Friday, April 22, 2011

Rustic Mustard and Tapenade Batons for French Fridays With Dorie

Here is the next installment from my online cooking group, French Fridays With Dorie.  The group is happily cooking and baking their way through Dorie Greenspan's book Around My French Table.  Except for a few Austin Power's 'Oh Behave' moments, this is an easy and fast recipe that uses purchased frozen puff pastry.  The pastry is defrosted, rolled out and then spread with a wide range of different flavors such as mustard, cheese, tapenade, pesto or whatever you like.  I used a rustic slightly chunky olive tapenade on one sheet of puff pastry and Dijon mustard on the other one.  Today I'm giving you the recipe for the batons because it's already out there on Dorie's blog.  I would make these appetizer batons again for company and serve them with a glass of chilled white wine.  The tapenade that I spread on the puff pastry might have been too chunky because unlike the mustard filling it did sort of leak out while baking.  But, not to worry it all worked out just fine and  made the 'après-eating finger licking' both appropriate and necessary.

Ingredients and Directions for Mustard Batons from Around My French Table

All- purpose flour, for rolling
2 sheets frozen puff pastry, each about 8-1/2 ounces, thawed
1/2 cup Dijon mustard, ( I used 1/4 cup Dijon mustard and 1/4 cup chunky olive tapenade)
1 large egg
Poppy seeds, for topping (optional)

Preheat the oven to 400°F

Line two baking sheets with silicone baking mats or parchment paper.
Have a ruler and a pizza cutter or sharp knife on hand.

Working with one sheet of pastry at a time, roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface until you have a rectangle that's about 12 x 16 inches.  I also like to lightly flour my rolling pin.  Measure the length to find the middle and spread 1/4 cup Dijon mustard over the lower half of the dough, stopping just short of the edges.  Fold the top portion of the dough over the bottom and using the pizza cutter with your ruler as a guide, cut the strips about 1 inch wide.  I left the strips long but you could cut them in half.  Carefully transfer the batons to one of the baking sheets and chill them while you work on the second batch.  (The unbaked batons can be made up this point and frozen tightly wrapped for up to two months. They can then be brushed with the egg wash and baked while still frozen.)

Lightly beat the egg with a splash of cold water and brush all the strips with the glaze.  I sprinkled my mustard batons with poppy seeds and left the tapenade strips plain.

Bake the batons for about 16 minutes total rotating the sheets about mid way through the baking.  I have a convection oven that fits two baking sheets side by side on one rack so I don't have to rotate my baking sheets which is wonderful.

These are good served with white wine, rosé or bubbles.


  1. Don't you just love puff pastry! And I like how the tapenade oozed out - look so inviting. This is definitely a perfect appetizer with a glass of chilled wine or bubbly :) Happy Easter, Patty!

  2. I love your chunky olive tampenade! It looks so delicious! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've added yours to my Google Reader and look forward to reading your future posts!

  3. You took some great photos of the batons! They look yummy.

  4. Ah, so simple but so wonderful... Just the thing to have on hand. (Or is it in hand???)

  5. These are beautiful! Love your blog.

    Angie @ Cocina Diary

  6. Who doesn't love puff!!! wow I simply love those crumbly strips.

  7. I love how the chunky tapenade looks wrapped in the puff pastry! So pretty!

  8. I like that it's not complicated and looks so delicious! Puff pastry is my life saver!

  9. Mmm, THREE great tastes that taste great together: puff pastry, tapenade and VINO!!! I'd gladly twirl those batons. :)

  10. Puff pastry is really a secret weapon. With this recipe I probably will always have some in the freezer now! Great job! Great photos!

  11. Your tapenade version looks so delicious! I love these.

  12. Your photos are seriously amazing. That top one looks like it belongs in Bon Appetit ! Nana tried a red pepper spread that oozed a bit (in a lovely way...) but we enjoyed it regardless. We will be playing around with this one ALOT in the future. A winner for sure. Amazing post -

  13. Your photos are stunning, really beautiful! And I love anything with wine!

  14. What fabulous photos, Patty! You have a true knack when it comes to food styling/photography!

  15. Those are making me drool. The idea of a delicious olive tapenade in a pastry sounds lovely!

  16. Patty, your batons look godgeous!! And those photos are amazing!

  17. I am mad about puff pastry. These just look supreme and perfect with a glass of white wine. Have a terrific Easter!

  18. I think these would be perfect for an outdoor gathering, with wine of course. Beautiful photos, as always. Both versions look delicious.

  19. I've never heard of a baton (well, the culinary kind of baton). These look delicious - and with puff pastry and tapenade, what's not to love? Yum!

  20. Yours look so pretty! I tried this recipe last fall and was actually disappointed in it. It didn't seem to have much flavor, which was unusual for a Dorie recipe. I'm glad it turned out for you!

  21. Each time I see these they look better :) So impressed! Happy Easter :) Wishing you a fantastic week!

  22. oh man, these are just too darn finger lickin' good.... could eat the whole plateful

  23. Your batons turned out so pretty, Patty!

  24. Patty, all I have to say is that you and Dori make a good team. :)

  25. I'm so excited -- these look fantastic and I have all the ingredients on hand! Gorgeous pictures too, Patty!

  26. Oh behave! Heehee... your batons are wondeful Patty. I wouldn't mind picking up the spilled over tapenade before taking a bite. I have to get my act together and catch up with my fellow Doristas.

  27. Everything looks and sounds finger-licking delicious except of course when I cringe at anything with pesky poppy seeds...sigh.

    Glad you're enjoying your Dorie certainly gives the rest of us something to look forward to if we end up with her book in hand ;o)

    Flavourful wishes,

  28. Patty, these are the prettiest I have seen so far, by far! Wow!!!

  29. Hi Patty,

    Sorry I've been MIA, but after vacationing I've been having a hard time getting back into the blogging scene. I think my mind is still on vacation mode. Glad to be back reading your wonderful blog though. These look super delicious. I've already had dinner, but would most definitely still have room for a couple of these if they were set in front me. Heck these look so amazing I'd probably lick my neighbor's fingers too. Haha. You never cease to make me drool, Patty. Always glad to come back :-D
