks like a great combination of flavors. Sure wish I had a persimmon tree nearby. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

  23. Dear Patty,

    First a huge thanks for all your support & love...I 'll never forget that!! Second, you made me laugh saying you have the "attention span of a gnat" I belong to that club too !!! You know the times I read & re read a recipe and I never remember if it was 140gr of flour , or 240? I have never seen a persimmon tree in my life!! neither in Arg nor in France...what a glorious thing...your muffins with tea in this cold Paris...I would love that !!!!

  24. I love persimmons and these muffins look like they are to die for. Unfortunately I have not seen a persimmon tree. If my neighbor has a persimmon tree with a ladder there, I will definitely be tempted to climb it ;)

  25. Patty people are always asking me for persimmons recipes but to be honest, I've never had one! Lucky you to have a friend with a tree otherwise I'd be knocking on that person's door with the big tree in their yard! I'll look for them at the grocery next time, seeing as they are now in season and give your recipe a go! Cheers!

  26. this looks so lovely... thank you for sharing this..your pictures are gorgeous btw.

  27. Ok, this is embarassing but I have to admit it...I've never had a persimmon! I've been seeing them in the grocery store and with such lovely recipes like these, I really have no excuse! I'm adding them to my grocery list right now. :)

  28. How I wish I would have seen your recipes before I finished off my last persimmon. I may just have to go buy a few more for those muffins. I've never seen a Persimmon tree before, they are quite beautiful. Thanks for sharing 2 delicious recipes :)

  29. Wow I love the pictures of the persimmon tree! I had my first persimmon just last month and fell in love! It was so good and unlike anything I had ever tasted. I've never baked with persimmons before but would love to try to! Your persimmon cookies look so delicious with the walnuts and raisins. And the glaze on top of the cookies is such a nice touch!

  30. As I sit here typing in 5 layers of clothes to keep warm, I'm thinking that I really need to move somewhere that has persimmon trees. Right? I really like those cookies!

  31. thanks for the shout out! so fun to see you and SBP the other night. my friendly neighbor actually gave me a few more, so i think i need to try this recipe. the muffins look amazing! thanks for the inspiration. hope to see you guys again soon

  32. Both of these recipes are such great use of persimmon :) I especially love those cookies, and the photos of the persimmon tree is just gorgeous!

  33. It's the second dessert recipe I see tonight with persimmons! I think I will have to try this one, it looks too good.

  34. It is great to have access to such a tree. Those muffins look delectable!

    Happy holidays!


  35. Hi Patty,
    Ginger directed me to your site. It's wonderful. Your photographs are fantastic. Please visit my site:
