Friday, February 25, 2011

Banana Ginger Macadamia Nut Coffee Cake

This is the first of two easy and quick recipes that I made this week from the ripe bananas collecting dust on my kitchen counter.  Don't worry, they were collecting dust on the peel not on the part I used for these recipes!  The good news is that both recipes can be made from start to finish either in a blender or a food processor. That's right no standing mixer or elbow grease needed!  From the macadamia nut, crystallized ginger, sugar and cinnamon toasted top to the lovely soft  interior, this cake is a beauty to be shared.  Let the cake cool before removing it from the pan, place it on your best plate or cake stand and you're good to go for any and all visitors.  Except that you might want to make a pot of coffee when they arrive, after all it is a coffee cake.  I'm so thrilled with the new design for my Patty's Food.  I'm still rearranging the furniture, so to speak.  The next thing is to figure out how to install my custom domain...  I'll leave that for this weekend.  A big thank you to Shay Bocks of for all her hard work and such a beautiful design.

Ingredients and Directions for Banana Ginger Macadamia Nut Coffee Cake

2 cups of all purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed in measuring cup
2-3 large ripe bananas, mashed (about 1 & 1/4 cup )
2 large eggs
1/3 cup walnut oil
2 tablespoons amaretto
1/2 cup creme fraiche, or sour cream
1 & 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup flaked unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup chopped macadamia nuts
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/3 cup crystallized ginger, chopped

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
Grease and flour a 9 inch round cake or springform pan

In a large bowl mix together the flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and brown sugar.
In a blender or food processor, blend the mashed bananas, eggs, walnut oil, amaretto, creme fraiche and vanilla until smooth.  Add the dry ingredients and mix until smooth, stir in the coconut.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan and sprinkle with the nuts and crystallized ginger.  Combine the sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over the top.
Bake for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Let rest in the pan for a few minutes and take the side of the springform pan off, if using.  When almost cool remove the bottom of the pan and place on a serving plate.

Makes a lovely 9" coffee cake


  1. Love the new look! The coffee cake sounds incredible. I think I love everything in the ingredients list. Beautiful photos too! Definitely helped to make me want to go for a snack right now :-)

  2. Patty, I love the new look of your blog. The header makes me feel like I just stepped into a high class bakery or restaurant, and your food definitely reassures that. This coffee cake is beautiful. Love the cake stand as well. I'm all for any recipe that doesn't involve elbow grease. From the sounds of the ingredients list, you can tell that the inside of this cake turned out moist and fluffy. A must make for when you want to impress visitors. Have a great weekend, Patty!

  3. I definitely want a piece of this cake. I love the flavors. Your new design is fab. Congrats!

  4. Patty, I had gotten used to your last colorful header...and today I did a double-take wondering if I had lost my way. LOL. Jokes apart, I do appreciate the elegance you are portraying with the new look...very sleek and inviting ;o)

    BTW...everytime I see macadamia nuts in recipes...did you know that you immediately come to my mind? It's strange how since I've been following a certain selective few bloggers...I connect each one of you with certain special ingredients ;o)

    I'm grabbing this recipe and I'll have a piece of this cake very soon I'm sure!

    Have a fabulous weekend and flavourful wishes,

  5. Look at you! Very pro new look (though I will miss those amazing technicolor carrots!)...and as always, filled with deliciousness. I love the lack of elbow grease required for the cake--so appealing on many levels. And yours is truly "the food we love" for sure!

  6. What a beautiful coffee cake. I love the additions of the amaretto and the crystallized ginger. :) And macadamia nuts are one of my favorites!

  7. Would love to have a generous piece from this cake! It looks so yummy!

  8. Beautiful! Bananas..ginger..lovely flavours!

  9. Whoa Patty, new look? I'm loving it! It looks so professional. I'd like to an overhaul on my site too but I don't know how. And I'm too cheap to pay someone. Hah!

  10. OMG - Love the new look of your blog - bravo!! Your coffee cake looks soooooooo tasty and I wish I had a slice right now!

  11. Patty

    Wow!! what a beautiful job you did with your blog! I absolutely love it!! Mine is still in desperate need, I did clean it up a bit, but have no idea what I am really doing...sigh
    Now lets get to that have come up with such a winning combination of flavors, it must have just danced across the palate with such happy feet...
    And your images are gorgeous....what a joy it is to stop by and say hello!
    Hope your weekend is going well and you all survived the snow storm!

  12. A gorgeous coffee cake, I love the flavors and the topping with the crystallized ginger and nuts on top, excellent!

  13. What a sensational nutty coffee cake! I love macadamia nuts.

  14. Patty! Your blog looks awesome, Lady:)!!! It really does-I love the design. It's a very happy design, and I think it inspires a sort of reader confidence?! The brightness along with the pretty post title font and a large post header picture is wonderful. It really works...!
    Oh, and think coffee cake looks so delicious too. I always crave banana cakes like this and so does Cauldron Boy, so BOOKMARKED;-)

  15. Your new design is gorgeous, Patty!! I love the looks of this cake too...the crystallized ginger is a fantastic addition!

  16. Your blog is looking just beautiful, Patty. What a great new look. And your cake looks and sounds delicious. I love that it can be made in the blender. I love the serving platter....what a pretty piece. Thanks for sharing, my dear! May your week burst forth with love, good food and peace!

  17. Oh Patty...J'ADORE your new classy, so feminine !!! I think I would have chosen sth like that too (some day I will have to give my site a "lifting") And then, I love your cake, and with your permission, I will make it to treat my friends who are coming for my birthday coffee in a few days!

  18. Oh Patty, I love the new look of your blog! It's so clean and appealing. The this cake is unreal. I would give you all the cash in my wallet to ship me a piece right now, because I won't have a chance to bake it myself until next weekend!

  19. This looks delicious! I love a slice of coffee cake and mug of coffee first thing in the morning, especially on the weekends, when I have time to sit back and savor both without rushing out the door :)

  20. I love your new blog design! This cake looks fabulous too- a piece with my coffee after work tomorrow would be ideal. :) The topping is wonderful!

  21. First of all, I love the new layout! Very cozy yet elegant and modern. Its suits you very well.
    And the cake, it looks so delicious!

  22. Patty, love the ingredients in your cake, so tasty and fragrant...would love to have it with a cup of hot tea :-) By the way, love your new look, very elegant. Have a great week ahead ;-)

  23. Ok, Patty, you are KILLING ME HERE, KILLING ME!! Every time I come to your blog I see you've been baking wonderful delights...great. I'm on a diet. And it's four o'clock. And a piece of this tropical cake would sit just fine with me right about now....sigh.

    I found your celery root salad recipe, thanks so much!

  24. Your new look is just gorgeous and very visually pleasing, love it! And I love this coffee cake as well, wow this is one of the most beautiful coffee cakes I have ever seen and wow with the flavors :)

  25. Wow!! This coffeecake looks incredible! I love the macadamia nuts sprinkled on top! I bet this is delicious...I will have to give it a try! :)

  26. Patty, I love the new look of your blog. Great job! I also want some of this cake. I've been craving any and all kinds of banana-inspired sweet treats. This will surely fit the bill. :-)

  27. Thanks, I haven't been here for a little while, and I am thrilled to see your new design! looks very chic! Love it, and your cake seems that it came out of a baker's oven! amazing...I am fascinated by pastries and desserts, since I am not a pastry chef :o)

  28. You took some gorgeous pictures of this stunning cake. I am sure it is very moist since it contains creme fraiche.
    I WANT that cake stand. It is exquisite!

  29. This looks incredibly good. The cake is a stunner and your photos of it are wonderful. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  30. I've been meaning to write something all week. I absolutely LOVE the new layout. Very professional and easy to navigate. And of course the food always looks amazing. Congrats to you! xoxoxoxo!!

  31. I love your new design - it looks fabulous! And what a great cake to start it off with!

  32. Anything banana and I'm there. Your cake looks heavenly! I would love a big slice to go with my morning tea. Thanks for participating in the YBR and sorry it took me so long to stop by.
