Thursday, December 16, 2010

Candy Cane Brownie Bites

Sometimes you try a new recipe and it comes out like a dream and other times you have to struggle a bit and do some tweaking to get the results you want.  This recipe had a few hiccups but no problems that were insurmountable.   I had to add a tablespoon or two of milk to the original icing ingredients because instead of melting over a low heat, my icing turned into a dry clump in the pan.  It finally came together and then literally would not adhere to the top of the brownies, as I was trying to spread the icing it would come up with brown crumbs from around the top edges.  About that time I may have said to myself, Are you kidding me???? Who tested these recipes??  I cut the edges off my brownies anyway so I don't really care what is happening over there on those darn edges.  But, honestly, who gives a recipe for icing that doesn't  spread?  On that note, does anybody have a recipe for spreadable white chocolate icing?   I know that was just too many questions for one small pan of iced brownies.

At one point the sun came out for a few minutes so I got all excited and ran out to photograph something only problem the brownies were in the oven.  I grabbed the candy canes for the brownies and photographed them next to a white azalea that I noticed was blooming in the garden.  I caught the last of the sun for a picture of the brownies just out of the oven.  The brownies have a light thin top crust but underneath that top layer they have a dark chocolaty brown color.  The crusty layer that formed on top shatters especially on the edges when you spread on the icing but not to worry because you cover the whole thing up with crushed candy canes. I'm probably  exaggerating about the crumbs which I've been known to do, exaggerating in general not specifically about crumbs.  You can also try this as a personal challenge to see if you can spread this icing on the brownies without any difficulties. 

I used a 9" square pan with a removable bottom that I removed before I iced the brownies, sprinkled on the crushed candy canes and chilled before cutting off the edges.  They have to be cut in perfect little squares and the cooks gotta have a little nibble! I like to use a gridded mat as a guide to cut the brownie squares and I also use one of those nifty knifes used to slice layers of cake.  I decided to make 1" bites and put them into mini muffin liners.  These little chocolate bites are fairly sweet and rich so I think the small bites of minty chocolate brownies are always welcome at the holidays.

I don't know about everybody else but I have trouble making one kind of brownie and usually think that I should also make a sort of companion brownie to go with the first one.  They candy cane brownies can stand on their own but I decided to make a pan of the Emerald City Brownies as a fun contrast of colors to add to my holiday gift boxes.

These two brownie recipes are similarly rich, fudgy and minty.  The Emerald City brownies have mint chips and a hefty dose of peppermint extract.  Both  have been adapted from "Fat Witch Brownies" by Patricia Helding.  I used an 8" square pan for the Emerald City brownies to make a thicker  shape that contrasts with the candy cane brownie bites.

I started layering the brownie bites into the gift box and eventually sealed the whole thing up with waxed tissue paper.  Brownies freeze well and these gift boxes can be put together using the frozen brownies as you need them.

Placed in a pretty container they make a nice hostess gift or maybe something to share with friends or neighbors.

Ingredients and Directions for Candy Cane Brownie Bites
Grease a 9" baking pan and preheat the oven to 350 degrees

For the brownie batter

14 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
3 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup all purpose flour
pinch of salt
1/2 cup white chocolate chips

use at your own risk!

3/4 cup white chocolate chips
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1-2 tablespoons milk
1-2 large candy canes or several minis, enough for 1/2 cup crushed

In a small saucepan melt the butter and chocolate chips over a low heat, stirring frequently.  Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.

In a medium bowl beat together the eggs, sugar, peppermint and vanilla extracts.  Add the cooled chocolate mixture and mix until well blended.

Measure the flour and salt and sift together directly into the chocolate mixture.  Stir in the white chocolate chips.  Pour the batter into the prepared pan and  bake for 27 minutes or until a toothpick comes out with crumbs and no batter.

While the brownies cool crush the candy canes in a plastic bag with a rolling pin.

Make the icing by melting the white chocolate chips, stirring constantly.  Stir in the powdered sugar and milk.  Whisk until smooth.

Once the brownies are cool, spread the icing over the top.  Sprinkle the crushed candy canes over the top.  Chill in the refrigerator before slicing into squares.  Makes about 50-1" square bites.

Ingredients and Directions for Emerald City Brownie Bites
Grease an 8" metal baking pan and preheat the oven to 350 degrees

12 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
1 tablespoon peppermint extract
3 large eggs
1&1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup mint chips
1/3 cup green sugar sparkles

In a small saucepan melt the butter and chocolate chips over a low heat, stirring frequently.  Set aside to cool before mixing in the peppermint extract.

In a medium bowl beat together the eggs, sugar and vanilla together.  Add the cooled chocolate mixture and mix until well blended.

Measure the flour and salt and sift directly into the chocolate mixture.  Mix together and stir in the mint chips.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan and top with the sugar sprinkles.  Bake for 30-32 minutes until a toothpick comes out with a few crumbs.  

Remove from the oven and let cool.  Chill to make it easier to cut into small squares.  Makes 36-1"square bites.


  1. These are so cute, and great hostess gifts. Sorry I can't help you with a tested white chocolate recipe! My personal favorite is cream cheese frosting and I always resort to my well-used Fannie Farmer cookbook for basic frosting or icing recipes. I'm glad you were able to grab a little bit of sunlight - the photo of the candy canes next to the white azaleas is lovely.

  2. I had problems spreading the white chocolate ganache in my birthday cake too. The recipe I had was from Food and Wine and called for cream and butter, but still was tough to work with. The batch I made with Kahlua was much more spreadable. Alcohol might be the solution!

    Your brownies look gorgeous, though. I love mint and chocolate together.

  3. These are so adorable! What a great idea! They would be so wonderful for any holiday party!

  4. Ohh...Patty...did you say gift?...Are you sending me a package of those tasty festive treats? Oh, right, sorry...I was in the clouds for a minute ;o)Wishful thinking. LOL

    Your capture of the white azalea and candy canes was a real treat from one that's staring at a carpet of snow and not one flower in sight!

    It's so nice to see how you're getting into a great festive mood.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Regardless of what happened while you were making these brownies, I think they turned out perfect! And you're right, they do pair up nicely with those emerald brownies. I made some peppermint brownies last night... I put crushed candy canes on top of the batter before putting it into the oven. Oops!I should have sprinkled them on top AFTER taking the brownies out. The candy canes completely melted and make little holes in the brownies. Still tasted great though.

  6. Patty, you're a brownie supastar! these look perfect and delicious. the emerald brownies pair so well with the candy cane ones. i love that you can freeze these and eat them anytime, although i think these would be gone before i even have a chance to freeze them. great gift idea!

    i love that picture of the candy canes with those beautiful azaleas. there's not a flower in sight where i live right now. lots of white, but no flowers.

  7. Oh they look fabulous! Great recipe and the photos!

  8. The candy cane brownies are so pretty. What a beautiful plate of treats with both kinds!

  9. Love the icing snafu! Only a blogging fool such as ourselves would run outside with food to catch the light! You have made my evening! I love anything with chocolate and add peppermint and it's even better!

  10. Your candy cane brownie bites are so cute! I love the layer of icing on top of the brownies and the crushed up candy canes.
    And the emerald city brownie bites sound soooo good. Mint Chips, peppermint extract and green sprinkles, I love it!

  11. I love the combination of chocolate and peppermint. They were made for each other. These look wonderfully festive and they are perfect for the season. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  12. Those are both outstanding Christmas gifts and I'll be watching the mail for mine! I love the peppermint one especially. I'm a huge white chocolate fan so your frosting issues are distressing. :(

  13. Love these X'mas brownie bites! They look so pretty! Chocolate and peppermint are great together.

  14. Love the frosting out there. The brownies look gorgeous. Like the combo of chocolate and peppermint.

  15. I think the cookies turned out really nicely. Love the Emerald City Brownies. Nice name too! You made me laugh about getting excited when the sun comes out :) Don't we all. It's crazy how we try to cook earlier in the day just so there is enough sunlight for us to take those pictures. What we food bloggers have to put up with!

  16. Ooh white chocolate :P Melting white chocolate is a little tricky but when it seizes, I've found that a tablespoon or two of vodka stirred in, usually does the trick and keeps it spreadable.

    I love crackly topped brownies - that usually means they'll be really moist and fudgy underneath! Never heard of Fat Witch Bakery or their brownines before I went to New York, but my goodness if they taste anything like they smell, I really want to try this recipe!

    You're not the only one Patty - my neighbours in the building across have seen me in my balcony, camera around my neck, whooping with joy (when the sun comes out from hiding) or shaking my fist at the sky while spewing out a string of expletives when it's cloudy *blush*

  17. Oh, btw - I LOVE that second last shot of both types of brownies together. So very festive!!

  18. That is so funny about the spreadable icing, I definitely know what you mean about some recipes, its like "did anyone try this, really!" :-) The brownies turned out super cute in the end, bet they tasted wonderful too!

    Also, I posted an award for you over on my blog :-)

  19. Lovely festive brownies! I wish I could find candy cane here.



  20. Hiccups or not, both your brownies look wonderful, Patty. They're so perfect for the holidays, too. The two go so well together and I like that you served them in individual cups.

    By the way, I've got something baking w/ persimmons in it because your post inspired me. :-)

  21. Love miniature desserts! These just scream the holidays. I bet everyone loved them. Have a great weekend and stay dry!

  22. wow, I like both of these brownies... bite-size means more to eat, right? great looking and great recipes

  23. These are adorable brownie bites! I love both toppings!

  24. Patty, these little bites are too cute. I love how you placed them in those mini liners. What a great way to serve these petite treats! I'm sorry you had a few mishaps though. I've had a similar problem with trying to spread a white chocolate frosting. I wish I had found a solution! Thank you for sharing this recipe with me. I hope you have a weekend full of relaxation and fun!

  25. These are perfect for Holiday gift boxes :) Sorry about the icing trouble, I don't really bake so I would be little help...I can ask Grely though maybe he will know?:)

  26. Both brownies look very seasonal and holidayish and adorable. And tasty too, I bet.
    I've actually been working on one single type of brownie myself, on perfecting a recipe that I'm developing myself..I hate when magazines, etc put up not-makeable recipes!

  27. Both of the brownie bites are so cute and sound so delicious. Sorry to hear about the pain in the butt frosting. I would have gotten quite irritated and exaggerated too:) Looks like it all worked out in the end. Happy Holidays Patty!

  28. Ha, I love the idea of companion brownies! It's nice and multicultural of you too :)

    How annoying with the stupid recipes, but you wouldn't tell from looking at them (which is also kinda annoying in itself... no one can tell how much extra work you had to do to make them so well!)

  29. Well despite all the issues they sounds incredible! I hate it when things are not nearly as easy as they SHOULD BE!

  30. It can be so frustrating when a recipe doesn't work, but it looks like in the end these came out wonderfully. I love your companion brownies! Such a good idea, and they really look lovely all packaged up.

  31. Patty I love peppermint and on brownies, double likey (=

  32. Hey Patty! You know, I made a frosting recently that I also had to add a lot more milk to the mix in order to even get it to a point that it wasn't a glob of sticky, not spreadable gunk! It was a recipe I found on-line too. I have the same question: who does test these recipes that are posted to the big sites? Weird...
    Your brownies are so cute though, and they sound wonderful. I'm a new fan of crushed peppermint on chocolate treats too. So yum!

  33. I love the photo of the two together, the contrast is beautiful. I know what you mean about some recipes... Liv and I had a fairly large flop yesterday and I said the same "are you kidding me?" a few times. Liv puts a good spin on things and said, "Mom , it's not about how it looks, just so long as it tastes good." You don't have to worry about yours, they look beautiful!

  34. These brownies are adorable Patty. They just want to make you smile. Happy holidays.

  35. These look like delicious brownies! Perfect for the holidays. Hope you have a wonderful holiday yourself!

  36. Patty, these sound delish, I love mint and chocolate! As for the icing, who needs it anyways?!

    I am laughing over your photography comments. I keep trying to take good food photos, but honestly, I just don't have the patience. ANd hubby HATES waiting for his meal! haha!

    Most recipes are not tested or tested well and I've come across a number of them that are crap. Gourmet magazine actually tested all of their recipes but all that time and money spent testing eventually led to their demise. So, I guess we'll have to continue to "tweak!"

    Happy Holidays, honey, and all the best for a wonderful food-filled New Year! xo

  37. What a fun gift!! I love green, so I am a bit partial to the Emerald City brownies. Isn't it funny how we bloggers are always chasing the light??

  38. Despite the hiccups the finished product is lovely :) I just made a white chocolate buttercream that was very spreadable.. 1 cup white chocolate chips melted, 2 sticks of butter, 1/2 cup crisco, 1/4 cup cream and 6 cups of powdered sugar..It makes enough to ice a cake so just be weary of that! Happy Holidays :)

  39. Patty, what a festive the way you decorated them and the flavor is just perfect for the Holidays!

  40. Regardless of what happened, they looked delicious! I made similar brownies last year. The only difference was I used cream cheese frosting instead of white chocolate. Sorry to hear about the incident Patty! The emerald brownies look holiday-festive and they look so great with the white choc brownies. I would love to have one gift box please =)

    PS: The sun was out? I wish we had that here too!

  41. What a great gift and yes I would love to have one :) Very festive.

  42. Patty!
    Such a kind comment and visit from you. Thank you... and lucky me... my favourite: Candy cane ANYTHING! I have become so addicted to peppermint this season that I have had to work hard to not have one a day! The little squares look adorable. (AND really yummy!)

  43. These little nibbles would be perfect on a party tray- they are so cute and festive! (and I love chocolate and mint together.) I hope you have a lovely holiday!

  44. Patty, I'm back to get another taste of your brownies and to wish you a very merry Christmas filled with wonderful food, family and friends. Happy holidays to you and your family.

    Be good 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight.

  45. Hi Patty
    those brownies not only look delicious but so very festive!! Everything always tastes better when its that pretty!
    I have not baked anything has just been madness this year.
    I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas, and a healthy and happy New Year!
    Buon Natale!
