Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cream Cheese Pie with Blood Orange Slices

I used my Japanese chef's knife to cut the rind off these little blood oranges in five slices and I think that the resulting squared off shape is kind of cool and other worldly.  I wanted to say 'other fruitly', even though it's not a real word, because in some respects these fruit slices look like an entirely different kind of fruit never seen before on this planet. These intensely colored blood orange slices contribute their unique flavor and health benefits to each slice of my sweet cream cheese pie.  The season for blood oranges in California runs from November to May so now that we're more than half way through the season, I think there's no time like the present to feature California blood orange slices in a recipe.  Blood oranges are grown in coastal southern California regions but originated in either China or the southern Mediterranean where they are enjoyed for their strong sweet orange flavor with a hint of raspberry.  Their crimson color comes from a family of pigments common to many flowers but uncommon in citrus fruits.  They are known for being high in vitamin C, potassium, carotene, dietary fiber and to have extensive health benefits.  The first time I tatsed a blood orange was in Amsterdam 40 years ago.  I remember that they were highly prized and being told that they came from Spain.  They were commonly juiced for breakfast but now are used in all kinds of things like syrups, cocktails, sorbets and salad dressings.   I think that the slices of blood orange contribute freshness, flavor, texture and an unusual look to my cream cheese pie but consider this pie covered with Mandarin orange slices, I know my grandchildren would love it that way.

Earlier this month I mentioned that I've been blogging here at Patty's Food for two years and that my site has slowing been evolving into a site with lighter clearer and now bigger photos, thanks to my fancy camera, lighting and the new blog design.  I have a Patty's Food logo and coming soon I will be at and no longer at  I've been a Food Buzz featured publisher since last year.   In the beginning of that association I enjoyed sharing my recipes and finding new blogs to follow.  Fast forward to this year and my experience with Food Buzz is not so great.  As a contributor I feel the site is too slow to navigate and my photos are rarely featured at Food Buzz. I am now successfully using other sites like Dish folio to share my food photos.   I would like to explore other sites to share my photos and blog posts, does anyone have any thoughts, suggestions or other sites they like? 

Ingredients and Directions for Cream Cheese Pie with Blood Orange Slices
Adapted from Williams -Sonoma 'Pie & Tart'

1-2 lbs blood oranges
1/2 lb full fat cream cheese
1 14 fl oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2-3 tablespoons fresh strained lemon juice
1 gingersnap cookie crumb crust, see recipe below

Zest 2 of the blood oranges and set aside.  Using a sharp knife, peel and slice all the oranges crosswise into rounds or fun shapes as you like.  Set aside on paper towels to drain.

In a stand mixer on medium speed beat the cream cheese until smooth.  Add the condensed milk, zest and vanilla.  Beat until smooth and stir in the lemon juice.  Pour the mixture into the prepared crumb crust, smooth out the top and arrange the blood orange slices, slightly overlapping them in a decorative pattern.

Note:  I put the cream cheese pie in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes to firm up the filling before I layered on the blood orange slices.

Refrigerate the pie until chilled at least one hour before serving.

Gingersnap Cookie Crust
Preheat the oven to 350F

1 & 1/4 cups of gingersnap cookie crumbs, finely ground
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
3 tablespoons sugar

In a medium bowl combine the cookie crumbs, melted butter and sugar, stir until the crumbs are moistened.  Press the mixture firmly and evenly into the bottom and sides of a 9 inch glass pie plate.  Bake until firm about 8 minutes.  Place on rack to cool.

Cream Cheese Pie with Blood Orange Slices in a Dream

Makes about 8 servings


  1. Patty, this is such a beautiful, gorgeous cake! the blood oranges just pop out of the screen right at you. love the way you've sliced them into flower-like shapes. i'll bet this was as delicious (if not even more) as it looks.
    i don't submit my photography to foodbuzz or any other food sites. i don't take rejection well...haha. although i think it's their loss (and ours) that they did not accept your lovely photos. can't wait to see your new blog site. hope you're having a lovely weekend, deary.

  2. So glad to be following you now, what scrumptious clicks.

  3. it's been 2 years already? I like the new design. it's brighter, cleaner, and more chick! the blood orange is beautiful with a dramatic color. i love my Japanese's chef knife too! it's great and practical. I didn't know Food Buzz could reject a photo. How could they reject your photos!? they are beautiful and professional looking!! I will follow your great recipe no matter what site you are on Patty!

  4. Thanks Tanantha and Le Quan for your nice comments. I should have said that Food Buzz doesn't feature my blog on their site, they do accept all my photos. Thanks, Patty

  5. wow Such a wonderful blood orange pie! The first picture looks WOWED!

  6. Oh, oh, oh! That is some kinda gorgeousness going on! Love blood oranges, though never saw them looking quite this fancy. You have elevated them from food to art!

  7. Hi Patty! You can still get blood oranges? They've been off the shelves here for a few weeks in Southern Florida! This pie looks so refreshing and divine, I love the startling effect of the vibrant blood orange. And they are so sweet. I think they come from Sicily too.

    Congrats on the new web address and launch. Ya gotta do what works for you! I have made a number of decisions regarding my blog in the last year and to me, it's all about freedom to write and post what I want and when I want. Also, I no longer participate in any culinary contests that require voting, it's just not fair if you can't taste the food. I'll check out Dish but mostly I get the best recipes from clicking on the profiles of commenters on sites like yours.

  8. Gorgeous photo. I don't know why FB does what it does. I like Dishfolio too. I love the shape of those oranges, but how did the color of them not ruin that beautiful white top. Would I have to serve it immediately? I'll have to check next time I'm at the market and see if we still have some.

  9. Hi Gina, the blood oranges need to be drained on paper towels for awhile to take off the juice-patty

  10. So gorgeous with those blood orange slices! I love the crust with gingersnap cookies, really delicious!

  11. Wow, Patty...Gorgeous blood oranges, and cream cheese pie. You did an amazing job with the cutting of these perfect slices. There's no way we could find blood oranges here in S. Florida at this time of year.
    Your photos are so beautiful, they should be "framed"...but getting a slice of this gorgeous pie, is more of a "reward"
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Patty, your pie is just lovely. It looks beautiful and sounds delicious. You have impressive knife skills. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  13. Oh, that cheesecake looks gorgeous! What a divine combo. Yummy.



  14. I'd be gawking at those oranges and making up words for them too Patty. Your photos are superb!
    I'm also thrilled to read that I'm not the only one not to be a 'Food buzz' fan. It has somewhat made me unpopular with some food bloggers...but hey...I've never been a follower. I'll have to check you out on dish folio and who knows where else your beautiful pics will show up ;o) If ever, I have a good experience somewhere else (other than CES) I'll let you know.

    Thanks for sharing your outlook on everything special.

  15. That is SO beautiful...the contrast in color between the white cream cheese and deep scarlet blood orange, and the contrast in flavors must be exquisite as well...

  16. Blood Oranges are stunning aren't they :) And so is your gorgeous pie! I have been feeling the same about foodbuzz, far too time consuming and slow. I would rather be able to spend the time reading friends sites.

  17. I love your new look and think it really showcases your photos - which are stunning BTW! Blood oranges always look dramatic, esp. atop a luscious cheese pie! What kind of camera did you upgrade to? I totally agree with you about FB - it's so slow that it's torturous, so I only post there and have created my own reader in my sidebar.

  18. What a gorgeous tart! Love the crust and the blood oranges are stunning. I love them and haven't had them in a while. Incredible photos Patty!

  19. The dessert look so gorgeous and simple to make! Love those square pieces of blood oranges. Lovely click, Patty.

  20. Believe it or not, we don't see your oranges very often here in Paris..I love them for the taste and visual..I will certainly give your pie a try!!
    Foodbuzz? well, I let the world know what I thought about them after the any case, we are two because they seldom featured my work either, if that is some kind consolation..As a result of that experience, I decided to free myself from places, giveaways, etc...and I write for the people that want to follow spontaneously...and you know what? I have the same number of clicks..Thanks God I don't need the cents(?) Foodbuzz or any other place could give me and I treasure my freedom to do what I want, not to have ads above, below the now my blog is MY kingdom and THAT has no price !!

  21. I love blood orange - for the taste, the cool colour, and that it whisks me back to Italy in my head :)

    Well done on the 'other fruitly' factor too, love the look, but could you maybe make some star shapes next time? ;)

  22. Oh Patty! I'm utterly speechless. This is a "must make" recipe and groceries are being added to the list at this moment.

  23. The blood oranges are gorgeous, as are your photos! I think I can still get blood oranges in my area, but not for much longer. I'm still learning how to use my camera, and don't get many photos accepted to photo sites. I still love to look at them though! I've never tried Food Buzz but it sounds like it could be a time eater! :)

  24. These oranges are beautiful...they really add to the presentation of the pie :) I'd love a slice!

  25. Lovely click. Such a tempting post.

  26. i do believe it's the first time I'm visiting you blog, but oh boy, I';m so happy I did. This pie looks stunning. Those blood oranges seem cut by an Iron Chef.
    Thanks for sharing.
