Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Roast Chicken with Lemon, Garlic, Fresh Bay Leaves, Lemon Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes, Butter Lettuce, Green Peas and Pink Peppercorn Beurre Blanc

Roast Chicken with lemon roasted baby Yukon Gold potatoes served on butter lettuce with green peas and a pink peppercorn beurre blanc was on the menu for dinner last night.  Why the fancy sauce?  Just to enjoy something different  from the normal evening fare. We roast a whole organic chicken a couple of times every month and usually have it with a green salad, crusty baguette and a glass of wine.  I was inspired to create this adaption of a roast chicken dinner from Tyler Florence's book, Dinner At My Place.  This is a cookbook that features recipes and menus for good down home cooking Bay Area style for friends and family.  Tyler Florence lives in Mill Valley and opened a wildly popular restaurant, The Wayfare Tavern, a block away from our office in San Francisco's financial district.
Too bad for us but nice for them that it's so crowded after work, it's not easy to get a seat at the bar and the tables fill up fast.  We've enjoyed a few good meals there and especially love the house made fresh popovers they bring to the table when you're seated.  Before we walk over we usually  look around the corner of our building at the front of the restaurant and say, way too crowded!  But, that's okay, not really, because now I have his cookbook which is full of good recipes and photos.  So his chicken dinner for family and friends spoke to me, especially the part where the buerre blanc sauce gets drizzled over the top of everything.  This is a dish that is fun to make with a few simple components to pull together right before serving, nothing too complicated.

Ingredients and Directions for Roast Chicken with Lemon, Garlic, Fresh Bay Leaves, Lemon Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes, Butter Lettuce, Green Peas and Pink Peppercorn Buerre Blanc

Ingredients for the roast chicken

1 5 pound organic roasting chicken
1 Meyer Lemon, cut in half
1 head of garlic, cut all the way through just below the top
4 to 5 fresh bay leaves
8 sprigs fresh thyme
Extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients for the lemon roasted Yukon Gold potatoes

2 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 fresh rosemary sprig, leaves only
2 fresh thyme sprigs, leaves only
1 Meyer lemon, cut into quarters
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Ingredients for the salad 

1 large head of butter lettuce, washed and leaves separated
1 cup fresh garden peas or frozen peas

Ingredients for the pink peppercorn beurre blanc

1 cup dry white wine
1 shallot, minced
6-8 pink peppercorns
1 fresh bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 stick unsalted butter
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

Rinse the chicken with cool water and pat dry.  Season the inside with sea salt and pepper.  Fill the cavity with the lemon, garlic, thyme sprigs and bay leaves.  Tie the legs together with twine.  Rub the outside of the bird with olive oil, season with sea salt and pepper.  Set aside.
Pour the 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the bottom of an oven proof pan, large enough to hold all the spuds and the bird.  Wash the potatoes and add to the oil in the baking pan with the lemon quarters, rosemary, thyme, sea salt and pepper.  Toss everything together to mix.

Place the chicken on top of the potatoes  and roast for approximately one hour and thirty minutes.  Reduce the oven heat to 350 after about 15 minutes.  Remove the chicken from the oven and let rest for at least 10 minutes before cutting into pieces for serving.

In a large bowl combine the butter lettuce leaves and fresh peas., set aside.  Prepare the beurre blanc while the chicken is cooling on the counter.  In a medium saucepan combine the wine, shallot, peppercorns, bay leaf and sea salt.  Bring the sauce to a simmer and continue cooking until the sauce is syrupy and coats the bottom of the saucepan.  Add the butter in slices, a few at a time, while whisking to thicken the sauce.  Add sea salt and pepper to taste.

Plate each serving by placing a handful of lettuce and peas on each plate.  Add a few pieces of chicken and potatoes.  Drizzle with the beurre blanc and serve.  This amount should serve 4 people generously.


  1. Patty, this salad looks fantastic! I love butter lettuce - that and arugula are my favorite lettuces. This is a great entree salad, I can tell it's super filling, and most delicious. It's great that you used a fancy sauce last night. Sometimes that's just nice on mondays :)

  2. Tyler has so many tasty ideas--as do you!

  3. Hey Patty,

    I'm glad you got this cookbook so you don't have to fight with the crowds for a table. Plus, this way you can eat in the comforts of your own home and not have to raise your voice over all the other people talking around you. Ever since having kids, hubby and I have been eating at home a lot more and I'm really enjoying cooking and being able to take my time eating and not feel like I'm being rushed out of my table. We just had roasted chicken tonight. Wished I had this wonderful recipe before I called up the hubby and had him drop by Costco ;-). Your chicken looks beautifully roasted and the pink peppercorn beurre blanc
    sounds delicious. I'll bet the Yukon Golds tasted extra flavorful sitting under the chicken as well. This is the kind of hearty deliciousness I need to recover from my guilty pleasures ;-). Thank you for sharing this lovely recipe. You sure know how to take yummy looking pictures!

  4. Tyler is one of my all-time favorites. I have all of his cookbooks and I use them all the time, Tyler's Ultimate is my favorite cookbook of all time (you gave it to me, along with almost all the others as well. thank you!) This chicken looks just delicious! I will have to try this. I love roasting a whole chicken, it will give me dinner for a week! Thanks for sharing, as always, I love you. xo kate

  5. Patty - I am SO hungry right now - just got home from work and this is just mouthwatering. I bought that cookbook around Christmas and you have inspired me to browse through it tonight. I went to his new place in December and really enjoyed it. Nice photos!!

  6. I haven't tried any of his recipes, but I'm seeing so many of them online that maybe I should give one a try. This roast chicken looks fabulous!

  7. My 'Nonna' in Italy used to prepare her chicken roast exactly like this...minus of course the lusciously sinful sauce ;o)

    Glad you shared one of your selections from this cookbook. Always good to know that recipes from books work out.

    BTW...I truly have no clue what I'm making for supper and I'm feeling quite honestly on the lazy side tonight...sigh. Where are my Foodies when I need them?

    Patty, have yourself a great week,

  8. What a wonderful meal this is, I love the idea of pink pepercorn beurre blanc!

  9. I love salads :-)) This one would make a perfect meal for me any time!

  10. What a lovely meal. It looks and sounds delightful. TF's recipes are usually spot on and they are certainly hard to resist. You did a fabulous job with this. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. Tyler Florence is one of my favorite celebrity cooks. How much fun that you get to cook some of his recipes from his restaurant! This looks like a winner to me. Thank you for sharing this deliciousness tonight. I hope you have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.

  12. The roast chicken looks appealing with golden brown color! I guess next time I have to check out his restaurant and ditch Japan Town for once :D
    Having it butter lettuce sounds so good and the sauce is great additional component. Believe it or not salad is acutally filling! Every time I have salad I eat more than what I usually do because the veggie tricks me and telling me that you won't be full with veggie. At the end I'm stuffed.

    PS: love the new header/logo!!

  13. I've just had a bowl of salad. I should have aded some chicken meat to it. Yours looks very delicious. I'll do that next time.

  14. This is lovely Patty. I was flipping through a Jacques Pepin cookbook and he likes to serve his chicken on butter lettuce too.

  15. What a delicious meal! I love roasted chicken, and we eat it a few times a month too. Going to give this recipe a try soon, as you said to have something different than our typical roasted chicken meal.
    I love your new blog banner, really cute. And your photos look fantastic!

  16. Wow does this look AMAZING! The lemon roasted yukon potatoes sound sooo good. I'm definitely going to try this out. :)

  17. Ooh Patty! This is my kind of food. If I could have it my way, most meals would be entree salads that have a lot of crunchy greens along with both a protein and a starch. That's real food eating;)! Yum yum...
    p.s. I'm putting your button on my blog if that's okay?!!

  18. What a beautiful meal Patty, sounds like a lovely cookbook. I just love the look of those potatoes and the photos :)
    P.S. Your new banner is so pretty, for a minute I though I was in the wrong place :) Beautiful and fresh!
