Friday, March 18, 2011

Salted Butter Break-Ups for French Friday

The three things I love about this recipe are, #1 You get to use sel gris, french grey sea salt, in a cookie dough with unsalted butter, #2 You get to pound the dough with your rolling pin and #3 You don't have to be neat, oh and one more, Accuracy doesn't count!!!!!   I played golf in a Saint Patty's Day event so this was the perfect recipe for me to make at the end of a busy day for French Fridays with Dorie.  This recipe makes a giant butter cookie and the raw dough tastes really good, another great thing to note here.  We particularly enjoyed the browned crispy edges of the cookie.  This is a cookie that can stand on it's own or be served with something like ice cream.   Traditionally the entire butter cookie is placed on the table and served by breaking off pieces.  I also like breaking off a couple of pieces to serve on a dessert plate for a neater presentation. Check out what the other contributors to the online cooking group French Fridays are doing  here.  The recipes for French Fridays with Dorie are all in her book, "Around My French Table".


  1. Mmmmm! Me want cookies--AHM NOM NOM NOM!!! Gorgeous color, too. Tasty raw dough is always a bonus. Very happy Friday to you, Patty!

  2. Patty, this sounds like so much fun to make. Not only is it a giant cookie, but you used the magic word ---> butter! :-P I love that it's served as a giant piece, all the more fun. And being able to take my frustrations out while pounding recklessly on this dough? Lets just say, remind me to tell the hubby to thank you ;-). Thanks for sharing something fun with us this Friday. Your cookie turned out lovely, with perfect browning. Hope you have wonderful weekend, dear!

  3. I would fight anyone for one of those crisped up corners! These look awesome, Patty.

  4. Weren't these fun? The shortbread like corners were as good as the chewy middles. Something for everyone!

  5. This cookie looks exceptionally good, but then again I really enjoy crisp cookies and oh boy, those edges are calling my name :o)

  6. Mmm, Patty, these look so good! I love the browned edges, I bet they are crispy and delicious. I can only imagine how much butter is in there!

  7. These look so good, I can't wait till I get my book. I think I will make these first. I just have to say, that photo is so good, it's looking so great over here. Hope you have a great weekend.

  8. Oh Patty..How do you have the energy to cook after playing golf? I end up exhausted!! (maybe because I play so badly!!) Your cookies are the "drug-type" for is the beginning of too many ;D

  9. they look heavenly! GREAT color. I'm still playing catch-up, so I made the cheese bread this week.

  10. Your cookies look picture perfect!

  11. I love the buttery, and salty flavor on these cookies that are so fun to break in pieces, and not be concerned about making the pieces even. Yours turned out perfect, and so yummy!

  12. Looks great, Patty! Your scoring is perfect!

  13. I loved the crisp edges and figured that they contained the smallest amount of fat, being the thinest:)Kidding!
    This was baking cookies at its easiest!

  14. That shot is amazing - what a lovely photo. This one was a fun adventure. Nana liked it more than I did- but I may revisit this as a tart crust. Or to add these to an ice cream dish. Love all the ideas I got from the links....

  15. These cookies looks amazing! Butter and salt - what a perfect combination! Great photos!!!

  16. I like like like that it doesnt have to be neat and accuracy doesnt count! the cookies look out of my word. wow these would be so perfect with tea and coffee.

  17. Delicious! I would love some of these pieces with a big bowl of icecream. You can't go wrong with salt and butter! Thank you for sharing your creativity with me! I hope you have a blessed Sunday. You make me smile :-)

  18. This sounds easy to huge cookie to be broken up after baking. Sounds like fun too!

  19. Your cookie looks great. I love your fun post!

  20. Crisp and crunch are my middle names. LOL

    Glad you're still capable of following and having fun with this group Patty.

    Ciao for now,

  21. What wonderful treats these the idea of just breaking off pieces to serve :)

  22. Okay I really need to get Dorie's cookbook. You are cooking up so many fantastic things from it. These look so delicious and my husband would love them.
