Friday, June 17, 2011

Overnight Buttermilk Pancakes with Spiced Roasted Rhubarb & Strawberry Compote for French Fridays

Lately I've been thinking about things I like to eat, like pancakes, no big news flash here. When our children were younger and living at home I made more pancakes but the truth is that like Disney movies which I also like and saw more of when our children were younger, I miss making pancakes.  So when I saw that this week's recipe from Around My French Table was roasted rhubarb, all I could think of  making was a compote with strawberries and enjoying it over a stack of buttermilk pancakes.  I know that rhubarb compliments many things but my all time favorites are strawberries.  Roasted rhubarb and fresh strawberries is a marriage made in Heaven, in a crisp, in a crumble, in a pie, cobbler or over buttermilk pancakes, that's what I'm talking about.  A Pyrex pie dish covered with about a pound of sliced rhubarb, about a half a cup of sugar, one cinnamon stick, one star anise and about a tablespoon of crystallized ginger placed in a medium oven will soon make your kitchen smell wonderful.  I did adapt this simple recipe by changing the spices in the rhubarb, but you can find the original recipe in Around My French Table, a gem of a cookbook, by Dorie Greenspan.  Check out the other contributors to this on-line cooking group here at French Fridays with Dorie.

A quick trip to the farmers market for fresh strawberries mixed into the roasted rhubarb and you have a wonderful compote to enjoy all by itself or on the following recipe for made in your blender Overnight Buttermilk Pancakes, recipe from 'Radically Simple' by Rozanne Gold.

Ingredients and Directions for Overnight Buttermilk Pancakes
makes about 14 pancakes

2 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons olive oil
1&1/2 cups self rising flour**

Place all the above ingredients in the glass container of your blender and blend until smooth.  Place in your fridge overnight(not more than 15 hours).  In the morning bring it out and give it a whirl before using.

Heat up your griddle and brush with olive oil or cooking spray.  Spoon or ladle the pancake batter in about 1/4 cup increments, smoothed into round pancake shapes and evenly spaced on your griddle.  Cook until brown on the bottom, about 3 minutes, flip and continue cooking until golden brown on both sides.  Stack up and serve with butter and serve with compote.

**Self-Rising Flour = 1 cup AP flour plus 1&1/2 teaspoon baking powder & 1/2 teaspoon salt, well combined.


  1. Oh. How pretty. Love the idea of having this with pancakes.

    Really nice job, Patty!

  2. I haven't met a pancake I didn't love, and will definitely be trying out the overnight version. There is no rhubarb in Puerto Rico, so I'll have to live vicariously through you this weekend. Your roasted fruits and the spice combo sound so tasty!

  3. Patty, What a wonderful way to serve this dish and yours looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing your recipe for pancakes. They look so yummy! Beautiful photos! Enjoy your week-end!

  4. Yum! Of COURSE this would be good on pancakes! Why didn't I think of that? I ate mine on Greek yogurt and fully enjoyed it.

  5. What a great idea to make the batter the night before. Your pancakes and rhubarb look so delicious together! Very creative!

  6. Oh. My. Goodness. Your photos are stunning and I am so going to try a "do-over" with pancakes. Brilliant, I say. I am also going to make sure any purchased rhubarb is actually red next time. Nana is currrently on the hunt and tried 5 different stores today with no luck. How crazy is that ? Between hers, yours and the other success stories - I know that I will find rhubarb redemption :)

  7. Wow, another great idea, pancakes! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  8. How beautiful, Patty! I would love to eat a stack of those right now!

  9. So fabulous, Patty! Love this idea...and the star anise and ginger were great additions :)

  10. hey, now that's what I'm talking about too... the only thing is your rhubarb/strawberry topping is so neat, why mine would be overcooked, running with goo and all over those buttermilk pancakes - yes'mamm, I see this one coming up a Sunday morning

  11. Your pancakes with rhubarb and strawberries look amazing! I want some for brekky.

  12. Really beautiful post, Patty! This looks amazing!

  13. Yes! I have some buttermilk in my fridge I need to use! These are just glorious, thanks for sharing!

  14. I love your interpretation - poured over pancakes sounds so delicious. This is the second post I have seen with rhubarb and strawberries together. What have I been missing? Great post. I am now craving pancakes too!

  15. Hi Patty-Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do on your fabulous blog that I enjoy immensely, with every beautiful photo, post, and delicious recipes.
    Rhubarb and strawberries always make a beuatiful pairings...especially on buttermilk pancakes. That is a huge stack of yumminess. ( I will also be posting my panckes for Sunday)

    re: the large space in between some photos, I too get the same problem, and when I go back to edit, I just put the curser at the end of the last photo (even if the space doesn't show) can still backspace, and it will move the photo right under the last one.
    Just a suggestion:DDD

  16. I'm back again...almost forgot to mention, that I have a couple awards waiting to be claimed by you. Your name is on the list.
    Please accept the award, just copy and it forward if you like, or just keep it for yourself.
    Congratulations, well deserved!

    Happy Father's Day to the great Dads, in your family!

  17. WOW...such perfect pancakes and with the rhubarb and strawberry compote...heaven...looks like what I would love to eat right now. Thanks for the idea. Your cooking and photos are beautiful. I'm sure it tasted as good as it looks.

  18. Rhubarb on a big stack of pancakes sounds like the best breakfast ever! I made tarts this time around, but I'm thinking pancakes for the leftover rhubarb!

  19. Hi Patty, I love your pancakes very much, looks tall and delicious! Yummy!!

  20. What a great idea to serve the rhubarb on pancakes, and those pancakes look amazing. I've bookmarked your recipe. I also like the spices you added. I already noted that I would add some ginger next time, but the cinnamon and star anise also sound nice. I served my rhubarb with Greek yogurt. This rhubarb is a natural for breakfast, not too sweet.

  21. So beautiful Patty...I love pancakes too...especially with berries. Thank you for sharing today...this recipe is making me want to get into the kitchen (even though it is 105 degrees right now!) You are a blessing! Have a wonderful Sunday.
    PS. Can you send me your address? I wrote you a thank you note for your kind donation when Pam died, but it got returned. I would love to send it again.

  22. Hey Patty,

    That is one yummy looking stack of buttermilk pancakes. I totally agree with you about strawberries and rhubarb being a marriage made in heaven. I absolutely love strawberry rhubarb pie! Knowing how good that tastes, now your rhubarb and strawberry compote is making me drool. I'd love to even just take a spoon and start eating it by the spoonful. Yes, I need help when it comes to not over indulging on sexy looking food ;). Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  23. I have some buttermilk in my fridge right now and these look pretty tempting. What a gorgeous compote!

  24. Martha Stewart apparently disagrees with merging strawberries and rhubarb...however, I think it's the perfect pairing ;o)

    Patty...that first capture is worthy of a magazine shoot...great food styling and photography!

    Btw...pancakes are one of my favs also...mummm ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  25. Strawberries balance the tartness of rhubarb and are a match made in heaven! I'll have to try the overnight pancakes - so much easier than having to do it in the morning. Beautiful styling!

  26. I really like your spice choices for the rhubarb. I used just a pinch of cinnamon with the lemon zest, myself. Over pancakes, with strawberries, sounds like a perfect weekend brunch option.

  27. That breakfast looks wonderful! Great idea to add the spices (and strawberries) to the rhubarb, and I'm sure the compote was delicious on the pancakes. Thank you for sharing the pancake recipe - I will have to give it a try.

  28. That is gorgeous Patty, just gorgeous! I so wish I were not allergic to strawberries but a substitutions would work I guess :)

  29. oh my gosh. your photos need to be on the cover of a magazine!
