Friday, April 15, 2011

Chocolate Eclairs With Thick Ganache For French Fridays With Dorie

My blog is sweet this week, first I made chocolate brownie cupcakes with lavender icing and now chocolate éclairs with a thick ganache glaze for French Fridays With Dorie.  I am having so much fun cooking my way through Around My French Table with a group of such talented cooks from all over the country.  Please enjoy the rest of the group here.  I decided to go with chocolate over vanilla because I love chocolate and the picture of the chocolate éclairs in the book looks so inviting.  It's also hard to imagine the vanilla éclairs holding up their end in a competition between chocolate and vanilla.  The chocolate ganache is easy to make, it's just boiling hot heavy cream poured over chopped bittersweet chocolate, wait a few minutes, stir et voilà!  If you're interested in the recipe, you'll have to pick up the book because I'm not supposed to give the recipe here.  I coated the top of each éclair by turning them upside down and dipping them into room temperature ganache.  It goes quickly and takes a few minutes for the ganache to set.  I used the star tip to pipe my éclairs so they have the ridges but after dipping them in the ganache you can really only see the first  ridge before the glaze starts covering up the rest of the top.  I used a plain tip to squiggle pipe the chocolate pastry cream on to the bottom half of the éclair.  A nice touch is to set the top at a slight angle over the pastry cream filled bottom, to show off more of the filling for a nicer presentation.  Okay, enough about making these éclairs.  I want to move on to the question of what does one do with 20 chocolate éclairs with thick ganache?  I decided to drive mine into San Francisco yesterday to serve at my husband Scott's office for a late afternoon pastry break to a group of exhausted accountants.  I put them on two large plates in the kitchen and when I checked back a while later they were gone, a sweet ending that hopefully made everybody happy.  Of course I would make these éclairs again.  I would make them exactly the same way with Dorie's recipe for chocolate pastry cream because it tastes like a luscious chocolate mousse or a thick rich pudding swirled inside a light chocolate dipped pastry and just writing about them makes me want to enjoy another bite.


  1. these are utterly gorgeous! your husband's office is a very lucky group!

  2. These chocolate eclairs look so good. I wish you could drive them to my house ;)

  3. These are as lovely as the ones from the book. (I am in the vanilla pudding, chocolate ganache camp - but these would certainly make me stop and take a long look).

  4. These are beautiful! You did a great job with the eclairs and your photos!

  5. Wow..those are beautiful...if they taste as good as they look, your husband has a lucky office!

  6. Your eclairs look gorgeous!! Just like the picture in the book... great job!!

  7. I've been waiting to see these since last week when you mentioned them :) Patty they look perfect and mouthwatering. Yes chocolate over vanilla, chocolate always wins. That was sweet of you to take them to your husband's workplace. Have a great weekend.

  8. I would have driven up to help you with your dilemma! YOU are baking up a storm and with fabulous results! And what a sweetheart you are to take these to the very weary accountants who will probably be working this weekend, too. Absolutely mouthwatering images, too. Have a fantastic weekend, Patty :)

  9. Ooh, your chocolate pastry cream looks so thick and luscious, and I loved the way you showed them off. As the others said, these look very similar to Dorie's eclairs in the book so you get the trophy for perfection!

  10. Patty,

    You are killing me with these, just killing me! I just got off my flight and haven't had anything to eat for 6 hours (that's a long time for food crazed animal) and your pictures are making me weak in the knees. Seriously, these look absolutely divine. I'm glad you used chocolate instead of vanilla. The chocolate with chocolate is such a lure. This is one sexy eclair, my friend! Next time you don't know what to do with 20 chocolate anythings (doesn't even have to be sexy Eclairs), send them to me. I promise I'll finish them faster than your hubby's accountant friends :-P.

    By the way, thank you for dropping by my guest post and leaving a comment. You're always such a sweetheart, Patty! Hope you have a beautiful weekend, sweetie!

  11. These look SO great! My husband would absolutely love these - they are on my list of must makes. Patty - Enjoy your weekend!! :-)

  12. Those look perfect! I bet you were very popular at hubby's work. :)

  13. Love how you piped in the pastry cream just like in the book! You rock!

  14. Wow, you ladies are incredible with the Dorie challenge. Love your version of the ganache filling, and topping. So addictive and yummy!

  15. You could bring them to my house next time if you are trying to get rid of baked goods. He He Lucky office. I just got the book and I want to join the group and try some recipes, I'm putting this on the top of the list. Hope you have a great weekend.

  16. Patty, your eclairs look just like the book's! As an exhausted accountant (not anymore in tax/audit - but wife to a CPA who is) I was especially touched by your story on how you brought these treats to your husband's workplace. Beautiful pictures!

  17. Oh, my! How pretty do yours look! I'm really regretting not checking out the FFwD schedule--I would have loved to try these eclairs myself. It would also have been a great reason to use my book for the first time. Too bad.

    Yours look perfect, though, Patty. Dorie would be proud!

  18. I am usually in the chocolate camp, but decided to work against type with this recipe. Seeing your gorgeous eclairs is making me want to try this version (immediately), though. They really are perfect.

    Extra points for bringing these to your husband's weary co-workers, too.

  19. Oh, my gosh, Patty! Yours are GORGEOUS! Beautiful photos!!!

  20. goodness gracious, makes me want to try one too, right now... wish I could, those were a few lucky accountants for sure, the chocolate filling sounds amazing

  21. Hubby has been nudging me to make him eclairs for a while. Patty, maybe you could send him a few so that I can get a break? On the other hand, forget it...yours are too pretty...and that bar will be way up there! I don't need the pressure. LOL
    Lately, you are truly impressing us Patty...great baking ;o)

    Have a great weekend,

  22. Patty, those chocolate eclairs look fabulous!

  23. Oh my, these looked so scrumptious I wish I had one right now.
    I love the look of the chocolate in and out, maybe next time Tricia
    and I might try that. Especially if we get the proper size tip to
    make regular eclairs instead of the minis.

  24. You're very generous for sharing these with your husbands coworkers. I think I would have eaten them all myself! They look amazing!

    Thanks for your pastry cream tips on my Boston Cream post. I think I should have boiled the cream longer, next time I'll try that and the ice bath.

  25. Patty-This is stunning work! Oh my goodness! The chocolate is tempting me:)So sorry I had to miss FFwD this week. Hope I can do it again this week:)Have a lovely weekend!

  26. Patty! I'm so impressed. These eclairs look totally professional... You should open up a bakery. I know I'd be a regular customer.

  27. I can see why these were so popular. The chocolate looks amazing! I have never made eclairs before, but now I want to make a batch tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your sweet self with me tonight. I always know I can find something delicious and uplifting when I visit. I hope you have a safe and happy Sunday.

  28. They couldn't be more perfect if Dorie herself had made them. They are wonderful, Patty. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  29. I love all the sweetness on your blog this week :) These look fantastic...I love all that chocolate!

  30. Those look wonderful! I've heard so many great things about Dorie Greenspan's cookbook. I think I'll splurge for a copy of my own!

  31. Your eclairs look PERFECT! love your photos.

  32. Hey Patty :) Have I told you already, how gorgeous your blog is looking these days? Yes? Well it is!

    Your eclairs are works of art - they look like they were done by a Patissier! Your husband and his work pals are a lucky lucky bunch!

  33. Wow Patty they look so good and my craving for sweet has ignited recently. I bought a few slice of cake yesterday. I finished them all. My craving hasn't gone away as I came across these beauty goodies. Man, the dough and chocolate are perfectly baked!

  34. That filling is just so delectable! It's so thick and delicious looking, I'd have a hard time eating just one.

  35. Wow, your eclairs look beautiful, the pictures are just so inviting...can I have one now? Have a great week ahead Patty :-)

  36. I'm one of the lucky ones in the office that had one. Let me just say, they are even BETTER than they look. I definitely prefer the chocolate eclair to the vanilla. They were so good, I took one home to my two kids. And before I could take a picture of it, the eclair was GONE. So delicious. I couldn't even finish my yoga class after having the eclair as an afternoon treat, but it was worth it. Full locust or one of Patty's chocolate eclairs? Oh please, not even a question.

  37. Your husband's office mates must love you! What a wonderful mid-afternoon treat.

  38. Congratulations Patty! One of the best éclairs I have seen on the web! I'm sure they must taste great, but on top of it, they look impeccable..and that's something few people get!

  39. YUM! I'm sure you can sneak the recipe to just me, please Mom?? xoxo

  40. These are just gorgeous! Exceptional job and so delectable :)

  41. Such a beautiful blog.These look so sinful!
    I am your newest follower thank you so much for stopping by my blog :)
