Friday, December 24, 2010

Gingerbread Scones and A Tour of Pixar

I loaded these scones up with spices, cranberries and walnuts then covered all their spicy  fresh baked goodness with a light vanilla scented glaze.  Why did I do this?  Just to make the house smell divine or to add to my stash of homemade baked goods? Yes, all of the above but also to say Merry Christmas to everyone.  Besides making scones to share, I also want to share our tour of Pixar earlier this week. My husband Scott, our daughter and three beautiful grandchildren all enjoyed a fabulous tour of Pixar.  We were greeted at the door by Tia an Art Director at Pixar Animation Studios as well as figures of Woody and Buzz Lightyear created  from Lego's.

The boys went crazy checking out all the characters, special exhibits and animated films they have on display throughout their large open atrium style building.  Pixar is both an adult and a child's paradise to explore.

The kids wanted to reach out and touch everything! There are plenty of restricted areas where all the top secret things happen but the areas we were allowed to see were fascinating.  Do you recognize any of these characters?

We enjoyed an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the animation studios including a restricted area where the animators for movies like Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Monster, Inc. and Cars work. Tia instructed us to stay together, be very quiet and not to touch anything.  Within seconds of that instruction JD, my three year old grandson managed to break away from the group, grab a large rainbow snake hanging from a tall heavy lamp post leaning against a wall and pull the entire thing down with a crash and a shriek by him as well as the rest of us. Everyone within earshot come running out of their top secret cubicles to see what all the noise was about!  JD was beside himself and Tia, our tour guide offered to pay for any damages.  But, the guys said, no harm done and nothing was broken, whew!  What a thrill, maybe it's time for lunch?  Good thing he didn't break this little gold statue!

They have a Toy Story video game set up in the main atrium area that my grandson Noah could not wait to sit down and check out!  When it was time for lunch, which we enjoyed from the Pixar cafeteria,Luxo Café, we had fresh salads, pizza from a wood burning pizza oven, panini as well as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches made for the boys by our tour guide!  Who cares about lunch?  Actually they loved their PBJs, thanks Tia!

Here is my cute husband Scott with our sweet granddaughter Gracie Jane waiting for lunch while the boys shared the video game:)

No tour of Pixar would be complete without a visit to shop at the Pixar store!  Of course JD wanted the same toy that Noah picked out so we bought two of these huge helicopters which they both fell asleep holding in the car on their way home.

So goodbye to Pixar and back to my recipe for gingerbread scones.

When these gingerbread scones were still warm with the glaze dripping off them I inhaled, yes, inhaled one of them because I literally lost control of my ability to eat slow and savor every bite.  My scone just disappeared in front of my eyes and I was left with the feeling that I should eat another one but slowly this time!  

In the old days people would drop by for a visit in pony and cart if you drop by my house like that I will happily make you a batch of these scones to go with a pot of tea.

Ingredients and Directions for Gingerbread Scones
Makes 8 wedges

1/3 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup molasses
1 teaspoon finely grated orange zest
2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
7 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into bits
1/2 cup dried cranberries, chopped
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

Preheat the oven to 425°

Using a glass measuring cup measure the buttermilk to the 1/3 mark in the cup, add the molasses to the 2/3 mark and stir in the orange zest blending the mixture.

Mix together the flour, spices and salt in a medium bowl.  Add the butter bits to the dry ingredients by rubbing them in with your finger tips until the mixture resembles small flakes.  Add the buttermilk mixture and stir until it forms a soft dough.  Add the cranberries and walnuts.

Form the dough into a thick circle, place on a parchment lined baking sheet and cut into 8 wedges.  Bake for about 12-14 minutes. Cool slightly on a wire rack and glaze if desired.

For the Glaze

1&1/4 cup powdered sugar
1-2 tablespoons milk or cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

In a small bowl whisk all the ingredients together making a smooth glaze for the scones.



  1. Aw, it looks like the boys had a blast! I'm so glad they had a good time. And, YUM, gingerbread scones? That sounds so amazing! I have some crystallized ginger, I bet these scones would even more delicious (IF that's possible) topped with a bit of that. Patty, i wish you a very merry christmas and a beautiful weekend!

  2. Oh, my, Patty! Your Gingerbread Scones look incredible! I am stumbling this to save to my favorites. I'll definitely have to try these.

    Loved hearing about your tour of Pixar. What a fun family outing! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

  3. Great times with the family...and of course a delightful treat to put a smile on anyone's face ;o)

    Patty, here's wishing you a splendid holiday period and the best of what the New Year could offer you.

    Ciao for now,

  4. Patty
    it sounds like you had a wonderful time at Pixar, and your Grandson sounds like he is going to be quite the adventurer! Your gingerbread scones sound amazing, that is not a flavor I would have ever thought of for scones but you really did a great job with them!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. What a fun time you all had!! I love Pixar... Buzz lightyear is my favorite of all time. I think I have a bit of a crush on him! I got my daughter Toy Story 3 for Christmas, but mostly because I wanted it! We will most likely watch it again tomorrow.
    We are hooked on scones!! My family asked me to make Cinnamon Rolls for our Christmas Breakfast, but I didn't get the dough done, so maybe next week. Scones are a wonderful idea! I think I will prep the dry ingredients tonight and then simply mix them in the morning. These look divine!

    Merry Christmas to you Patty! I'm so happy to have "met" you this year.

  6. The scones look delicious. Merry Christmas, have lots of fun. Hugs and wishes for all of you.

  7. Hey Patty! These scones look so perfect. Plus, I love the idea of a gingerbread scone-that just sounds really good:) Oh, and your grandkids are so cute too. I wish I could have been around them or any kids for that matter this Christmas. It's so nice to see how thrilled and cute they get about presents and such...

  8. Wow, what a memorable experience to share with your family! And your gingerbread scones with candied ginger shout Merry Christmas - I just wish that I had a horse and buggy to come callin'!

  9. These look divine. Happy Holidays and wishing you a wonderful New Year.

  10. Hi Patty!

    Sorry for the late comment, I haven't been blogging for two days due to my daughter's birthday and Christmas.

    Your scones are looking and sounding scrumptious! I guess I'm too late fir them now even if I did show up in a cart and pony huh? Just saying, seeing as you inhaled the first one, which is absolutely what I would've done. I'm sure your family enjoyed every one of these lovelies.

    What an awesome tour! Sorry to hear about the little accident. I could so see my little boy doing the exact same thing. Your grandchildren are absolutely adorable! I just want to hug them and squeeze them warmly in my arms (was never a cheek pincher). Seeing those bright eyes light up and those cute smiles just melts one's heart doesn't it? I'm glad you and your family had such a great time at Pixar (so jealous!). Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Wishing you a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Beautiful family photo!

  11. Oh can you ALL look so cute!! You have the most incredible grandchildren, and your daughter looks like a "solcito" (little sun) I cannot but congratulate you on this, surely, your greatest achievement in life!! Well, the scones are great too!
    My best wishes for 2011 !!
    PS: my 18 year-old son still keeps with him his "Buzzlightyear" In his opinion, Pixar will never produce another hero, better than him!

  12. Looks like a wonderful day at Pixar. And the scones look delicious!

  13. Oh Patty, what a gorgeous family! Especially those sweet little grandbabies! My mom always says having grandkids is WAY better than having kids. Although I find that hard to imagine, she says it's all the fun and none of the fuss!

    The scone look AWESOME!

  14. That is one happy crew of children. The scones sound wonderful. The kids and their bright smiles are priceless. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  15. What an awesome scone recipe! I don't think I have ever had gingerbread scones before.
    And looks like you all had great time at Pixar.

  16. Looks like the little ones had such a fun time! The scones look incredible and I can imagine they smelled like heaven as they baked!

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Patty!

  17. Patty! What a fun time with your grandchildren. My love would of had a blast. Your scones look absolutely delicious! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Weekend!

  18. I love the Boo from Monster Inc! Looks like boys have a blast! That's so cool you guys got to this together. I can see a smile from everyone's face.

    Now back to the scones, I bet your house was full with baked good smell. I like that smell. It's soothing, don't you think. To make scones from gingerbread is interesting. My sister in-law loves gingerbread. I should forward this to her.

    Happy Holidays Patty!

  19. Aw, looks like you had a fabulous holiday! Happy New Year to you!

  20. What a great time to spend with your family, Patty. I must admit that I would have been like a kid myself on that tour. I love all those characters!

    Your gingerbread scones look so good! Happy New Year, Patty!

  21. I would love to stop by your house Patty. You are probably the most delightful host (and clearly, the most amazing grandmother!) I loved seeing your pictures from Pixar. My niece and nephew would have been in heaven. And those scones looked delicious too. Such a great post! Thank you for sharing all of this with me. I hope you have a lovely week. I wish you and your family the happiest New Year!

  22. Ohh look at Woody and Buzz Lightyear built in Lego's, wow. Looks like everyone had a fantastic time. And your Gingerbread Scones look simply delicious. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  23. Happy New Year ! It is good to see a happy family like yours. My daughter would love your scoones:)

  24. Oh Patty every time I stop by for a visit you have something fabulous to share! The Pixar tour looks like it was so much fun, I'm a big kid at heart so I would love it. Those gingerbread scones are making my mouth water. I have to make these soon, oh just thinking about that is making my mouth water again:) Hope you had a great holiday and have fun on new years eve:)

  25. You have such adorable grandkids! I'm sure they have an awesome time there. Did they want to leave? Must be hard to make them leave :P Love your scones. Would be a great comfort to have one to go with a cup of hot tea in this freezing weather. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  26. Oh it looks like they had such an amazing time...and what a gorgeous family you have.
    And then these! Love gingerbread flavors :)
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing for you and your family an amazing New Years, with a most incredible 2011 :)
    Big hugs and much love,

  27. That sounds like a special behind-the-scenes tour at Pixar. Who doesn't like fun!

    I like that when I come across a fantastic recipe that I'm interested in making and I run down the list of ingredients and have everything w/out having to run to the store. That's the case with these gorgeous scones! Hubbs will luv 'em for sure.

    Happy New Year's to you! ;)

  28. I'm lovin' those scones. Looks like your family had a wonderful Christmas. Happy new year.

  29. Patty, your grandkids are just gorgeous!! Looks like you all really had a blast at Pixar! Thanks for the picture tour ;)

    Those scones are scrumptious and I love the thought of gingerbready smells wafting out of my oven! You know I will try these :)

    Sorry I'm late with my holiday wishes, but I do hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful and blessed New Year!

  30. I think your grandchildren will remember that visit for a long time. I must say you have beautiful grandchildren, I love the pic of your grandson holding that helicopter, priceless.

    Love the wonderful scones, wish I had one for breakfast.

    Wishing you and your family A Happy New Year!

  31. it seems like you had a great time at Pixar, your grandson seems so happy.
    the scones look amazing, i'd love one right now, or maybe 2
    thanks for sharing

    New Year begins, let us pray,
    that it will be a year with new Peace,
    New Happiness, and abundance of new friends,
    God bless you through out the new Year.

  32. What beautiful scones. And the day-outing to Pixar looks like so much fun!

  33. Lovely gingerbread scones perfect for the holidays! So glad to hear that the visit to Pixar ended well....phew! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and here is wishing you and your family a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

  34. Patty, that a fun time at Pixar...enjoyed the photos and the gingerbread scone look fabulous...Happy New Year to you and your family :-)

  35. Ahh, how fun! What a lovely family - no wonder you cook such fabulous goodies! Here's to a wonderful 2011!

  36. Hey Patty! Just checking in on you. Happy New Year & I will be back:)!

  37. Looks like you had a great time at Pixar! I love that place. They are one of my clients and I always love going there. Your scones are on my list to make on a Sunday morning. They look supreme! Happy New Year!!

  38. Patty...just a quick hello to wish you the very best that this newest year will bring upon you ;O)

    Very much looking forward to exchanging with my Foodie who has supported my culinary journey so loyally. I truly thank you for always being there.

    Enjoy your time off;o)
    Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

  39. Your grandkids are adorable and look to be having a fantastic time at Pixar! I want to go and play! :) Love the scones and even though the holidays have passed, could still use a little more of that gingerbread flavor in my life :)

  40. Oh wow, the scones look delightful. I just need a good cup of coffee.

    What a great way to have a family day at PIxar. I have no doubt that was fun day.


  41. You know, I'm sure that even if something had been horribly broken in the crash, you could have put everything right with a couple of those scones :)

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! (yes yes very late of me I know)

  42. The scone sound great but the the icing.


  43. Your scones look delicious and so beautiful! Great flavors.


